Forest Park Civic Association Meeting
14 September 2021 – Epworth United Methodist Church
Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:05 PM by Ryan Finke
President’s Report Scott Prigan (Absent)
- Welcome to Elizabeth Kengeter-Bash, our new Social Activities chair. As she is an Art educator, we are excited to have a creative person assume this role at this challenging time.
- We still need a successor to (not replacement for) Mike Stone as Volunteer Coordinator. If you are interested, Mike can help you launch. Scott and Ryan can provide support.
Vice President’s Report Ryan Finke
- Working on creating some promotional pieces that further explain the value of the civic association.
- The Forest Park Neighborhood Facebook Page and Nextdoor website are great places to connect with your neighbors. Please consider joining and continuing to interact with your neighbors there. There are some great conversations happening there. We will try to share some important information from social media in the printed Foresters to get it in front of more eyes, especially those not online.
- Looking for anyone who wants to be more a part of their community, who has an idea they want to see come to life, who sees a problem that needs fixed, please let me know! I’d love to meet you and see how I can help you succeed and make a difference.
Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard
- Attendance was taken from those in attendance and those on Facebook Live.
Officers Present: LB, RF, CL, RW, AR, ER, EV
Area Reps in Attendance: 3, 7, 9, 11
Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14
- Minutes from last month were reviewed and accepted. They are posted on the website as well as in the Forester.
Treasurer’s Report Cheryl Lutman
- We have a few checks that were written in August but did not clear until September. I have moved those expenses to September.
- I changed how people can pay through PayPal, and folks who are paying that way are adding the PayPal fees to their membership. This means we do not pay the transaction fee. It’s a small savings, but a savings nonetheless. We are also getting people adding funds for the other items – Security, Forester, Beautification, so that’s great!
- We are currently ahead on an annual basis on many of our expenses, however some of that may be due to checks that have not yet cleared. I’m working with the bank to get checks that are requested in a particular month sent out. There’s currently an odd delay in the timing which concerns me and I’ve been talking with the bank about it. More to come.
- Given that we are coming up on 6 months of this fiscal year budget, I am gaining clarity on how things will shape up for the rest of the year, which is helpful as I continue to wrap my head around how all this works. Membership mailings are definitely slowing down (June = 308/August = 34), so I intend to spend time reviewing the budget and making sure we are on track for the rest of the year.
- Treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.
Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra (Absent)
- The FPCA Community Garage Sale will be held this weekend. We do have volunteers to pass out the flyers at the entrances of FP.
Forester Editor’s Report Rita Woeste
- Discussed the timeline for this month’s Forester. October articles due Sept. 17th. November articles due October 21st.
- There are 7 volunteers who stuff the 3000+ Foresters! Thank you.
Supplemental Security Report Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta (Absent) Officer Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) 614.645.1418
Officer Yandrich’s Report:
- Officer Yandrich introduced himself. This was his first FPCA meeting.
- The new chief is allowing facial hair (goatee and beards are now allowed). Tattoos will now be permitted below the sleeve. There will also be a change to the uniform. Dark shirts will replace the white shirts. Hats are now optional, and a ball cap will soon be made available.
- The Speedway at Maple Canyon & 161 is being slammed with car thefts. Keep your valuables locked up. DON’T leave your car running.
- Catalytic converter theft is still high. Mostly from cars on the street. Park in your driveway if you can.
- There is a person (male, black, 50 yrs. old) walking around FPWest asking for money to help out his family. He has stolen a person’s wallet when they have offered to help.
- Homeless problem was discussed at length. Look for an article in this month’s Forester.
Business Representative Sheridan Landin – (Absent) Alan Ray –
- Stewart has been canvassing the area around Rose’s store on Karl. He has gained 3 new business memberships.
Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray –
- Ellin has Welcome Folders for each area ready to be picked up! Area Reps need to attend the monthly meeting to pick up the folders for delivery.
Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone
- New Social Activities Coordinator. The Social Activities Chair has been filled by Elizabeth Kengeter-Bash. Liz is an Art instructor by trade and is likely to bring a tremendous dose of passion to FPCA.
- Membership as of 9/06. We have 361 paper memberships IN HAND, which means the memberships from PayPal are not included. We need to consolidate this in the short future. It is amazing how many people have donated numbers in the 50’s and hundreds. We had one person donate $1,000. Let’s all get the word out and make one final push.
- New Volunteers. There has been a list created and distributed among the officers and committee chairs of those who listed that they want to volunteer on their returned Data Sheets. It does not include many who are actively volunteering.
- Mike’s expectation is to roll off from the FPCA in this formal role at the end of October. If there are people interested in filling this role, please let him know so that he can get you up to speed.
Social Activities Report Elizabeth Kengeter-Bash No Report.
NCC Representative Ken Gilbert (Absent)
- Attended the September 7th meeting of the Northland Community Council.
- It was noted that the old Rodeway Inn near the Continent has reopened. It did pass its license inspection for a partial re-opening (a number of units are under renovation). The city is keeping an eye on it.
- The new Karl Road Library branch opened on September 9th.
- The NABA golf outing is September 23.
- City council is back to open, in person meetings as of September
- A roundtable discussion was had featuring Merideth Metcalf of National Church Residences about their Senior Select Program.
- The NCC is looking for a new Secretary (immediately) and a new Treasurer (for 2022).
- The Fourth of July parade is back, and we have co-chairs for the event.
- The Northand Unity Festival will be this weekend (September 18) at the YMCA off Karl Road from 2-6 pm. Sponsored by Elevate Northland.
- There was a discussion of the development issues along Ulry Rd, and the NCC repeated their statement of a couple of years ago regarding high density development in that corridor and the plan already agreed to by the city.
NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul (Absent)
3 cases were heard:
1) A car wash on Morse Rd. (in the old Miller Ale House) is refusing to put in a sidewalk from Morse Rd. to their property. NCC said – No.
2) Old Beechcroft Pool was sold again. Will be more apartments. NCC said-yes.
3) 6050 Cleveland Ave and Bella Vista Ave- corner lots apts. Looking for a set back right-away.- NCC said -yes.
Website Administrator Scott Prigan (Absent)
- FPCIVIC.ORG is our website. Make sure to sign up for updates.
Old Business
- Sign Committee update. Signs have been purchased and paid for. The committee hopes to get the signs up around the entrances of Forest Park before the next meeting.
New Business/Announcements/Ideas
- Lisa Dove (The Forest Park Gardener) thanked all who were involved in the nominations and selections of the Beautification Awards. It was an amazing experience, and she is looking to expand and improve upon it in the future.
- 9 volt batteries were passed out at the end of the meeting. They were left over from a fire department program to put batteries in smoke detectors.
- If you are a FP committee chair or officer who has receipts for reimbursement, bring them to the next meeting and Cheryl can reimburse you.
- Future FPCA meetings will be held in person at the Epworth United Methodist Church as long as they remain open. Masks and social distancing are required. Stay safe everyone. See you next month.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42 P