Category Archives: Community News and Events

Helpful information about the community, including events. (Events may also appear on Calendar).

Feb 2019 FPCA Guests

I have just received confirmation that our stand in City Liaison Alfred Akainyah will be coming to speak to us at our meeting. He will be accompanied by Bruce Black and Nora Gerber from the Neighborhood Pride team. I am very interested in getting Forest Park selected for Neighborhood Pride! It would be a real statement of intent and truly show our civic association in action.

Feb 12, 2019 Meeting 7:00 p.m.

Free Tree Give Away For Columbus Residents

Green Columbus

The Green Columbus Tree Stewardship Program is giving away over one hundred free trees to people living in the City of Columbus.

To pick up a free tree, you must agree to:

  • plant in the city limits of Columbus
  • keep trees properly watered and maintained
  • plant your tree in the ground of your yard or community garden and NOT along streets or in city parks.

Please fill out the form (click on link below) to submit an application to reserve a free tree at the Tree Giveaway located at the Westgate Shelter House, Address: 455 S Westgate Ave, Columbus, OH 43204 on October 27th between 10am and noon.


  • One tree per address.
  • Providing invalid or incomplete data will void your registration.

Event details are subject to change.
Visit to stay up to date.

Click Here to Register for a FREE TREE

FPCA July Guest Speaker – Chris Suel, City of Columbus Community Liaison​

You and your neighbors are invited to ​bring your code questions ​to the ​July Forest Park Civic Association Meeting on Tuesday, ​​​July 10 at 7.00 pm at Epworth United Methodist Church, 5100 Karl Road.

Guest Speaker ​​Chris Suel, City of Columbus Community Liaison​, will be with us for a discussion of all things code related!

Don’t forget the Forest Park Block Watch Meeting at 6.00 pm on ​​​July 10 , with Police Liaison Officer Scott Clinger​ and discussion about the update to the 72 hour parking changes.

Northland Independence Day (4th of July) Parade in 2017

Come celebrate with all Columbus at the
oldest, …
best, …
(newest!), …
and ONLY TRADITIONAL 4th of July Parade
in the City of Columbus!!!

(see Northland Independence Day Parade 2017)

Celebrate the 4th of July and the USA by coming to the Northland Parade on Karl Road on July 4th starting at 11am. You can view the parade just about anywhere along Karl Road between Morse and the Granville Shopping Center. (The official announcer’s stand is by the North Y.)

The theme this year, “What do Dreams Know of Boundaries?” celebrates the 80th Anniversary of pilot Amelia Earhart’s final flight. To honor women in flight, the grand marshal of the NCC Parade will be Susan Reid, sister of the later Jerrie Mock | Wikipedia who was the first women to complete a solo flight around the world. The flight, in the aptly names “Spirit of Columbus,” began and ended in Columbus Ohio! Susan and her sister Jerrie are from Newark, Ohio.

We also have the perennial favorite “Bikes and Trikes” Parade. Kids, get ready to decorate your “wheels,” and ride along (with parental supervision, of course).

For more information about the parade, see

August Special Election – Wards Proposal

August Special Election – Wards Proposal

There is a Special Election coming up Tuesday August 2, 2016. Traditionally very few people get out and vote at these special elections. As an issue very important to our neighborhood and Civic Association will be on the ballot, I encourage you to consider the proposed Columbus Charter Amendment and get out to vote!

N.B. Thoughts below are opinion of one member of Board, Scott Prigan — but the request to consider the matter and VOTE is from all of us! If the association decides to issue an official position, we will post that later.

The only issue on the ballot that day will be a proposed Columbus Charter Amendment to change our City Council from at-large representation to a primarily ward based system. The more I have learned of this proposal, the less well I think of it. I fear that it will decrease the influence of area commissions and civic associations — especially of our Forest Park Civic Association.

As things are, each member of Council has a portfolio of responsibilities. When we at F.P.C.A. have an issue, we have historically been very effective at getting the ear of the appropriate Council person — with them often coming to our meetings to hear what we think. With the proposed changes, this situation could be transformed into one where ward representatives are in competition, seeking only the narrow good of their ward, and only our representative will listen. We could find forest Park East pitted against Clintonville, the Near East, Hilltop. We could even find Forest Park East against Forest Park West!

Emmanuel Remy, president of the Northland Community Council, shared some his perspective in This Week Northland News: Remy: System would dilute NCC clout.

A more extensive analysis — and a call to oppose the proposal — was articulated by former Mayor Greg Lashutka in his letter to Dispatch June 19 2016: Voters should oppose charter change. A few quotes:

My concerns are based on my experience serving eight years as Columbus city attorney and eight years as mayor of Columbus. I was honored to serve as president of the National League of Cities, representing local officials across our great country.
Over those years I learned a lot about politics, especially local government. It is my view that where district representatives exceed at-large council representation, the greater good of the community suffers and unintended governance dysfunction occurs. District-based representatives’ first allegiance is to their individual districts, and not to the overall good of the city.

The change also would diminish the voice of our strong neighborhood civic associations and commissions, since too many would be split among multiple council districts.

For another perspective, try the Dispatch today: Cities with both wards, at-large council members can be successful.

Additional Information is also coming available at the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Columbus, including a forum Tuesday, Jul. 26, 2016, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm, at the Crossroads Baptist Church, 5075 Cleveland Ave Columbus, OH 43231.

Whether or not you agree with me, Mr. Remy, or former Mayor Lashutka, or proponents of the measure, I strongly urge you to consider this matter, and get out and vote Tuesday August 2, 2016 [Election Info].

The Polls for the Election will open at 6:30 a.m. and remain open until 7:30 p.m. Tuesday August 2, 2016. There are also options for Absentee voting, and Early Voting (from July 6 through August 1).

Closing Northland H.S.?! … Columbus City Schools Facility Master Plan

You may have seen a few things in the Dispatch lately about potential school closings. Some of these things suggest a possible closing of Northland High School. Other communications – not yet seen in the D – suggest one alternative would be to rebuild Northland (+Mifflin H.S.) on the site of Woodward Park Middle school. W.P.M.S. would be rebuilt on the site of N.H.S. … While it has some merits, This plan would also apparently forfeit much of Woodward Park as a community park, with fields dedicated to high school sports. … Another alternative simply closes N.H.S., sending the students to Beechcroft and Mifflin, while rebuilding W.P.M.S. on the N.H.S. site, without specifying the fate of the current W.P.M.S.

There is also a plan for Citywide Alternative Programs Options. Some of these may have a significant impact on Columbus Alternative High School, as well as other programs of interest. All plans touch on possible changes to elementary schools, including likely closure of Valley Forge E.S. (in our neighboring Karmel-Woodward Park Civic Association area).

Please plan to attend meetings scheduled to discuss the work of the Columbus City Schools Facilities Master Plan Ad Hoc Committee.

Meetings of interest include:

  • Northeast Options – including N.H.S., etc. (PDF Northeast Options)
    Monday April 18th—Columbus Global Academy @ Brookhaven HS, 6-8pm
  • Citywide Alternative Programs Options (PDF City-wide Alternative)
    Wednesday April 20th—Fort Hayes Campus, Building 110 (cafeteria), 7:30-9:30pm

Columbus City Schools: Facilities Master Plan
Facilities Master Plan Ad Hoc Committee

Woodward Park Middle School Celebrates 50 Years!

On February 25, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Woodward Park Middle School will hold its 3rd Annual Chili Cook-Off. We invite our Woodward Park Alumni and the community to attend!

Note the NEW date, Thursday February 25

Purpose: To develop positive relationships within our WildCat Family, and between our feeder schools and community.

The Plan:
· Chilies need to arrive between 5:00-5:15 p.m. Doors open at 5:30
· Chilies will be served by our WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) leaders.
· Chilies will be numbered and kept as anonymous as possible.
· Sample cups will be sold for .25 each or 5/$1.00. Each sample cup will have a score sheet.
· Participants/judges may choose any chili to sample.
· At a set time, scores will be tallied and winners announced.
· Larger bowls, side dish plates and water will also be sold at minimal cost.
· Money will given to the Woodward Park PTO for its various sponsored activities.
· Beechcroft and Northland high schools will have tables to show off their school programs.
· School Choice will have a representative available for questions.

Participating chili information needed:
Is it vegetarian? Any pork ingredients?
Other allergen ingredients such as gluten, dairy, soy, nuts?

We would love for you to participate, and bring your fans along!

Yes! I’d love to participate!! Forms due by February 18, 2016
Name _________________________________ Student Name __________________________________
Student Homeroom ________________ Best Contact for me _____________________________

Woodward Park Middle School Celebrates 50 Years! In 1966, Woodward Park opened its doors to its first students. We would love to have some historical anecdotes and pictures from you! If you attended Woodward Park and have a fun story to share, we would love to hear it. As a parent, I often take pictures of my kids in the main hallway or by the lockers after concerts and other events. If you have pictures like that, we would love to see them!
In the main lobby is a hand painted map of the building which includes a wood shop, drawing, metal shop, audio visual and projection rooms. There’s still a “dark room” sign in the upper back hallway. Unfortunately, current students only know these rooms as additional classrooms. We would love to have some history to share with the students in our yearbook and during our Chili Cook-Off.

You may send in copies of pictures and your stories electronically to Beth Maston,; you may drop off pictures and stories at the school office, attention to Beth Maston; or you may mail items to Woodward Park Middle School, attn: Beth Maston, 5151 Karl Rd., Columbus, OH 43229
Please stop by our Chili Cook Off on February 25, 5:30-7:00 p.m. to see the building and meet current teachers and students.

Beth Maston
Woodward Park Middle School Parent Consultant