Author Archives: Dave Paul

About Dave Paul

Past President of F.P.C.A. and active with Northland Community Council

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: February 8, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting minutes

Date: Feb 8, 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:04 PM by Scott Prigan

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call/Zoom Participant List.


President’s Report  Scott Prigan –

1) The slate of officers, committee chairs and area reps  was approved in Jan. Installation of Board members present was performed by Sarah C. Pomeroy, Assistant City Attorney, Zone Initiative, Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein’s Office.

2) Guest Speaker: Sarah Pomeroy – a brief update on the 161 hotel situation and any other matters possibly of interest to FPCA. The city has not approved 4 hotel licenses in the North end this year without significant clean-up in code violations: The Super 8, The Columbus Grand, The Norwood, and Am. Best Value Inn. Legal action looks to be pending to get them to follow the code. She will look into the after hours club that has taken over the space of the old Elks Club by the Sequoia Bowling Lanes. (NOTE: 4 days later there was a shooting resulting in a homicide in this very same area.) 

3) Sidewalks: Please shovel your sidewalks. Many of our neighbors use the sidewalks to get to and from work. Please be respectful of them and shovel your walks in front of your house or business.

4) The membership drive will be coming up before too long.

Vice President’s Report  No Report – The position is now vacant. 

Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard –

1) Attendance:

  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, LB, CL, RW, MS, DVM, SL, AR, ER, SB, KG, EV
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: LK-B, DP, FQ
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 13, and 14 remain vacant )

2) January minutes were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

The budget process starts in February. If any officers, committee chairs or reps have input or potential items for the budget, please contact Cheryl ASAP!

Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra –

No Report (But the signs at the entrance of FP look great Mary! Thank you!

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste –

1) Articles are due to Rita by Feb. 17 for the Mar. Forester. A few upcoming Forester article deadlines: Mar. 17 for the April issue, and Apr. 14 for the May issue.

2) Rita is still concerned about the number of homes that are not receiving their Forester each month. She will attempt to get hold of David Laughlin for exact streets. We are looking for volunteers to deliver. High school students can help deliver the Forester and get community service hours for doing so.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta – Katie Van Mercetta – 

1) There are very few requests for house checks.

2) The police department is starting Operation Broken Windows to remove abandoned cars from the street. See the story here:

3) Please do not leave your car unattended when you warm it up in the morning. 

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – sheridanlandon@yahoo.comAlan Ray – 

Sheridan thanked those who helped get the business member names to him. This is very helpful when he meets with other business owners, especially since we now have a link to them on our website. He has been doing some canvassing with local area businesses.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray – 

Ellin is still creating more folders. When she get a significant amount she will let area reps know to come and pick them up.

Volunteer Coordinator  Scott Biggs –

1) Thanked all volunteers to all FP volunteers for keeping this a great place to live.

2) He has received many comments about neighbors helping neighbors with snow and ice removal.

3) The goal is to get 50 new volunteers by end of March, spread the word and make FPCA accessible to all.

4) Scott’s new email:

5) Working on a FP Community Craft Fair and the Mulch Sale in the Spring. Look for details to come.

Social Activities Report  Liz Kengeter-Bash – – Absent        No Report

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –

1) Police liaison wants to remind everyone–DO NOT let your car warm up unattended. Car thefts are still on the rise. 

2) ID Theft still continues to be a problem. Be aware of fraudulent banks. Contact Ken for more info on this.

3) Little Turtle residents lost a few trees in an easement area when contractors cut them down. Due to residents’ quick action, the process was stopped and many trees were saved.

4) Karl Rd. Library has social services stationed there: HEAP – help with heating and utilities, and City of Columbus Social Works

5) NCC is holding the annual volunteer appreciation banquet. The cost is $35. Pres Scott Prigan, will be nominating 2 volunteers to attend.

6) The 4th of July Parade is on. To volunteer: Additional Information: website –

NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale – evanasdale@insight.rr.comDave Paul – Absent

3 cases were heard: 1) 4048 Morse Rd. Dermatology group needed more parking. Approved by NCC, 2) Kemba Financial wants to add more parking on N. Hamilton site. Approved by NCC, 3) 4960 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., they are building a multistory building. They would like to add more signage to the building. Approved with some conditions.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan –

1) You can subscribe to get email updates when new things are published on the site. Check it out, there is lots of good info on the site.

2) Trash/Recycling days are always posted.

3) Communication:

Old Business

1) Rita will let the USPS know that Treasurer, Cherly Lutman, is the contact person. 

2) All paperwork has been turned in concerning the application for the 501(c)(3). We are waiting for info from the IRS.

New Business/Announcements/Ideas

1) FP Sign Committee received a thank you note from the Sherwin family on Sumac Loop N thanking them for the great job on the Maple Canyon sign.

2) Rita always has extra Foresters. If you are an area business or heading out to one, you can request some to drop off from Rita and she will get them to you.

Meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: January 11, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 11 January 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:05 PM by Scott Prigan

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call/Zoom Participant List.


President’s Report  Scott Prigan –

1) The meeting got off to a rocky start as we were trying to work out the hybrid meeting technology issues (in-person and Zoom at the same time) – sorry about that to all who were in attendance.

2) The slate of candidates for the positions of officers, chairs, and reps was approved. We would like all people who are holding a position in the FPCA to attend next month’s meeting in person or via Zoom in order to be sworn into office.

Vice President’s Report  No Report – The position is now vacant. 

Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard –

1) Attendance:

  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, LB, CL, MS, DVM, AR, ER, SB, LK-B, KG, EV, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: RW, FQ, SL
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 3, 5, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 13, and 14 remain vacant )

2) November and December minutes were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

1) Business membership received from Karl Road Christian Church

2) Income was pretty much $0. We had just a few new/renewing members in November and December.

3) Expenses were light as well, though several checks in December didn’t clear until January.

4) In November, our liability insurance was accidentally booked for renewal as a Forester expense, but was corrected in December.

5) The budget process starts in February. If any officers, committee chairs or reps have input or potential items for the budget, please contact Cheryl ASAP!

Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra –

1) Things are relatively quiet. Mary has received very few comments or complaints.

2) Please remember when you park your cars, don’t block the sidewalk or park in the grass – both are against the City of Columbus Code. You can report such issues on 311 / / Columbus app. 

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste – – Absent

1) Articles are due to Rita by Jan. 20th for the Feb. Forester. A few upcoming Forester article deadlines: Feb. 17 for the March issue, Mar. 17 for the April issue, and Apr. 14 for the May issue.

2) Rita is still concerned about the 100+ homes that are not receiving their Forester each month. She will attempt to get hold of David Laughlin for exact streets.

3) PLEASE be aware that if there is inclement weather at the beginning of February, we will leave it up to the discretion of each delivery person when they will deliver, we don’t want any accidents. 

4) Rita has ordered a 6 month supply of bags from the Central Ohio Bag & Burlap Co., they should be in after January 18th, so plenty of time for the February deliveries. The charge will go directly onto the FPCA credit card to be paid by the Treasurer. 

5) Paul Insley (Insley Printing, Inc.) has asked if we will continue with monthly printing. Rita told him yes, at least until our Budget meeting, that would be the time if anything changes. He needed to know in order to get paper supplies here in time, shortages or delivery delays with paper just like everything else.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta – Katie Van Mercetta – 

1) Please do not leave your car unattended when you warm it up in the morning. Technically, it is illegal, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY there have been multiple stolen cars this month because of this.

2) There has been some violence/robberies to businesses between Karl Rd. and Cleveland Ave., but very little home violence.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – AbsentAlan Ray – 

Sheridan has been doing some canvassing with local area businesses. He has had some positive responses/conversations and is directing business owners to become members by going through the process on our website.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray – 

Ellin has Welcome Folders for new homeowners. She will be contacting area reps to come and pick them up. There are approximately 5-10 houses being sold in FP a week!!

Volunteer Coordinator  Scott Biggs –

1) Scott is spending some time getting introduced to his new position. He requested a job description about each committee. He is creating a list of priority needs and wants.

2) There is lots of interest in reinstating the Block Watch. Scott P., Ed V., and Ken G. will work with him to get the info to the interested parties.

3) He has been talking with other civic associations in the area about fundraising for the FPCA. There is a possibility of a mulch sale with Ohio Mulch. More info to come in Feb.

Social Activities Report  Liz Kengeter-Bash – 

1) With COVID still around, there are not many social activities being planned.

2) She is in contact with the Columbus Crew about getting FPCA tickets. It was suggested to her to contact the Columbus Clippers.

3) After last year’s success of a front yard concert held by the Dove’s of FP West, she is looking to expand upon this idea.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –

1) Earl Miller, long time FP resident and civic association volunteer, passed away on Dec. 15, 2021. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family.

2) Sheetz on Rt. 161 will be opening on Feb. 8th

3) The 4th of July Parade is being held this year. They are looking for volunteers to help.

3) NCC will hold its annual banquet this year as well.

4) City Attorney, Sarah Pomeroy, is still working on the problem hotels in the area. We are starting to see movement in cleaning up this issue.

NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale – evanasdale@insight.rr.comDave Paul – 

6 cases were heard (these notes were adapted from the NCC website):

1) National Church Residences – 4836 Cleveland Ave. Proposing a multi-family senior living facility. They received a council variance to get funding from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency. NCC is generally supportive of the project, but were very concerned because of the density doubling from what was proposed last year when they supported the variance. The vote was to not support the application. 2) Menerey – sign for an apartment on an Aldi sign. NCC recommended against allowing an off-premises sign. 3) Sheetz graphic variance. Recommended approval. 4) Request to install a sign at the Busch Corporate Center to ID the current corporate tenant. NCC supported the application. 5) Request to add all signs to the new OhioHealth facility at Hamilton to be named for the Hondros family and the building identity. NCC supported this application. 6) 5438 N Hamilton Rd. NCC tabled this signage request for Bank of America.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan –

1) You can subscribe to get email updates when new things are published on the site. Check it out, there is lots of good info on the site.

2) Trash/Recycling days are always posted.

3) Communication:

  • For the web site, you can add/remove (or both to change) your email address as desired.
  • For the LIST (from … contact Dave Paul. Please NEVER unsubscribe to an item relayed from the city, etc., lest you unsubscribe us all!

Old Business

1) New FPCA Constitutional Amendments: Scott P. and Lou B. outlined the reason for adding new amendments to the FPCA Constitution. In short, new language was needed to apply for federal 501(c)(3) status. Amendments were first viewed at the December meeting with the members of the board (Officers, Committee Chairs, and Reps) who were present. The new amendments to the constitution were read. The amendments were discussed and voted on. They passed unanimously with 1 abstention. The Amendments will become effective 60 days after the passage date of 11 Jan 2022 (that will be 12 Mar 2022).

Amendments to Forest Park Civic Association Constitution

(Items C and D added to Article II – Name and Purpose)

Article II – Name and Purpose

C. Activities of FPCA:

  1. The Forest Park Civic Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
  2. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)(3).
  3. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

D. Dissolution Provisions:

Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

New Business/Announcements/Ideas


Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM

Looking Ahead for 2022

The start of a new year is always cause for hope and optimism. Here I share a few hopes and dreams for the coming year in Forest Park. You can add a few too.

  • We finally finished getting the 501c3 designation … Finally! … Really!! … Thus we become eligible to seek grants for community building and service activities. Your creative imagination and efforts will be a great help in such endeavors! We’ll also be able to get some 501c3 considerations that help us with another project: to move our technology infrastructure to association-owned accounts, to prevent catastrophe should Dave or yours truly suddenly no longer be available.
  • A break from the pandemic!!!! … I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the pandemic to at least move to an endemic, preferably to disappear in the rear-view mirror. Please do everything you can to encourage everyone you know to do their part: vaccinations, masks, vaccinations, etc.
  • A Crew Supporters’ Shield +PLUS+ MLS Cup annus mirabilis. (Let’s throw in advancement in the World Cup for the red, white and blue! … and maybe for a few other favorites.)
  • More marching bands in the Northland Independence Day parade: … Northland, Beechcroft, DeSales, .. more!!! … Maybe since we are the only traditional 4th of July parade in the City of Columbus, we can invite every Columbus City Schools high school. Private schools and near suburbs are welcome too. Let’s party!

Consider how YOU can be involved in making Forest Park an even BETTER place to live.

See you soon! It’s so good to be sharing a place we can all call HOME.
Your president, Scott Prigan.

If you’d like to submit preferences for ways to get involved, you can visit the F.P.C.A. Volunteer Form, or just get in touch: Contact F.P.C.A.

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: December 14, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

14 December 2021 – Fiesta Jalisco – Officers and Board Meeting

Meeting called to order @ 6:40 PM by Scott Prigan

Attendance was taken via role call.


President’s Report   Scott Prigan

  1. Scott welcomed all to the meeting.
  2. It was explained that in order to qualify for 501(c)(3) the IRS wanted us to add language to  our Constitution in two areas: 1) the Activities of the FPCA, and 2) Provisions for Dissolution (see Below). The Amendments to the Constitution were read out loud to those present. A very thorough discussion was held concerning each of the two areas. The officers and board unanimously voted to approve the amendments. The amendments will now be brought to the full FPCA at the January meeting for review, discussion, and a vote to add them to the existing FPCA constitution.
  3. The official meeting was adjourned at the conclusion of the voting. No other reports were given.

Vice President’s Report  No Report – The position is now vacant. 

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, LB, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, SB, MS, KG, EV
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: CL. FQ, AR, ER, LK-B, DP
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 5, 9
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 3, 13, and 14 remain vacant )

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman Absent

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta,  Katie Van Mercetta

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –,  Alan Ray – Absent


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – Absent

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs/Mike Stone

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash Absent

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale,  Dave Paul Absent

Website Administrator Scott Prigan

Old Business

New Business/Announcements/Ideas

The next meeting will be held on January 22, 2022. Happy holidays to you all -Wishing you Peace in the new year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM



Proposed Amendments to Forest Park Civic Association Constitution

Changes needed to clarify non-profit status per I.R.S. guidance for Federal 501(c)(3) recognition, to be voted on at the January 2022 general meeting.

We propose to add items C and D to Article II – Name and Purpose:

Article II – Name and Purpose

C. Activities of FPCA:

  1. The Forest Park Civic Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
  2. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)(3).
  3. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

D. Dissolution Provisions:

Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.