Forest Park Civic Association Meeting
11 May 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting
Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:08 PM by Scott Prigan
President’s Report Scott Prigan
- Still awaiting 501c3 from our overloaded workers at the IRS
- Looking forward to Summer. Remember to keep safe. Hybrid meeting in June?
- Focus on Membership Outreach (formerly Outreach Day). Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help with the Outreach project.
Vice President’s Report Ryan Finke
- Slowly but surely coming up to speed with the new position.
- Considering ideas of automated ways to notify Area Reps of their new neighbors to aid with welcoming them.
- Hoping to help with updating Forester design. Ryan and Rita are having a conversation about this.
Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard
- Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.
- Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, SL, MS, DP, EV, KG
- Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: AR, ER (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
- Area Reps in Attendance: 4
- Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )
Treasurer’s Report Cheryl Lutman
- Budget is out for May. We are showing a small surplus. Currently analyzing the budget to find trends. The budget is in the month’s Forester. Some money was moved within the budget/account for social events this summer.
- Asked committee chairs for a breakdown of money they will need in the future. Did not receive any requests, so committees received a similar amount as they did in the past.
- Using online bill pay with 5th/3rd will save money on postage.
- Will be working with Rita about changes to budget due to Forester delivery.
Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra
- Garage Sale: We are in the middle of getting things ready for the FP Garage Sale this weekend. We have 32 members signed up to participate. Rita and Mary will be at the islands to FP entrance passing out flyers with addresses on them at 9:00-10:30 AM this Saturday. Mary will get money collected from garage sale advertising to the Treasurer when all comes in.
- Island Signs: There was a request last year to get maintenance done on the island signs, contact has been made to get them fixed.
Forester Editor’s Report Rita Woeste
- Everything is needed for Forester printing by Thursday, May 13th. Delivery system needs to be worked out. David is supposed to be in charge. Does anyone know what is going on? High School students are no longer delivering for FPCA. M. Stone will check with DeSales staff. L. Bernard will contact Northland staff.
- Ryan F. checked on Facebook and noticed there are volunteers willing to help. Rita will check with David.
Supplemental Security Report Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta, Scott Clinger (CPD Liaison Officer)
- House checks continue. But for the most part, things are pretty quiet.
- An assault rifle was found in a person’s front yard in FP. When this happens, the best thing to do is to call the police and they will secure the weapon.
Business Representative Sheridan Landin – Alan Ray –
- A list of business members was found, and will be delivered to the Treasurer and/or Forester editor.
- Sheridan is trying to drum up business memberships by broadcasting on the “Nextdoor” app.
Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – eclaire1226@gmail.comStill has
- Nothing new to report. The same welcome folders from Areas 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12 and 13 still have not been picked up. Still waiting for new folders to assemble more welcome packets.
- Cheryl (Treasurer) has not heard back from anyone concerning the advertising in the Welcome Folder. Joel is incharge of advertising. Rita will contact him.
Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone
- We need to contact Area Reps. in order to get the Welcome Folders picked up.
- We will have people reach out to our Area Reps. to find out where they have been. Mike Stone, Lou Bernard, and Scott Prigan will start making phone calls.
- Membership Drive: All volunteer slots have been filled. We need each Committee Chair to write an article to explain what you do, especially in this Forester coming up.
- Mary Lutz is chairing the 161 Task Force. She is coordinating the 161 Clean-Up and planter boxes at the entrance to Forest Park. Lisa Dove used to share the box with Bob Hinebaugh, but water is an issue. There is no access to getting water now that Carfagna’s is leaving.
Social Activities Report Position is Vacant
If you are interested please contact Mike Stone
NCC Representative Ken Gilbert
- Dave Leland (Rep.) was at the meeting. Is working on HB99 (School personnel carrying firearms)–making sure there is adequate training. Also working on other bills: a criminal justice bill forgiving student loans for working in the public sector and bail reform.
- 3 hotels have been taken over by the Shelter Board. NCC wants to help, but we are getting overwhelmed by panhandlers. The next meeting the Shelter Board will be attending to explain their position/process. If you have concerns, please email Ken or attend the next meeting. Check their website for details:
- The Library move is coming up.
- The Fourth of July Parade is cancelled.
- If you are having issues with Rumpke picking up your yard waste, please file a 311 report.
NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul
3 Cases on agenda. 1) A graphics case on N. Hamilton Rd. 2) An apartment unit wants to add 72 units on Cherrybottom Rd. 3) On Cleveland Ave., there is a house that is planned to be leveled and an apartment complex to be built. NCC did not support this for many reasons.
Website Administrator Scott Prigan is the site. Check it out for updates.
Old Business Scott Prigan
- Sign Committee: We are getting the final estimate. We should have a complete plan by next month.
- We still need someone to start up the Block Watch again. Ed Vansdale will be willing to help you start up.
- Lou Bernard will contact Rick Bennett about getting information about name badges/tags.
New Business Scott Prigan
- Devonshire Neighborhood is having a Food Truck Friday in the area. Check the Nextdoor App or the schedule in this Forester. If you are interested in trying this in Forest Park, please contact Scott for details.
8:53 adjourned