Category Archives: General Information

General Information about FPCA

2024 Budget Meeting Minutes

2024 FPCA Budget Meeting

17 April 2024

Epworth United Methodist Church

Attendance: Ed Vanasdale (President), Trevor Secord (Vice President), Lou Bernard (Secretary), Cheryl Lutman (Treasurer), Daryl Van Mercetta (Supplemental Security), Mary Sguerra (Public Relations), Rita Woeste (Forester Editor), Andrea Philipsen (Social Committee), Laura Hayes (Welcome Committee), Scott Biggs (Website Administrator)

Meeting called to order at 7:04 PM

  1. Cheryl did a quick review of the budget and asked for questions or suggestions. 
  2. Laura needs money for printing for Welcome Committee
    1. There was $500 raised in 2023 for the Welcome Committee. That money was allocated to the WC for 2024.
    2. Thank you Mark Bell!
  3. Andrea has $500 to spend. If more money is needed, it could be allocated.
    1. National Night Out falls under the Social Committee and is not a separate line item in the budget. 
    2. Trevor will try to secure grant money to increase the FP involvement in NNO.
  4. Mary will be looking into finding someone to cut and maintain the grass at the 2 main island entrances off of Karl Rd. She will look into possible grants to help with the upkeep.
  5. Rita needs $100 for printing supplies for the Forester delivery. It was voted on and passed.
  6. By reallocating some funds, we are left with $641 in the black.
  7. Discussed giving possible discounts for year long ads taken out in the Forester. The Board decided the advertising price is reasonable enough (compared to other places where one could advertise) that discounts do not need to be given.
  8. A discussion was held about trying to find someone to write grants for the FPCA.
  9. The new budget was voted on and approved to be put forth before the members at the next meeting for a vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM

To see new and revised 2024 budget CLICK HERE.

Be a part of the pasrk - Join the Forest Park Civic Association

The FPCA needs your talent! Can you volunteer?

We need your talent!

If you already do volunteer… THANK YOU! You are one of the wonderful people who help us make Forest Park a great place to live. As you may know, we are a non-profit volunteer-run organization that serves 2,780 households.

But only a small fraction of residents volunteer with the FPCA. And we need some more help!


Membership Coordinator – URGENT NEED
Memberships are our primary revenue and our connection to our community households. We need help to keep membership growing. No experience is necessary. We are looking for someone to help coordinate the process. This involves joining us at the monthly meetings 10 times a year, helping us plan and mail our annual membership packet, promoting the many benefits of membership, and tracking membership. You get plenty of help from our seasoned veterans.

Business Representative – URGENT NEED
Our Business Representatives connect with our many businesses in the area to promote business memberships, encourage advertising in our monthly Forester newsletter, and maintain good relationships with our local businesses. No experience necessary.

Area 14 Representative – Forest Park East
We need an Area Rep for Area 14 in Forest Park East, which includes a few streets near Lyle Rd. and Denise Dr. just south of Northland High School. Our Area Reps attend monthly meetings, deliver Welcome Folders to new residents in their areas and communicate news and concerns to and from the FPCA.

Website Administrator
The Website Admin helps update our website at with news and events and performs other minor maintenance. WordPress experience is helpful.

Social Media Help
Are you handy with social media? Help us get the word out with your skills!

Area Representatives
Assist your current Area Rep by promoting membership, delivering Welcome Folders to new residents, and passing information to and from your block and the FPCA.

Other Opportunities
Please connect with us or attend a meeting if you are interested in something not listed here.

Email for more information.

Join us at our November Meeting!
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2023
7 pm to 8 pm
Epworth United Methodist Church
5100 Karl Rd.

Our Block Watch meeting starts at 6 pm and our Code Enforcement meeting starts at 6:30 pm. This is our last public meeting of the year.

Zach Williams from State Bank will be the guest speaker. He will be sharing community outreach efforts and financial literacy class info. Free desserts will be served by the FPCA Social Committee.