Category Archives: Community News and Events

Helpful information about the community, including events. (Events may also appear on Calendar).

Military Veterans Resource Center To Host Veterans Career Workshop Tuesday, June 24 2014

Military Veterans Resource Center To Host Veterans Career Workshop

COLUMBUS, Ohio (June 2, 2014)–Military Veterans Resource Center (MVRC) invites all veterans looking for a new career to attend our free Veterans Career Workshop on Tuesday, June 24. This career workshop will take place at MVRC Headquarters, located at 1395 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., Ste. 350. It will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and lunch will be provided.

Veterans interested in attending the Veterans Career Workshop must pre-register by contacting career specialist Velecia Luckette at 614-636-4622, or The workshop is limited to 12 participants. Interested veterans should call today to be sure of a seat.

This personalized, interactive workshop is designed to improve veterans’ job search skills and help them become more competitive job candidates. MVRC career specialists will work with veterans one-on-one and will provide individual career assessments, teach cover letter and resume writing, and conduct mock interviews. If veterans have a resume, they should bring it, as they will spend time revising their current resume or writing a new one.

Military Veterans Resource Center is a non-profit organization that provides personalized career services to veterans who served honorably. MVRC works with veterans one-on-one to identify the obstacles preventing them from gaining employment and helps them access the resources to overcome those obstacles. MVRC is based in Columbus, Ohio and operates seven centers throughout the state of Ohio. For additional information, please visit

Feel free to contact me with any questions.


MVRC 4C logo_B

Abby Reynolds
Public Relations Specialist
1395 E. Dublin Granville Rd, Ste #350
Columbus, OH 43229
614-230-0662 x 103
614-504-4357 direct line

Community Garage Sale and Goodwill pickup Sat 5/17/2014

While we are having the Forest Park Community Garage Sale, there will also be an opportunity to donate items to Goodwill.
Forest Park Civic Association donation drive
DATE: Saturday, May 17, 2014
TIME: 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM
YMCA North
Sandalwood Place
Items will be collected at the Goodwill Columbus truck in the YMCA parking lot.
Read more: Goodwill Forest Park Spring Garage Sale 2014

City of Columbus yard waste and recycling changes included in Calendar

The Columbus Refuse Collection web site notes changes in the schedule for yard waste and recycling beginning in March 2014.

These changes have now been announced, and they have been incorporated into our F.P.C.A. Calendar. When in doubt, check the Calendar for the proper dates for trash, recycling, and yard waste pickup in Forest Park.

Summer Reading Club at Columbus Metropolitan Library

Kids! (of ALL ages!)

Don’t miss the Summer Reading Club at Columbus Metropolitan Library. This happens June 8 – August 3. You can sign up then, at the library — or sign up now on line!

Here is a direct link to the Events Schedule for Karl Road Branch. (Calendars for other branches available at Summer Reading Club at Columbus Metropolitan Library. Fliers in Spanish and Somali are also available there.)

There are also volunteer opportunities, including especially for Teens.