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FPCA Mulch Sale

Our 2025 FPCA MULCH SALE is open! Order Now!

order now and we will deliver bags of mulch to your house. No lifting, no mess, and you support your civic association! The sale is completely run by our volunteers so no money is spent on administration. Every paper and online order raises money for the FPCA. Look for details and order form in your April Forester (mailed directly to your mailbox) or order online now.



Join us for our FPCA Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, April 8, 2025.

6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Block Watch Meeting/Supplemental Security Report
Columbus Police Liaison Officer Dan Yandrich and our Supplemental Security chairpersons provide police and security updates and answer your questions.

6:30 – 7:00 p.m. 311/Code Enforcement Issues Discussion/NCC Development Report
Learn about the latest development plans and requests, new businesses, updates from the Northland Community Council, and ask about code enforcement issues.

7:00 – 8:00 FPCA General Meeting
Updates from our many committees, upcoming plans, and other discussion about Forest Park issues and events.

Meeting Location: Epworth United Methodist Church, 5100 Karl Rd., Columbus, OH 43229
(At the intersection of Karl Road and Penworth Drive)
Everyone in Forest Park is invited!


Be a Part of The Park!
We have opportunities for you…

The Forest Park Civic association is looking for a neighbor to fill one positions for 2025. No experience is necessary. Take a look at the description and let us know if you have questions.

Read more about this opportunity

Follow Us On Social Media 
Facebook: Forest Park Civic Association
Instagram: forestparkcivicassociation

Cover for Forest Park Civic Association
Forest Park Civic Association

Forest Park Civic Association

Civic association for residents of the Forest Park neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio.

Our 2025 Mulch Sale has begun! Order online now and we will deliver your mulch on Saturday, May 3. You can also use the paper order form in your April Forester Newsletter, which will be mailed to you in your FPCA membership envelope. Order and get details with the link in the comments. ... See MoreSee Less
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GUEST SPEAKER!Join us for our FPCA Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, March 11, 2025.7:00 – 8:00 FPCA General MeetingOur guest speaker will be Ambrosia Lamar from the Woodward Park Recreation Center. She will talk about upcoming events at the Rec Center calendar, getting the Forest Park community involved in environmental projects, including the upcoming city-wide celebration of Earth Day.The Columbus Recreation and Parks Department offers a variety of nature, wellness and creativity programming for residents of all ages and interests. Learn more at the FPCA meeting.The General Meeting also includes updates from our committees, upcoming plans, and other discussion about Forest Park issues and events.All Forest Park residents are invited to our General Meeting and to the Block Watch and Code Meetings that precede the General Meeting.6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Block Watch Meeting/Supplemental Security ReportColumbus Police Liaison Officer Dan Yandrich and our Supplemental Security chairpersons provide police and security updates and answer your questions.6:30 – 7:00 p.m. 311/Code Enforcement Issues Discussion/NCC Development ReportLearn about the latest development plans and requests, new businesses, updates from the Northland Community Council, and ask about code enforcement issues.Meeting Location: Epworth United Methodist Church, 5100 Karl Rd., Columbus, OH 43229(At the intersection of Karl Road and Penworth Drive)Everyone in Forest Park is invited! ... See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

Forest Park Civic Association
Show your support for Woodward Park Rec Center's Youth Soccer Program by casting your vote for the Crew Cat banner and the chance to see it fly at the next Crew game! Click on the QR code or link below for the contest entry to Black & Gold Week with Columbus Rec and Parks and select the Crew Cat banner at the bottom of the entry for Woodward Park. The Rec Center with the most votes will win soccer gear and a Crew experience for kids who love soccer. Please cast your vote for Woodward Park and the Crew Cat by Feb 22, 2025 !web.witcontests.com/crew/sweepstakes/vote/columbus-recreation-and-parks--250222 ... See MoreSee Less
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2024 Membership Drive

Our Membership Drive kicked off in April.Membership information was delivered in your mailbox along with the April Forester Newsletter.

Click to join the Forest Park Civic Association now


Be a part of the park

The FPCA Needs your help! Can you volunteer?

We are looking for folks to help us in the following positions:
• Membership Committee
• Business Representative
• Website Admin Help
• Area Representatives

If you already do volunteer… THANK YOU! You are one of the wonderful people who help us make Forest Park a great place to live. As you may know, we are a non-profit volunteer-run organization that serves 2,800 households. But only a small fraction of residents volunteer with the FPCA. And we need some more help!


Read what you get from your $30 FPCA membership

What does your $30 membership do?

The hidden benefits of your FPCA membership.

Some benefits are easy to see. Some are not, but are just as important. Across Columbus, you can see the difference between neighborhoods that have an active civic association and those that do not. See the hidden benefits you get when you support your civic association.

 Click to join the Forest Park Civic Association

2023 Northland Fourth of July parade

The parade returned after a two-year pandemic break with more than 40 entries and spectators lined along Karl Rd. The Forest Park Civic Association participated with a parade float, free candy and also sponsored the children’s Bikes & Trikes entry. The float entry, designed and built by Mary Sguerra and her family, won an award from parade organizers as “Best In Theme”.

View photos from the Northland July 4th Parade by Dave Paul.

See Meeting Info.
To learn when new items appear, visit the Subscribe Page!

You can also follow us on Twitter: @FPCivicColumbus, or Facebook: FPCivic

Please visit our F.P.C.A. Business Members. Thank them and support them as they support us!

What does the Forest Park Civic Association do?

Since its charter in 1962, the Forest Park Civic Association, a non-profit, all-volunteer organization, has performed a vital function in the community. It sponsors and coordinates a fine array of activities for all its residents. The FPCA represents the community to city government agencies, developers, builders, and local merchants. It offers distinguished speakers and informative programs at its general meetings, held four times a year.

The FPCA represents nearly 3,000 households and businesses located within Forest Park. As your Civic Association, we:

  • Publish and deliver The Forester, our monthly community newsletter, to more than 3000 homes in and around Forest Park.
  • Maintain and update the Forest Park Civic Association web site at www.fpcivic.org with news and information about our community.
  • Welcome new residents and provide them with information on our community and local businesses, schools and churches.
  • Update and publish the Forest Park Directory periodically and deliver copies to all paid FPCA member households.
  • Plan and organize community activities and events for both kids and adults, including:
  • Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Party, Block Party at the YMCA, Gabby’s Night
  • July 4th “Bikes & Trikes” Parade with awards for all!
  • Forest Park Community Garage Sale in the Spring and Fall
  • Front Yard Beautification Contest (with awards for both East and West)
  • Contract and manage Supplemental Security Patrols by private security officers to help prevent and detect crime throughout our community.
  • Coordinate and provide resources to Neighborhood Block Watch programs in Forest Park East and West, with support by and the participation of the Columbus Division of Police.
  • Sponsor presentations by guest speakers from city government, associations, local schools and other organizations at our general meetings, held four times a year.
  • Maintain entrance islands at Sandalwood Place and Karl Road, including flower planting and sign maintenance.
  • Help residents contact and work with city agencies on community and neighborhood issues, such as code enforcement, street repair, snow removal and street lighting.
  • Help neighbors in need with resources or assistance through initiatives of our members, supported by contributions and grants.
  • Are one of 25 area Civic Associations that make up the Northland Community Council (NCC), which collectively represent over 100,000 Northland residents. (The FPCA was one of the founding members of the NCC in 1964.)
  • Provide a representative on the NCC Development Committee, which meets with developers and businesses monthly to help control undesirable zoning and development in Forest Park and surrounding areas.
  • Support local business organizations, such as the Northland Area Business Association (NABA), the NABA 161 Task Force and the Northland Alliance.
  • Organize and participate in Route 161 beautification activities & tree planting.

To contact your Area Representative or other leaders, please visit the Contact FPCA Page.
For help finding your Area of Forest Park, see the Forest Park East and West Maps.

Please explore the Calendar, and drop down menus above, for more News and Information!

Sandalwood greeting sign E of Karl

This is the home on the Web for residents of the Forest Park community in northeast Columbus (Franklin County), Ohio. Using this site, you can learn more about our community, read about the activities of the Forest Park Civic Association (FPCA), view maps of Forest Park, and obtain many other kinds of useful information.

Wrong “Forest Park”? Try:
Forest Park, IL   Hamilton Co., OH   Forest Park, GA   St. Louis, MO
That’s funny, your current president, Scott, has resided in both of the first two listed above! (2021)