Category Archives: General Information

General Information about FPCA

Proposed Amendments to Forest Park Civic Association Constitution

The Board of Trustees has approved a “Conduct Policies For Board Members, Committee Chairs, and Area Representatives of the Forest Park Civic Association”. The document has been made available to the membership for review. The Code of Conduct will also be published in this month’s Forester.

According to the current  bylaws, when there are going to be changes in or amendments made  to the bylaws and/or constitution, the items must first be presented at the FPCA meeting. This was done at the September meeting. At the October 8th meeting, the item will be reviewed and voted for adoption. When/If adopted, the new item (Article XX) will become part of our bylaws and standard practice for the Association after 60 days. 

Members of the Board of Trustees and Committee Chairs will then be asked to sign a copy of the Code of Conduct after the next elections are held in January, and every year thereafter. (See a copy of the proposed Code of Conduct Policy in this month’s Forester and or CLICK HERE.)