Author Archives: Dave Paul

About Dave Paul

Past President of F.P.C.A. and active with Northland Community Council

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: October 8, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 8 October 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

With the FPCA elections coming up in a few months, please start thinking about ways that you can get involved. There will be some seats that will be opening. Please contact Ed, Lou, or Erin if you are interested.

Guest Speaker: Mark Bell, Area 13 Area Rep, works with the Adjutant General’s Office with the Ohio National Guard dealing with cybersecurity.

  1. Discussed the cybersecurity framework created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). There are steps that you can follow to become more secure. You can find it here:
  2. Mark went over the steps we all should take to make our home networks more secure.
  3. Mark hopes to start writing a cybersecurity article in the Forester in the near future to remind us of the things he presented in his talk.

Vice President Trevor Secord –

  1. The Board of Trustees is in the process of dealing with an issue with the Forester, therefore, causing a delay in its delivery. When the issue is resolved, the October Forester will be delivered if possible. If not, you can read the minutes from the September meeting online – on the website.
  2. This is Trevor’s last meeting. He is deeply sorry and will miss all of us. He is moving out of the FP area and will no longer be our VP. We are looking for a volunteer to step up, Trevor and the rest of the Board will be willing to support you through this transition. 

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MSg, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, LH, EM, MSt, SB, QM, AH
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: CA, KG, DP
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,11,13,14
  • Area Reps Absent: 3,6,10,12
  • Total meeting attendance: 26
  1. Reviewed minutes from Sept., no changes or corrections needed, minutes have been approved and were entered into the official records.
  2. Attendance Sheet thru October

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. 10 more household memberships received, meaning we only need 50 more households to join to meet our budget projections! Continue to tell your neighbors about the good work we’re doing!
  2. No new business memberships. We just need 4 more for those budget projections. Garage sale income was $120. Hope everyone who participated had some good sales that day! We sold 3 more t-shirts to our members – wear them with pride!
  3. Expenses: printing the Forester and paying for security.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

  1. Received a call from a resident who needs assistance with a 311 call.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. Due to budgetary concerns, we will combine the Nov. and Dec. Forester issue. The deadline for articles will be Nov. 1st. It is later than usual due to the later delivery date.
  2. January and February issues will be online.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –, Katie Van Mercetta –, Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

  1. One of the patrol officers reported to the police a suspicious person poking around someone’s house. CPD came out, and it was just the owner who locked himself out. We are noting this just to reinforce that the Supplemental Security patrols are working.
  2. See full report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire –

No report


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

  1. Thanks to everyone who helped deliver welcome folders last month, we delivered over 15 folders.
  2. We still have 7 left that need help being delivered, called the area reps who didn’t attend last month’s meeting. They are going through major life events.
  3. We are collecting information for the next cycle of packets, including the YMCA
  4. If anyone has information they’d like to include or wants to help with stuffing please let me know.

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

  1. Still looking for volunteers to fill vacant positions.  
  2. I have a zoom meeting on Thursday at 10 am about receiving the grant money. If anyone is interested in implementing a program to celebrate diversity in our neighborhood and encourage our New American neighbors in joining the Civic Association please let me know.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –

  1. We have rebuilt our membership database and that is exciting. Looking to keep adding and improving over the next year. Getting some foundation back to the database after a few years of neglect.
  2. We are starting to send out thank you notes to those with valid email addresses. Looking to send out notes to those without email addresses. Many people gave over $30 and should be recognized.

Social Activities Vacant

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert – kgilbert78@att.netabsent, Trevor Secord –

See report in the Forester

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

Nothing presented at the meeting is in the immediate FP area.

Grant Writing Committee Quentin Monden –  

We completed a final request from the City of Columbus, New American Program. We should receive $5,000.00 from them soon. Our team will complete and send the application for the Designer Brands Foundation’s Community Grant. We are eligible to receive up to $5,000.00 for our first cycle.

From the City of Columbus website: “Grants will support and assist with the unique and emerging needs of the growing immigrant and refugee community in Columbus as well as provide supportive services that meet the cultural and linguistic needs of newly arrived residents. Seed Grants will support new and existing projects or programs as well as services that support integration, civic participation and the pursuit of the citizenship process. Funding will be provided through the City of Columbus Department of Neighborhoods’ New American Program.” 

Website Administrators Scott Biggs (Website/Facebook)   Dave Paul dwpaul@fpcivic.orgabsent (Website)      Ashley Howard (Instagram/Facebook)  

Our website/Facebook page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.


Damaged FP sign at Satinwood and Pegwood:  ”Hazardous stubs removed 8/22/24. Work order# 24-081438 issued to install new sign for Forest Park. Please allow up to 45 days for installation.” –From 311 dispatch. As of October 6, it was 45 calendar days.


  1. Halloween Jubilee Family Fun Night & Trunk or Treat!!” – October 25th -Friday- 5:00-8:00 PM. If you want to volunteer or participate, please register your car on the YMCA North’s Facebook page
    • Volunteers Needed
      • Direct Cars that are registered for Trunk or Treat
      • Parking Lot Monitors
      • Activity Assistants
      • Food Table
      • Hall Monitor (Keep everyone on the lower level
      • Door Monitor
    • We also need candy donations
      • Anything wrapped, try to avoid anything with peanuts
      • Pre packaged cookies
    • We need to get more cars registered also
    • Small Bottles of Water donations
    • Please click link and create an account and then sign up for the event: or for more information, email:
  2. Next meeting: November 12, 2024
    • Meeting Schedule
      Block Watch @ 6:00 – 6:30
      311/Code Enforcement @ 6:30 -7:00
      FPCA Meeting @ 7:00 – 8:00

Meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA




Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: September 10, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 10 September 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:01PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

  1. A moment of silence for long time member and volunteer, Mary Hinebaugh passed away on Wednesday, Aug. 21st. Our sympathies, thoughts, and prayers go out to Bob and family.

Guest Speaker: Devin Deal, Northland Area Neighborhood Liaison with the City of Columbus in the Dept. of Neighborhoods. He discussed the Neighborhood Best Practices Conference in Columbus on Sept. 14. Discussed Play Book Columbus, a 10-year vision plan for the Columbus Rec. and Parks department. Please go to and fill in a survey – they are looking for input to decide what to do with area rec. centers. The more surveys we can get turned in  for our area can increase our chances for improvements. Devin fielded questions and concerns from area residents. Contact Devin at: 1393 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43205, (614) 645-7964,

Vice President Trevor Secord –  Absent

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
    • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, CA, LH, EM, KG, DP, SB, QM
    • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, MS, AH
    • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13
    • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 14
    • Total meeting attendance: 29
  2. Reviewed minutes from July and August, no changes or corrections needed, minutes have been approved and were entered into the official records.
  3. Attendance Sheet thru Sept. 

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. We received 11 household memberships and one business membership: Cindy Fenstermaker, Realtor, renewing business member.
  2. We sold 2 t-shirts at National Night Out.
  3. Our primary expenses were: 
    • printing the Forester 
    • buying additional bags for Forester delivery
    • paying for our security patrols
    • paying for the parade candy for both 2023 and 2024 
    • the annual NCC membership check cleared 
    • sending flowers to Mary Anne Hinebaugh’s funeral
  4. We still need 4 more business memberships and 60 more household memberships.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

Announced that the Forest Park Community Garage Sale was coming up the weekend of Sept. 14th.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. Deadline for October 2024 Forester is Friday Sept 20. We need articles, ads, photos and anything else.
  2. Will need to have folks step up. We will not have a “Forest Park Gardener” article for the next 3 months, so we are looking for a variety of articles to post in the newsletter. 
  3. Looking for delivery folks to cover:
    • 19 homes: 1608-1632 Sienna Lane N (4) 4970-5029 Sienna Lane (15)
    • 48 homes: 2049-2079 Torchwood Loop SOUTH (7), 5280-5388 EAST (25), 5289-5358 WEST (16) (George S. is covering for now)
    • 50 homes: 2307-2425 Green Apple Ave(29); 5262-5297 Blackgum Pl(13); 5272-5301 Sweetgum Pl (8) (George S. is covering for now)
  4. Upcoming due dates for Forester articles, pictures, etc.:
    • November and December will be a combined Issue – due Oct. 18th
    • January and February will both be online issues for budgetary concerns

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

See report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire –

Sheridan has been visiting local area businesses and spreading the word about joining the FPCA. 


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

  1. Welcome Folders for this summer are ready! We’ve had 23 new neighbors move in May-Aug. 
  2. Area reps should pick up their folders at tonight’s meeting and start welcoming our neighbors as soon as tomorrow! 
  3. Discussion about how to handle rental properties. Everyone agreed to treat residents as homeowners and supply them with a Welcome Folder.
  4. 1-2 volunteers to help restuff folders this month! Possibly this Sunday, 3-4pm? 2 people volunteered to help. 
  5. A new supply of the physical folders for the remainder of this year/next will need to be ordered.
  6. Discussed new ideas to include in the folder. 
  7. Thanks for being great neighbors! 

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

Tallied up all of the volunteer information and can pass it out to those who would need the information. We will be reaching out to our New American residents to encourage them to join.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –  Absent

  1. The end of September will conclude the membership campaign. I want to express my sincere appreciation for everyone who worked in different capacities to help move us in a forward direction. We’ve done a reasonable job of promoting the campaign and will continue to make some last second pitches. The focus now is primarily with “seeding the lawn” for the following year’s cycle. Doing so will take the following steps:
    • Expressed appreciation to our members through electronic messaging. The secondary level is to extend that appreciation to those who did not provide email but did provide addresses. Depending on the number of people in this category I might need the help of area reps to drop off some thank you notes.
    • A more thorough tracking of active members. If we can ensure their retention while further growing the base we have an opportunity for expansion. 
    • A reevaluation of the current system, and how to improve the process.
  2. Some specific notes:
    • We do want to get another list in the Forester to recognize names since the last publication. This should be a modest list since there were 11 new members recorded for this cycle, and I had one person reach out to me being asked to be recognized. Uncertain of who has what, I am guessing that this would be either Cheryl and/or Katie.
    • Thank you notes will be going out shortly and this will take some time.

Social ActivitiesVacant 

We are currently looking for a volunteer to take on this position. If interested, please contact Erin (Volunteer Coordinator).

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –  Absent

See Ken’s report in the Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

Three cases were heard at the August 28, 2024 meeting. None of the cases were in the Forest Park immediate area.

Grant Writing Committee Quentin Monden – 

  • We won a grant!! –  $5,000.00
  1. The Civic Integration Seed Grant is a new component of the New American Program. Grants made via the Seed Fund will help to create access to funding for New American serving organizations and foster community building, youth engagement, and strengthen organizations to serve new arrivals effectively. 
  2. Small Biz Cares Nonprofit Partner Program: As a partner, we will have more visibility to small businesses for volunteers, fundraising and other programs. Small Biz Cares will also provide additional awareness and content opportunities to help share our mission. There is no cost to join.
  3. COhatch – Work.Meet.Live-Impact scholarship program to receive discounted or free access to their locations to help us grow, innovate, and make our communities greater.
  4. Designer Brands – DSW Foundation Community Grant: We are applying and it’s due October 18th. 

Website Administrators Scott Biggs (Website/Facebook)   Dave Paul (Website)   Absent   Ashley Howard (Instagram/Facebook)  Absent

Our website/Facebook page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.


The Forest Park sign on the corner of Satinwood Blvd. and Pegwood Ct. was run over. A 311 incident report was filed. Lou spoke with Kane Murray from the Dept. of Public Services and they will be replacing the sign for us. We will keep you updated if we learn any more important information.


  1. New Code of Conduct Policy

The Board of Trustees has approved a “Conduct Policies For Board Members, Committee Chairs, and Area Representatives of the Forest Park Civic Association”. The document has been made available to the membership for review. The Code of Conduct will be published in this Forester and on the FPCA website.

According to the current  bylaws, when there are going to be changes in or amendments made  to the bylaws and/or constitution, the items must first be presented at a FPCA meeting. At the following month’s meeting, the item/s will be reviewed and voted for adoption. When/If adopted, the items will become part of our bylaws and standard practice for the Association after 60 days. 

Members of the Board of Trustees and Committee Chairs will then be asked to sign a copy of the Code of Conduct after the next elections are held in January, and every year thereafter. (See a copy of the proposed Code of Conduct Policy in this month’s Forester and online.)

2.  Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

Meeting Schedule
Block Watch @ 6:00 – 6:30
311/Code Enforcement @ 6:30 -7:00
FPCA Meeting @ 7:00 – 8:00


Meeting adjourned at 8:18 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Proposed Amendments to Forest Park Civic Association Constitution

The Board of Trustees has approved a “Conduct Policies For Board Members, Committee Chairs, and Area Representatives of the Forest Park Civic Association”. The document has been made available to the membership for review. The Code of Conduct will also be published in this month’s Forester.

According to the current  bylaws, when there are going to be changes in or amendments made  to the bylaws and/or constitution, the items must first be presented at the FPCA meeting. This was done at the September meeting. At the October 8th meeting, the item will be reviewed and voted for adoption. When/If adopted, the new item (Article XX) will become part of our bylaws and standard practice for the Association after 60 days. 

Members of the Board of Trustees and Committee Chairs will then be asked to sign a copy of the Code of Conduct after the next elections are held in January, and every year thereafter. (See a copy of the proposed Code of Conduct Policy in this month’s Forester and or CLICK HERE.)

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: August 13, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 13 August 2024

Location: NCC Picnic at Blendon Woods Metro Park, Dogwood Shelter

Meeting called to order by Ed Vanasdale (following NCC Meeting)

Attendance was taken (but not mandatory).


President Ed Vanasdale –  

  1. The Board of Trustees, in accordance with our bylaws and constitution, report that they met on July 24th and voted to remove Andrea Philipsen, Social Activities Committee Chairperson, from her position due to actions unbecoming of an officer and irreconcilable differences. Because this is a private matter, no further information will be shared. The position will remain vacant until a replacement can be found.
  2. The Board of Trustees has approved a “Conduct Policies For Board Members and Committee Chairs of the Forest Park Civic Association”. The document will be presented to the membership for review. When adopted, this will become part of our bylaws and standard practice for the Association. Members of the Board of Trustees and Committee Chairs will be asked to sign it. 

Guest Speaker: None

Vice President Trevor Secord – Absent

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, MS, RW, SL, EM, DP 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, DVM, KVM, CA, MS, KG, LH, SB, AH, QM
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 9, 11, 14
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13
  • Total meeting attendance: 15 

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. We had 17 household memberships, and two new business memberships. Rita, please add the North YMCA to our Business Member list. I think we already added Mary Sguerra – Howard Hanna. We now have 409 HH memberships, and need 71 more. We did get a few at National Night Out – thanks to Lou for selling us!
  2. We also have “Be Part of the Park” t-shirts for sale @ $20/ea. We sold 2 at National Night Out. We will have them at the meetings for sale.
  3. We paid $250 for security patrols and $619.52 for island maintenance. The other big expenses were the purchase of the T-Shirts for $948.90 and purchased more checks for $36.99. In addition, we bought candy for the parade and paid for part of the International Fest.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

Reminder of the upcoming Forest Park Community Garage Sale on Saturday, Sept. 14th. Check your August Forester for your entry form.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. All articles, pics, and info that you want in the September Forester must be submitted by Friday, Aug. 16th. They will be ready for stuffing on Aug. 23rd, and out for delivery by Aug. 25th/26th.
  2. Articles, pics, and items for October Forester must be in by September 20th.
  3. Rita needed more bags for the Forester. The purchase was approved by those present.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta – Absent

Katie Van Mercetta – Absent

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) Absent 614.645.1418

See report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire Absent

No Report


Welcome Committee Laura Hayes – Absent

No Report

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

Will be working to fill the vacant Social Activities Coordinator position.

Membership Committee  Mike Stone – Absent

No Report

Social Activities Committee Vacant

No Report

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert – Absent, Trevor Secord – Absent

No Report

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

July 31, 2024 meeting:

Application to permit development of 86 multifamily residential units on a parcel contained in the formerly commercially-zoned large mixed commercial/office development; and concurrent variances to permit commercial traffic over residentially-zoned ground; and from to reduce the perimeter yard for parking; and to permit driveway, parking spaces and dumpsters in the rear yard; and to permit the driveway to cross parcel lines and reduce the minimum driveway width on the subject parcel to 13ˈ. RHD New Albany LLC, 5785 N Hamilton Rd, 43230 • The Committee approved (16-0) to TABLE the application to a future meeting as requested by the applicant.

Grant Writing Committee Quentin Monden – q.monden@gmail.comAbsent

Our grant was approved by the city!! More information will be given at the September meeting.

Website Administrators Scott Biggs (Website/Facebook) Absent,   Dave Paul (Website), Ashley Howard (Instagram/Facebook) Absent

Our website/Facebook/Instagram/Nextdoor pages are always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check them out – subscribe/follow us!!



  1. The Forest Park entry sign on the corner of Satinwood Blvd. and Pegwood Ct. was run over by a car. The Sign Team has been talking with the people who made it 2 years ago to get a replacement. We will be discussing with our Area Liaison to the City of Columbus, Devin Deal, about possible reimbursement from the City since it was in the strip of grass owned by the City of Columbus.
  2. The next meeting will be September 10th @ Epworth United Methodist Church on Karl Rd.

September Meeting Schedule

Block Watch @ 6:00 – 6:30

311/Code Enforcement @ 6:30 -7:00

FPCA Meeting @ 7:00 – 8:00

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: July 9, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 9 July 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:02 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –  

  1. Alicia Ward (current NCC president) is looking to get involved in Forest Park and become the Area Rep for Area 14 (currently vacant). She was voted in unanimously. 
  2. AUGUST MEETING and PICNIC INFO: Instead of our usual meeting in August, we will be attending the annual NCC Picnic on August 13th at Blendon Woods Park, Dogwood Area. NCC has the pavilion for the entire day, so feel free to come out early and enjoy all that the park has to offer. Dinner will be served at 6:30 pm. NCC will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and brats, please bring a dish to share. At 7pm, they will have a very brief meeting. We encourage anyone from the Forest Park community to join us for a day of fun and camaraderie.

Guest Speaker: Cora Handley (Asst. Mngr.), Woodward Park Recreation Center

  1. Introduced herself (she has only had the position for 1 month!!) Congrats to her!
  2. Discussed the summer schedule and that it is mostly geared toward summer camps for kids. She explained about the future schedule and upcoming classes.
  3. Starting Sept. 17th begins the full schedule. Check their website for future classes, remember they fill up fast, so check early and check often.

Vice President Trevor Secord –  No Report

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, LH, EM, MS, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: CA, AP, SB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14
  • Area Reps Absent: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
  • Total meeting attendance: 31
  1. Reviewed minutes from June, no changes or corrections needed, minutes were approved and entered into the official records.
  2. Attendance Sheet thru July

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. We had 74 household memberships and 3 new business memberships – Mary Sguerra (Howard Hannah Realty), Sequoia Pro Bowl, and Forest Park Christian School. That makes 4 paid businesses that are current (Yellow Umbrella Realty is the other). Rita, please note this and update the business members list in the Forester accordingly. We also gave a gratis membership to the company(ies) that assisted with the mulch sale. If Scott Biggs could confirm, that would be great!
  2. We just need 88 more household memberships to make our goal for 2024!
  3. Expenses are all in line. Cheryl is doing her best to keep the bank fees to a minimum by spreading the deposits out over April, May and June. She is now fully caught up depositing checks (other than the few that were picked up last week!). Keep encouraging your neighbors to join!

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

  1. Our entry in the 4th of July Parade took “Best Theme Award”, and a $100 prize!
  2. Sept. 14 – Fall Garage Sale – look for details later.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. Information, stories, articles, and photos for Forester are due next Friday, July 14th.
  2. Thanks to all those who helped cover for Rita when she was on vacation.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) –   614.645.1418

See report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire –

Sheridan began visiting business members whose memberships have expired.


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

  1. Will be calling all area reps to talk about how they can work together.
  2. Welcome to new members, home owners, and meeting attendees.

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

  1. Huge shout out to Mary for decorating a beautiful and award winning float and for all who participated in the parade! It was a great event. 
  2. Huge shout out to Laura Hayes and Quentin Monden. We submitted our first ever grants on behalf of FPCA. 

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –

  1. Looks like our membership level is at a good pace, thanks to all the activity that the board has created. Throughout the month of July, I will post electronic reminders about membership with some different info tidbits to keep things interesting.
  2. We have another July and August gift raffle for new incoming memberships. 

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –

Mark Your Calendar!

  1. Tuesday, August 6th – National Night Out, featuring Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck and Kona Ice, @ North YMCA lot, 5-9 pm
  2. Friday, August 16th – Carr’s Motown Coney Island Food Truck, @ North YMCA lot, 4-8 pm
  3. Monday, September 9th – Bushel & A Bean Coffee Truck @ North YMCA lot, 8-10 am
  4. Monday, September 16th – Dirty Frank’s Hot Dog Truck @ North YMCA lot, 5-7:30 pm
  5. Tuesday, September 17th – Frida’s Food Truck @ North YMCA lot, 4-7 pm
  6. Monday, October 7th – Explorers Club Food Truck @ North YMCA lot, 5-7:30 pm
  7. Monday, October 28th – 2nd Annual TRUNK OR TREAT! @ North YMCA lot, 6-8 pm

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

See full report in the Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

Notes from the 26 June 2024 meeting. 2 cases were heard:

  • Case #1 Application to permit a tenant which does not occupy the entire building to display a wall sign near the top of a multiple-story structure. Hondros College, 1105 Schrock Rd, 43229 • The Committee approved (16-0) to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application.
  • Case #2 Rezoning as required to permit the expansion of the REP Fieldhouse (Lazer Craze) to utilize an adjacent lot to the existing property for which graphics variances were supported by the Committee in case #GC23-017. REP Entertainment Ltd., 5524 North Hamilton Rd, 43230 • The Committee appreciated the opportunity to speak with the applicant and/or their representatives concerning this case. As this was an informal review (a “look see”), the Committee developed NO RECOMMENDATION.

Website/Social Media Administrators Scott Biggs  Dave Paul (Website) Ashley Howard (Instagram/Facebook)  

Our website/Facebook/Instagram pages are always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.



A motion was made by Erin Materu to create a new Grant Writing Committee. The motion was accepted and voted on into existence! Quentin Monden was volunteered for and accepted the position of chair.

Meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: June 11, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 11 June 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:01 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –    No Report

Guest Speaker: None this month. 

Vice President Trevor Secord –

We did not get a grant for the National Night Out from the expected funding source, but he is working on a local sponsor for the event to offset any cost Andrea and the YMCA will have.

Secretary Lou Bernard –


  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, MS, DVM, SL, CA, LH, EM, AP, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, RW, KVM, MS, SB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 24
  1. The guest speaker last month reported [and it was published in the minutes] that “the library is no longer providing lunch for kids this summer.” This information was incorrect; we issued an apology on May 31st on Facebook with reference to a news article with correct info. 
  2. Minutes were approved and entered into the official records.
  3. Attendance Sheet thru June.

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. We had 151 memberships in May! That brings us to 380. We need at least another 100 to make our goal. Mailed-in memberships are all recorded and they are falling off. Please continue to put the word out!
  2. We had an additional $2,750 in mulch sales and deposited the final $478 on June 1st. This brings our total income to $6,328. Expenses were $4,621.68, so we made $1,706.32. Well done and kudos to Scott “Mr. Mulch” Biggs and his team!
  3. We are in the process of getting our banking relationship transferred. We will pay bank fees this year again, but by switching banks we can eliminate them.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

  1. The FP garage sale happened. We had a nice turnout. We are scheduling a Sept. garage sale.
  2. FP Night at Gabby’s was Saturday. 
  3. People are parking the wrong way on Satinwood. And lots of speeders. Officer Yandrich was notified and suggested calling 311.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

All articles, ads, and notices to Rita by Saturday, June 14th. We want to get the Forester out before the 4th of July. Thank you Glenda W. for helping distribute the Foresters to the deliverers this month.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

  1. See full report in the Forester
  2. We had a report of someone following/stalking one of our FP residents. Please be aware of your surroundings, and get to know your neighbors so that you may go to them for support or help when you need it.
  3. Don’t forget about vacation house checks while you are away (You MUST be a paid member of the FPCA).

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire –

  1. Sheridan has been out canvassing the area businesses. 
  2. They need the list of previous business members to ask them to renew for this year. Lou B. will get them the list.


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

Laura is looking for a list of new homeowners so she can get new Welcome Folders to them. Mary Sguerra will get her the new list.

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

  1. 2 potential grants were found: 
    1. The first is The New American Civic Seed Funding grant. It is up to 10K. The purpose is to boost integration and civic participation.
    2. The second grant is the 614 Beautiful grant. This is up to 15K. Erin is looking for suggestions (e.g. the area on Sandalwood at Yellowwood. Possible ideas are a pergola, bench, trash cans, flowers, etc …)
  2. Permission to proceed was approved.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –

  1. Membership Drawings: Reminded Andrea and Cheryl about the tri-weekly drawing.
  2. Membership Publicity: For the July Forester, Look for an article giving some statistical breakdown of where we stand.  Plans to blast membership info on our social media. 
  3. Forester Newspaper for the September edition: In the September edition, look for a “Thank you” page for those residents who joined and gave us permission to publish their names.  

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –

  1. Congrats to April Membership award winner Maureen Lawhorn! Please enjoy these events and more! To volunteer and get involved: Andrea @614.264.3846
  2. June 11th – Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck, @ North YMCA lot, 5-8pm
  3. June 26th – Travelin Tom’s Coffee Truck @North YMCA, 8-10am
  4. July 4th – 60th Annual Northland Community Fourth of July Parade, 10am. Featuring Forest Park children on their “Bikes and Trikes!”It’s not too late to sign up! (Andrea @614.264.3846)
  5. July 11th – If You Cheese Food Truck @ North YMCA lot, 5-8pm
  6. July 14th – Columbus Symphony @ Woodward Park Community Center, 7pm (outdoors, with free ice cream prior to concert!)
  7. July 27th – International Festival @ North YMCA (indoors), 2-5pm. There is a fee.
  8. August 6th – National Night Out, Featuring Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck and Kona Ice, @ North YMCA lot, 5-9pm
  9. August 16th – Carr’s Motown Coney Island Food Truck, @ North YMCA lot, 4-8pm

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

  1. Police – There have been a number of separate shooting incidents in Northland along with break-ins of cars at hotels looking for guns. 
  2. City Attorney – New name for her office, now the “Property Action Team”. A number of hotels have current court orders on them, but overall hotels are in compliance with issues they have been addressed with. Newsstand is under a court order. A car drove through the shopping center. City building dept. has been there to inspect temporary supports. 
  3. Library – Summer reading challenge has started and many programs for summer reading with kids are available at the Karl Rd. branch. Free breakfast and lunch is available as well for anyone in our community. They are also offering free notary services at the Karl Rd. location.
  4. City Community Liaison – 614 beautiful grants are available. The Bike Plus Plan map is out and they are looking for feedback from the community. Look for the continued Rise Up Columbus events      happening throughout the summer. 
  5. City Engagement – City council implemented ordinance for Kindergarten readiness program, assistance for seniors looking for alternatives to assisted living, and loan housing loan forgiveness. Go to the city website for more information. 
  6. Guest Speaker was IMPREM Community Resource Center – same presentation as we got at our last meeting.
  7. All meeting minutes, financials and notes online. All were approved for acceptance. 
  8. Annual cookout is at Blendon Woods Metro Park – Dogwood Area pavilion August 13th. Dinner at 6:30 and meeting to follow at 7pm. Brats and dogs provided. Bring a dish to share. All members of FPCA are invited.
  9. Last 4th of July Parade meeting is June 18th at Casa Mezcal if anyone is interested in helping with final details from 7-8 pm.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

2 cases were heard:

  1. Application to allow used automotive sales and related parking on all areas of the existing lot, including those areas currently zoned C-5; applicant requests reconsideration after April 2024 recommendation of disapproval. Jack Reynolds/Smith and Hale representing, Queen 1 Auto Sale Inc., 1429 Schrock Rd, 43229 • The Committee approved (16-3) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH ONE (1) CONDITION.
  2. Application (Graphics plan for new retail center) Dave Perry/Plank Law Firm representing GZD Investments 4, LLC, 5900 Old Hamilton Rd, 43054 • The Committee approved (19-0) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application.

Website Administrators Scott Biggs –  Dave Paul –  

Our website/Facebook/Instagram page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.



When Ken G. was delivering Foresters, he noticed many people had packages from places like Amazon waiting on their front porch. Please be wary, and maybe find a neighbor you can trust to collect your things while you are out.

Meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA