Forest Park Civic Association Meeting
11 August 2020 – Online Zoom Meeting
Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:00 PM byFelix Quachey
Roll Call: Taken by Lou Bernard –
Attendance: Officers and Committee Chairs in Attendance: FQ, SP, DH, LB, RW, MS, EV, SL,AR, MS, ER
Officers and Committee Chairs Absent: PW, DVM, KVM
Area Representatives in attendance: 3, 11
Area Representatives Absent: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14
Officer’s Reports
President’s Report: Felix Quachey –
- Welcomed all to the 1st August meeting in a really long time. In past years, we would be at the NCC Picnic for this meeting.
- Guest Speakers: Officer Scott Clinger and City Attorney Sarah Pomeroy. Sarah is the city attorney assigned to our area in the city-Police Zone 1. She is working shootings on 5301 Hedgewood Ave. by filing a Nuisance Abatement suit against the property owners by the end of the week. At this point, both Sarah and Scott believe the property to be vacant. There is a problem house on 5337 Karl Rd. It is believed the 2 properties are retaliating against each other, but that is not confirmed. From Scott Clinger: There has been an uptick in violent crime in the area. So if something looks suspicious, please call it in! You will be kept anonymous. There have been concerns raised that the Covid Positive site for the homeless is not keeping its residents in quarantine. Sarah will be looking into this to work with the directors of the homeless program about these issues. Atty. Steve Dunbar is working on this issue as well. Questions and concerns can be directed here: Sarah: 614-645-8619, Scott: 614-645-1418,
Vice President’s Report: Scott Prigan – – No Report
Secretary’s Report: Lou Bernard –
- The executive board has been meeting to prepare the FPCA to apply for 501(c)(3) status in order to become a non-profit organization. A pros and cons list was presented, and discussion took place. A vote was taken and the motion passed that we will proceed with filing for non-profit status.
Treasurer’s Report: Dan Hartzell –
- FPCA is down 40 memberships year to date–476 total memberships. Not bad considering all that is going on!
- Dan went through line items on the budget, check it out in The Forester to see last month and the year to date. We are under budget again.
- New business membership: Forest Park Christian School
- The report and budget was accepted and passed.
The Forester Editor’s Report: Rita Woeste –
- The Beautification Awards Committee will most likely be paying home visits to the winners of the awards to take some pictures. And maybe make some signs for their front yards.
- Still working on getting the stuffing procedure streamlined during this pandemic period.
- All future articles are due to Rita on the 18th of every month. We are always looking for articles. Rita discussed the timeline for stuffing and distribution of The Forester. September due date for October articles: September 17th!!
- Kudos to George Schmidt for his very positive article on the front page of August’s Forester! Thanks George.
- Rita would like to get Keith Hanson from the library to write a small article about all of the good things going on there.
- We are still looking for more volunteers to stuff and deliver Foresters. Please contact Rita if you can help.
Public Relations Officer’s Report: Mary Sguerra – – No Report
Supplemental Security Officer’s Report: Daryl and Katie Van Marcetta – – Absent – Report emailed in
- We addressed everything Daryl and Katie have been hearing about with our guest speakers tonight.
Committee Reports
Business Representative’s Report: Sheridan Landin – | Alan Ray –
- Forest Park Christian School is a new business member. Due to Covid, they are not doing a lot of face to face with local business owners.
Social Activities Committee Chair’s Report: Pam Weaver – – Absent
- There will be no National Night Out this year due to the pandemic. Postponing until October, however that may change.
Welcome Committee Chair’s Report: Ellin Ray – – No Report
Volunteer Coordinator/Membership Committee Chair’s Report: Mike Stone –
- We are not going to have the door-to-door membership blitz, like we usually do. We will see what happens later on in the pandemic.
- Mike is looking to get 70 more memberships! Come on people, help us reach our goal. Let’s keep Mike happy!
- Getting ready to go through the Volunteer Forms and see what people would like to work on.
- Masks for Seniors: We have distributed 70+ masks to Senior based households in FPCA. People are still thanking FPCA for their work in this area. We still have more masks. Please contact Mike via email if you need one or two.
- Thanks to all those participated in the Beautification Awards, lots of nominations! Winners will be announced in the Forester.
Northland Community Council Dvpt. Committee Representative’s Report: Ed Vanasdale – | Dave Paul –
- Only 2 presentations: A) Russell Tree Service wants to buy a property from Walt Reiner’s estate in the old Johnny Appleseed Industrial Park. They want to be able to make mulch for their landscaping business, not for retail. B) The Mid Ohio Food Collective is looking for property in the Northland Area. They were looking to purchase the Haimerl Center, but Ascension Luthern had already gone into contract with someone else to purchase the property.
- Rt. 161 & Maple Canyon Round-a-bout. The city is now ready to share info about this project. They will be meeting with NCC leadership this week (Aug.13), and will have an open meeting later on. Check out info about the project here:
Northland Community Council Representative’s Report: Scott Prigan –
- NCC talked extensively about the Hedgewood shooting incident.
- Keith Hanson, from Col. Metro. Library Karl Rd. Branch, visited and talked about all of the good things going on there.
- Shannon Hardin (City Council President) was present to discuss “Reimagining Public Safety”.
- Also discussed voter outreach going on in Columbus.
Website Administrator’s Report: Scott Prigan – – No Report
Old Business
New Business
- Sympathy card for the family of the FP resident who passed away in the fire on Tamarack Blvd. Approved.
- FPCA sign on Maple Canyon needs replacing. This was brought up months ago, but it still hasn’t been replaced. MAry has a replacement sign. A motion was made and passed to get estimates of replacement cost for signs. City Sign Co. made the old signs.
8:48 pm Meeting Adjourned
Submitted by Lou Bernard, FPCA Secretary