Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: May 9, 2023

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 09 May 2023

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call.


President Ed Vanasdale

  1. Guest Speaker: Ray Leard “The Compost Guy”:
  • They operate a curbside or drop off compost for the last 10 years.
  • Drop off at farmer’s markets around neighborhoods.
  • 6 weeks free promo offer. They are looking for a Northland captain/s – there are benefits
  • When you renew your membership, you get a free 7# bucket of compost. 740-249-5427
  1. Reminder: Do not use the blue boxes outside the post offices. Many checks have been stolen, please use the boxes inside to be safe.
  2. The idea of street lights has been brought to our attention. If you are interested please contact Ed. He is trying to ascertain if there is enough interest in them.
  3. There is interest brewing about starting walking, running, and biking groups. Please check the Facebook page and the Forester for more info.
  4. “Forest Park Night at Gabby’s” every last Thursday of the month. Please join us!
  5. There is interest in the Block Watch–but we are in need of someone who is willing to head up the Block Watch. Please contact Ed if you are interested

Vice President Trevor Secord Absent

  1. Trevor apologizes for not being able to make tonight‘s meeting in person. He has connected with local PD and confirmed our participation in the National Night Out. YMCA will partner with us again and host a block party on that evening. He will be filling out the Grant application for funding that is due this week as well.
  2. He was glad to help out on Saturday with the mulch delivery. Thank you Scott so much for putting that together.

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, SB, AP, KG, 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, CL, MB, AR, ER, DP 
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13
  • Area Reps Absent: 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14 (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 30
  1. Reviewed minutes from April, no changes or corrections were needed. A vote was taken to approve minutes. Minutes passed and are entered into the official record.

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. In March, we received $385, and in April $3,210 through PayPal for the mulch sale, and on May 1st, deposited an additional $2205. That’s a gross of $5800! The mulch cost us $3767.40. Most everyone paid their PayPal fees, but there was $47.39 not covered. Before any additional expenses we made $1985.21!
  2. Outside of mulch sales, we received 7 household memberships (one person paid both this year and last, so thank you!) Gabby’s Tavern renewed their business membership and we also received business memberships from Yellow Umbrella Real Estate and Sherrie Johnson-Dantz (no business name listed).
  3. Our only expenses were Forester Printing and the printing of the household data sheets.
  4. There will be a mailing expense coming up this week.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

We have a couple events this month – 

  1. FPCA Community Garage Sale is Saturday, May 20th – Maps with listings of those participating will be available at the FP Entrances on Karl Rd. from 9 – 10:30 a.m. An ad was placed in the Dispatch to run a few days ahead of the event. We are looking for volunteers to hand out the fliers.
  2. FPCA Bowling Day is Saturday, May 20th from Noon – 3pm For $15/person the Forest Park price includes shoes rental & 2 hours of bowling fun! We’d like to have a few door prizes to give away – Please contact me if you know anyone who would like to donate an item, gift card, etc.
  3. Forest Park Night at Gabby’s – Please bring a side dish/dessert to share. They will be supplying the meat then stay and enjoy the music by the Alexander Band – May 27th (6 pm). 
  4. We are still looking for someone to head-up the volunteers for the upcoming 4th of July float.

Forester Editor’s Rita Woeste –

  1. June Forester will be delivered. Still looking for someone to cover East Karl Rd.
  2. May 19th is the deadline for articles and ads for the June edition.
  3. Vote was taken to buy more bags for the Forester.
  4. We are looking for a volunteer to help judge the Bikes-n-Trikes competition on the morning of the July 4th parade. Please contact Rita.
  5. We are looking for volunteers to help run the Beautification Competition of Forest Park. Please contact Rita.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

 Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) 614.645.1418

  1. From Officer D. Yandrich – CPD is still not towing for parking infractions. Semi parking complaints still coming in, he has  been monitoring Tamarack circle and in front of 1700 Morse Rd. for them. Tickets are typically written if still there after an hour. Concerns about speeding have been raised along Karl Rd. typically third shift hours. This information was passed onto the third shift supervisor. Still seeing a large amount of stolen cars coming from the apartments along Red Robin east of Karl Rd. Officer Yandrich attended a career day at 2100 Morse Rd., Columbus Bilingual Academy North. If residents have houses that back up to Woodward Park and observe vehicles in the park after hours, the park closes at 11pm please call that into CPD. We are getting some after hours activity that needs to be stopped, drinking shots fired, etc.
  2. Officer Mills of Security Company: Reported about 20 kids were fighting near Forest Park Nature Preserve May 4th around 5:30 pm. The police were called and the kids dispersed.
  3. If you notice any groups of cars/motorcycles gathering that may lead to street racing, please call the police immediately 614.645.4545. They are trying to stop the street racing before they get started.

Business Representative Marty Biggs – Absent  

Sheridan Landin – Alan Ray – Absent

  1. Gabby’s Tavern renewed their business membership and we also received business memberships from Yellow Umbrella Real Estate and Sherrie Johnson-Dantz (no business name listed). 
  2. We presented 2 companies with honorary business memberships due to their assistance with deliveries for the mulch sale: Martins Dumpster Hauling Services and Moegling Home Remodeling


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – Absent

This committee has been temporarily put on hold in order to study the best way to fulfill this need.

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

  1. Thank you to our Membership Packet volunteers.
  • A small group of volunteers gathered April 23 to prepare 2,870 membership envelopes for our 2023 FPCA Membership Drive. Each household in Forest Park received a Membership Form, mailing envelope and the May Forester Newsletter in their mailbox. The FPCA is entirely run by volunteers, but we do have many expenses. Memberships are our primary revenue source and allow us to provide services, pay for administrative costs, and plan events for the community. This makes the membership package preparation and mailing our single most important service of the year. Thank you to Schoedinger Funeral Services on Karl Rd. for providing its large reception room and providing snacks for the group.
  • We extend our gratitude to the following volunteers who devoted their Saturday to serving our community: Saundra K. Abrams, Scott Biggs, Andy Hunt, Patty Hunt, Eileen Kunkler, Dave Paul, Linda Ridenour, Mary Sguerra, Mike Stone, Randy Via, and Diane Wagner. Special thanks to Dave Paul, Mary Sguerra, and Rita Woeste for their extensive preparation of materials. And thanks to Andy Hunt, Cheryl Lutman, Mike Stone and Scott Biggs for delivering the many bags of envelopes to the USPS bulk mail facility.
  1. Thank you to Candy Jordan, our very first member of 2023-24! Candy joined online immediately after she received her membership package in the mail. Many more people have joined or renewed their memberships already by mail or online at
  2. Thank you to our Mulch Sale volunteers! 
  • Our first FPCA Mulch Sale was a big success. Thank you to the 80+ households that ordered mulch. And thanks to the volunteers who donated a Saturday to deliver more than 2,200 bags of mulch across Forest Park East and West. The sale was a good source of revenue and will help us plan and host many community events and programs this year.
  • Sandra Santos and Homer Muniz of Martin’s Dumpster Hauling Services brought their big trailer and the Forest Park East residents worked all day to serve their community. Contact Martin’s Dumpster Hauling Services at 614-600-9426
  • Justin Moegling of Forest Park West and Mike Bey of Moegling Home Remodeling brought a large trailer and delivered mulch to homes across the neighborhood. Contact Moegling Home Remodeling at for your remodeling needs.
  • Mary Sguerra of Howard Hanna Real Estate Services worked all day and also donated $200 in mulch for the landscaping islands at Sandalwood Blvd. and Karl Rd.
  • Special thanks to the following volunteers who donated their muscles and vehicles and loaded and delivered mulch for many hours: Scott Biggs, Marty Biggs, Pam Curry, Cheryl Lutman, Trevor Secord, Rita Woeste, Darryl Van Mercetta, Ed Uppenkamp, Pat Kelly, Dan Purdy, Tyler Miller, Mike Stone and Andy Hunt. 

Social Activities Coordinator Andrea Philipsen

  1. Andrea just took over the Social Activities Coordinator position. She has a meeting with Sherrie from YMCA on May 10th to discuss upcoming programming. 
  2. She presented lots of tentative ideas. Will come back next month with more definite plans.

NCC Representative Ken Gilbert – Trevor Secord –

Please read the NCC Report in the month’s Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale – 

They heard 3 cases, but only 2 are in our area:

  • Case #1 Application for special permit to allow the installation and maintenance of a portable building on the northwest corner of the site, in the form of a self-contained “mobile pop-up store” to accept and process DHL shipments from customers; permit for a period not to exceed 2 years) DHL Express US, 5700 Columbus Square, 43231 • The Committee approved (14-1 w/ 1 abstention) a motion (by SWCA, second by KWPCA) to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application.
  • Case #2 Application to rezone the use of the site for a used motor vehicle dealership; (TABLED in February 2023) 5357 Cleveland Ave, 43229. • The Committee approved (15-0 w/ 1 abstention) a motion (by FPCA, second by PCHA) to RECOMMEND DISAPPROVAL of the application. 

Website Administrator Scott Biggs – Dave Paul – 

Please check it out! Lots of good info. We are continuing to promote ourselves and our activities on Facebook, Nextdoor, and the website. Check us out, stay informed!!



Meeting adjourned at 8:33 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA