Author Archives: Dave Paul

About Dave Paul

Past President of F.P.C.A. and active with Northland Community Council

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: July 13, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

13 July 2021

President’s Report  Scott Prigan

7:03 Meeting called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  1. Our meeting this month was LIVE and in person at the Epworth United Methodist Church on Karl Rd.! with live streaming on the Facebook Group! Welcome back to everyone-our first in person meeting since March 2020! We will be following COVID protocol. All speakers will come forward to give report so they will be on camera for the folks at home.
  2. Attendance was taken by roll call by the secretary. 
  3. We are still waiting for confirmation on our 501c3 status.
Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

  1. We are now live streaming our monthly meetings on FPCA Facebook page. If you attend online, you are welcome to participate by leaving comments or using Facebook Messenger to send us a note. I will voice all written notes during the meeting. 
  2. I’m working on a few projects: communications ideas to help get new neighbors connected with the FPCA, small design updates to the Forester newsletter, adding relevant Forest Park social media conversations to the Forester content, and helping communicate the value of the FPCA to neighbors.
  3. I am looking to make a difference, so if anyone has a project idea, please let me know. I’m happy to help.
Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard

  1. Spelling correction to last month’s minutes in the Forester: our liaison officer’s name is Dan Yandrich.
  2. Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, DVM, KVM, SL, MS, EV, KG 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: RW, AR, ER, DP, FQ (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11
  • Area Reps Absent: 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )
  1. Minutes from June’s meeting were voted on and accepted into the record.
Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

(See the budget spreadsheet in this month’s Forester)

  1. Here are the financials for June.  The large expenses include:
  • $528.63 towards the new signage for the neighborhood.  This is a non-budget item, but we will pay from our cash reserves.
  • $1,570 for our bulk mail permit and to put money in our account for the membership mailing
  • $497.51 for new folders for the Welcome Committee
  1. We are still down on memberships from last year, but hopefully as we continue to do outreach, more people will join.  PayPal memberships continue to come in as well as ones in the mail – just not as many as early June.
Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra

  1. It is relatively quiet. Not many people are reporting disturbances.
  2. Sept. 18 is the date for the Fall Community Garage Sale. Start gathering your stuff now.
  3. New signs were put up on the islands about the 4th of July and tonight’s meeting.
Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste Absent

  1. Rita was out of town and didn’t make tonight’s meeting.  Articles for the August issue of the Forester due  by this coming FRIDAY,  July 16th.  Foresters will be stuffed the following Friday, July 23rd and out to delivery folks to do the following week.
  2. Will include in August Forester:  Garage Sale on 9/18.  If anyone has any info about Night Out activities, send it to me for the August issue.
  3. Someone take pics of the first IN PERSON meeting in a long time and will put those pictures in the Forester. 
Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. There were lots of calls about the amount of fireworks through the months of June and July.
  2. We are getting many residence/vacation checks.
  3. Will be reaching out to Officer Yandrich this month. He sent out an email on July 6th about June Homicide States. That was forwarded to all members by Secretary Lou B.
  4. A question was asked about the confidentiality of the vacation checks by the supplemental security company. The FPCA receives the notification for the request and forwards it to the Supplemental Security Coordinator, who then forwards it to the security company. Those are the only people who know if you are leaving of vacation.
Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray – Absent

  1. If you are a business owner (or know a business owner) in the FP or Northland area contact Sheridan or Alan to become a business member.
  2. Not much news to report.
Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray –  Absent

New folders from VistaPrint have been ordered, and they should arrive any day now.  They have a QR code on the front that links to the Forest Park Civic Association website.  As soon as they get here, she will be able to start assembling folders for our new neighbors (from the beginning of the year) and will bring them to next month’s meeting.

Volunteer Coordinator  Mike Stone  Absent 

  1. We are still looking for help with deliveries.
  2. We are also looking for a person to take over the Social Activities Coordinator – you do have a budget!!
  3. We have 310+ memberships so far, and many people are donating more than the $25 because they know how valuable the FPCA is to the neighborhood.
  4. A constant comment that Mike gets is “What is in it for me?”
    • Vacation checks by supplemental security
    • The Forester newsletter
    • NCC contribution
    • Neighborhood patrolling by supplemental security
    • Island beautification
    • Community events: garage sale, picnics, etc.
  5. Mike is leaving his position as Volunteer Coordinator by the end of Aug. or beginning of Sept. He  is looking for someone to take his place and is very willing to work with you to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible.
  6. A SUPER big THANK YOU to all those who volunteered to make the membership drive a success! 
Social Activities Coordinator  Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone or Scott Prigan.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. Ken thanked Scott for honoring him with this new position. He represents all of us at the Northland Community Council. If you have any concerns, please contact him.
  2. Safe Streets Program by the CPD: “The Safe Streets program coordinated a collaborative program working with other City departments, including Code Enforcement, the Solid Waste Inspector, the City Attorney’s office, members of the Environmental Court, and community leaders to address quality of life issues at a street level for residents of the Linden, Hilltop and South Side communities.”  North Side Safe Streets 614.645.3660
  3. Our new CPD liaison officer is Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer)
  4. The Karl Rd. Library is slated to open the week of Sept. 1st
  5. NABA Golf Outing will be Sept 15th. If you want to play or sponsor us, Trevor Secord (tsecord@​ is the chair. 
  6. Many bicycle and pedestrian accidents in the Northland area. Please everyone be careful.
  7. National Night Out is the 1st Tues. in Aug.
  8. The NCC Picnic will replace our FPCA August 10th meeting. @ Northland Swim Club 6pm, bring a side dish or dessert to share. Meat and buns will be provided.
  9. The Bhutanese Community of Central Ohio was voted in to become the newest member of the NCC.
  10. Last week was the successful 161 Clean-up day. Thanks to all who participated.
NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

2 Cases were heard: 1) the Moo Moo Car Wash planned to open on N. Hamilton Rd. had issues with parking. It was resolved. 2) The new Sheetz is slated to open by the end of 2021. It will be located at 975 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. They wanted a variance for a larger temporary sign for their grand opening, and to allow it to be displayed for a longer period of time. Both cases were approved.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan

Please check it out! Lots of good info. Calendar feed, etc.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Sign Committee Update: the proposal was voted on and the money was approved at last month’s meeting. The sign company will be notified to start production.
  2. Some neighborly requests to look into incorporating into FPCA. Discussion followed. There are ways for individuals to become associate members. The executive board will discuss/explore this. The issue is pretty complex and they will report back throughout the coming months.
New Business  Scott Prigan

No FPCA meeting in August → NCC Picnic will replace the August 10th meeting. It will be held at the Northland Swim Club (5006 Almont Dr, Columbus, OH 43229) – 6pm, bring a side dish or dessert to share. Meat and buns will be provided.

Meeting adjourned: 7:50


Email and TEXT spam schemes

In the past day or so, someone has sent TEXTs to some of you from a number purporting to be from your president. In the past there have been episodes where people have received emails from someone masquerading as an officer or representative of the Forest Park Civic Association. (You may also receive these by people claiming association with other religious, charitable, or community organizations.)


Usually they will ask you to buy gift cards, and send code numbers somewhere, perhaps via reply. Or they may try to get you to go to a web site and enter the code numbers and/or personal information.

Forest Park Civic Association will NEVER send you such a solicitation.

Should you receive something like this purporting to be from person at FPCA, feel free to contact the named person at the email address or phone number listed on our web site Contact page, so they can confirm that fact. You may also like to inform Columbus Police.

Please always be alert to any email if the topic is questionable, the “from” address is unusual, or other clues in the header look strange. The header in the email will likely NOT match the posted address for our representative. Or the TEXT may come from an odd phone number. BE SKEPTICAL. CHECK BEFORE SENDING ANY CARD NUMBERS OR PERSONAL INFORMATION in response to this kind of communication.

(If you have an suspicious email, clues such as those found in the header — and the entire message — will be of interest to legal authorities should you file a report.)

More information:

National Night Out 2021

National Night Out 2021 is happening tomorrow, Tuesday August 3. If you see neighbors gathering together, check it out. (You can catch the Olympics competitions later on streaming!) Have fun!

Here is a partial list of some NNO parties in and near Forest Park:

5478/5488 Rockwood Rd
5560/5553 Redwood Rd
5713 Loganwood Rd

5264 Butternut Ct East

2377 Halkirk St. North

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: June 8, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

08 June 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

President’s Report  Scott Prigan

7:03 Called to Order. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Thanks to all who helped put together Membership mailing. (esp. M. Stone!) The returns are starting to pour in!

Thanks to Scott Clinger for many years of service as CPD liaison. Scott is retiring after many years of service to the CPD and the FPCA. Officer Clinger reviewed many of the accomplishments of collaborative work with the FPCA. Officer Dan Yandrich is Officer Clinger’s replacement.

Thanks to Area Reps for hanging tight through COVID. With vaccinations, etc. we may soon be going “live.” We will be looking to go live in July. Stay tuned to the website and Facebook page for updates and information!

Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

No report

Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard

Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.

  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, SL, AR, ER, DP, EV, KG 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: MS (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )

Minutes from May’s meeting were voted on and accepted into the record.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

(See the budget spreadsheet in this month’s Forester)

  1. The biggest variances are due primarily to the mailing not going out until the end of the month, and so memberships are just now rolling in – a lot of them!  In years past, the mailing has gone out earlier, so memberships were received earlier.  On Saturday, she collected close to 100 envelopes, and has lots of PayPal notifications.  She’ll be working through these quickly!
  2. Otherwise, things seem to be in line.
Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra

We had a great garage this spring. It was the largest neighborhood garage sale on record. Conversation is beginning to plan the fall 2021 Garage Sale: Sept. 18th. This is the same date as the Elevate Northland’s Unity Festival at the YMCA. This may help bring in more people to the garage sale.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. June 17th is the deadline for July Forester articles. 
  2. Northland HS and DeSales HS are not participating in delivery of the Forester. We are still looking for volunteers to deliver. If you are looking to volunteer somewhere in the organization, this is a great opportunity to “get your feet wet.” 

David Laughlin ( ) is in charge of organizing the delivery schedule. Look for a post on the Nextdoor App and/or Facebook page for volunteer opportunities..

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta Scott Clinger (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. Lengthy security check for a neighbor in a rehab facility. Security will continue to keep an eye on things, for the resident.
  2. They are reporting that things seem to be quiet, for the most part.
Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. Sheridan has been hitting the pavement looking for new business members. If you are a business owner in the FP area, contact Sheridan or Alan to get information on becoming a business member–some advertising is included!
  2. Forest Park received a $250.00 check from The Nyce Company for the general fund. Thank you!
Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray –

Contacted area reps that did not pick up folders. Folders for areas 1, 2, 6, 8, and 13 still need to be picked up.

Volunteer Coordinator  Mike Stone  Absent 

  1. We Did It!! Got the mailing off successfully.  Thank you to the many wonderful people that made that possible.  Mike is very excited to hear that we have over 100 returns in 4 days!!
  2. Mike announced that he is going to have to step down from his duties as Volunteer/ Membership Coordinator.  He would like to make a full transition of this by the end of August.  If anyone on the board would be interested in filling this role, please let either him or Scott know and they can talk further with you.
Social Activities Report  Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone or Scott Prigan.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. A very interesting and heated NCC meeting dealing with the homeless/hotel situation in the area. Members of the NCC pointed out to the reps from the homeless organizations (YMCA and Community Shelter Board) present that we are willing to help, but do not want to bear all the responsibility . They said 2 of the 3 repurposed facilities/hotels will be closing within the next 8-12 months.
  2. Lots of us have been having an issue with Rumpke recycling, check out the 311 website to register complaints.
NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

2 cases involving our area: 1) The conversion of a commercially zoned house near Bella Villa. The applicant wants to build a 10 unit apartment. They changed design to address the concerns that NCC had with previous design. NCC was supportive of the proposal. 2) Magnuson Grand Hotel is being proposed to be turned into a low-income apartment complex. NCC was supportive of the proposal.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan

Please check it out! Lots of good info.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Sign Committee Update: Bids were accepted. Moore Signs from Westerville was chosen to create the new signs. The committee asked for $1057.26 for the signs. There is money in the savings account to cover this. The money was approved by the members present. The committee will continue on with the process and update the FPCA in the future.
  2. Area Representatives who have been absent from the meetings have been individually contacted to find out where they have been. Those who have not responded are being called this week.
New Business  Scott Prigan

Some neighborly requests to look into incorporating into FPCA. Discussion followed. There are ways for individuals to become associate members. The executive board will discuss/explore this. The issue is pretty complex and they will report back throughout the coming months.

Meeting adjourned: 8:35

Together Again!

LIVE! from Forest Park. It’s Tuesday Night!

The pandemic really isn’t over … (Let’s hope and pray that all the unvaccinated people around the world don’t give the virus a chance to mutate and return the whole world to February 2020. Let’s hope, pray, and advocate for rapid international sharing of vaccines to stop the carnage still happening in some places! … And our youngest neighbors, as well as some people with medical conditions, are still unprotected!Yet still I am really “psyched” about the opportunity that we will soon have to have our second Tuesday meeting in July LIVE! … Can you remember when we last were able to meet in the hospitable environs of our local neighborhood Epworth United Methodist Church? ALLLL RIIIGHT!!! Finally!!! Hallelujah!!

Of course, as we celebrate the opportunity (for some of us) to meet again in person, we need to remain aware that there are some people who have not been able to gain the protection of vaccination — as well as some who have chosen not to avail themselves. It is important that ALL PERSONS NOT FULLY VACCINATED, whether by necessity, opportunity, or choice; either DO NOT ATTEND our live meeting, OR BE PROPERLY MASKED. You are on your honor to take precautions to protect all members of our community. (Those vaccinated may choose to attend masked or unmasked, as they see fit.)

As we reopen the possibility of meeting in person, please note that we will be investigating ways for people unable to attend F.P.C.A. meetings to continue to attend virtually. It may not be exactly as we have done the last year plus, but we will seek a way to keep this participation option open in the future. Stay tuned!

Speaking of our next meeting … Have you ever participated in a “card shower,” where friends and families honor some person’s special occasion? In honor of our special occasion, it might be an occasion to give our Treasurer, Cheryl, an exciting bundle of membership and volunteer forms! If you still have the mailing on your end table, consider this opportunity. Of course, it might be easier to just complete everything online, at Join FPCA. … It’s your choice!

See you soon! It’ll be great to be LIVE! from Forest Park! It’s so good to be sharing a place we can all call HOME.

Your president, Scott Prigan.

This article was included in the print edition of the Forester, which will also be available in the News/Forester category on the web site.

Council Residential Districting Commission Survey

I’m not sure when this survey closes, so you might want to weigh in sooner rather than later. –Scott


[COLUMBUS, OH]  The Council Residential Districting Commission is drawing the maps that will create nine Council districts in the City of Columbus, and we need your help to get it right. Take the CRDC survey today at

The survey seeks your insight on neighborhood representation in Columbus and how you want to see the CRDC address the new residential Council districts. The information collected will inform the strategy in drawing the maps, which will take place later this year.

The survey is available online at:

Working together, we can amplify every corner of the City with a legislative voice. The CRDC is defining the future, today! Visit for more info.

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: May 11, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

11 May 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:08 PM by Scott Prigan


President’s Report   Scott Prigan

  1. Still awaiting 501c3 from our overloaded workers at the IRS
  2. Looking forward to Summer. Remember to keep safe. Hybrid meeting in June?
  3. Focus on Membership Outreach (formerly Outreach Day). Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help with the Outreach project.

Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

  1. Slowly but surely coming up to speed with the new position.
  2. Considering ideas of automated ways to notify Area Reps of their new neighbors to aid with welcoming them.
  3. Hoping to help with updating Forester design. Ryan and Rita are having a conversation about this.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, SL, MS, DP, EV, KG
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: AR, ER (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 4
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

  1. Budget is out for May. We are showing a small surplus. Currently analyzing the budget to find trends. The budget is in the month’s Forester. Some money was moved within the budget/account for social events this summer.
  2. Asked committee chairs for a breakdown of money they will need in the future. Did not receive any requests, so committees received a similar amount as they did in the past.
  3. Using online bill pay with 5th/3rd will save money on postage.
  4. Will be working with Rita about changes to budget due to Forester delivery.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra

  1. Garage Sale: We are in the middle of getting things ready for the FP Garage Sale this weekend. We have 32 members signed up to participate. Rita and Mary will be at the islands to FP entrance passing out flyers with addresses on them at 9:00-10:30 AM this Saturday. Mary will get money collected from garage sale advertising to the Treasurer when all comes in.
  2. Island Signs: There was a request last year to get maintenance done on the island signs, contact has been made to get them fixed.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. Everything is needed for Forester printing by Thursday, May 13th. Delivery system needs to be worked out. David is supposed to be in charge. Does anyone know what is going on? High School students are no longer delivering for FPCA. M. Stone will check with DeSales staff. L. Bernard will contact Northland staff.
  2. Ryan F. checked on Facebook and noticed there are volunteers willing to help. Rita will check with David.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta, Scott Clinger (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. House checks continue. But for the most part, things are pretty quiet.
  2. An assault rifle was found in a person’s front yard in FP. When this happens, the best thing to do is to call the police and they will secure the weapon.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. A list of business members was found, and will be delivered to the Treasurer and/or Forester editor.
  2. Sheridan is trying to drum up business memberships by broadcasting on the “Nextdoor” app.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray – eclaire1226@gmail.comStill has

  1. Nothing new to report.  The same welcome folders from Areas 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12 and 13 still have not been picked up.  Still waiting for new folders to assemble more welcome packets. 
  2. Cheryl (Treasurer) has not heard back from anyone concerning the advertising in the Welcome Folder. Joel is incharge of advertising. Rita will contact him.

Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone

  1. We need to contact Area Reps. in order to get the Welcome Folders picked up.
  2. We will have people reach out to our Area Reps. to find out where they have been. Mike Stone, Lou Bernard, and Scott Prigan will start making phone calls.
  3. Membership Drive: All volunteer slots have been filled. We need each Committee Chair to write an article to explain what you do, especially in this Forester coming up.
  4. Mary Lutz is chairing the 161 Task Force. She is coordinating the 161 Clean-Up and planter boxes at the entrance to Forest Park. Lisa Dove used to share the box with Bob Hinebaugh, but water is an issue. There is no access to getting water now that Carfagna’s is leaving.

Social Activities Report Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. Dave Leland (Rep.) was at the meeting. Is working on HB99 (School personnel carrying firearms)–making sure there is adequate training. Also working on other bills: a criminal justice bill forgiving student loans for working in the public sector and bail reform.
  2. 3 hotels have been taken over by the Shelter Board. NCC wants to help, but we are getting overwhelmed by panhandlers. The next meeting the Shelter Board will be attending to explain their position/process. If you have concerns, please email Ken or attend the next meeting. Check their website for details:
  3. The Library move is coming up.
  4. The Fourth of July Parade is cancelled.
  5. If you are having issues with Rumpke picking up your yard waste, please file a 311 report.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

3 Cases on agenda. 1) A graphics case on N. Hamilton Rd. 2) An apartment unit wants to add 72 units on Cherrybottom Rd. 3) On Cleveland Ave., there is a house that is planned to be leveled and an apartment complex to be built. NCC did not support this for many reasons.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan is the site. Check it out for updates.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Sign Committee: We are getting the final estimate. We should have a complete plan by next month.
  2. We still need someone to start up the Block Watch again. Ed Vansdale will be willing to help you start up.
  3. Lou Bernard will contact Rick Bennett about getting information about name badges/tags.

New Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Devonshire Neighborhood is having a Food Truck Friday in the area. Check the Nextdoor App or the schedule in this Forester. If you are interested in trying this in Forest Park, please contact Scott for details.

8:53 adjourned