2025 FPCA Budget Meeting

2025 FPCA Budget Meeting

12 March 2025

Epworth United Methodist Church

Attendance: Ed Vanasdale (President), Mark Bell (Vice President), Lou Bernard (Secretary), Cheryl Lutman (Treasurer), Daryl Van Mercetta and Katie Van Mercetta (Supplemental Security), Mary Sguerra (Public Relations), Rita Woeste (Forester Editor), Laura Hayes (Welcome Committee), Scott Biggs (Website Administrator), Erin Materu (Volunteer Coordinator), and Mike Stone (Membership Coordinator)

Meeting called to order at 7:12 PM

  1. Cheryl did a quick review of the budget and asked for questions or suggestions.
  2. The Island Maintenance budget was discussed. The amount spent was too much last year. Mary Sguerra will be discussing the island maintenance costs with landscapers and getting new bids.
  3. The Forester will be printed March thru December, with Nov/Dec as a combined issue; Jan/Feb will be online only.
  4. There is a $628 budget deficit. To make a balanced budget we need 10 business memberships, and 480 home membership.
  5. The new budget was voted on and approved to be put forth before the members at the next meeting for a vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:44 PM

To see the new and revised budget, look in this month’s Forester or online.

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