Category Archives: Meeting Minutes and Reports

Meeting Minutes from FPCA meetings
Reports such as Treasuer Reports

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: July 12, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 12 July 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:12 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call/Zoom Participant List by Lou Bernard


President’s Report   Ed Vanasdale –

The 4th of July Parade was a huge success. Thanks to all who helped. Bikes-n-Trikes was a great success. Very solid turnout. Thanks to Rita Woeste for purchasing the gift bags to all of the kids who participated. Over 20 kids participated. A shout out to Mary Sguerra for creating a fantastic float for the FPCA. We won the Best in Theme Award.

Vice President’s Report  Trevor Secord –

NCC Meeting 

  1. Police report car thefts are still a high concern for our area with Kia and Hyundai vehicles being targeted.
  2. CPD Bike unit – “Street Team” was there to report on what they do and how they make an impact. 
  3. City attorney is continuing to work on the hotel issues and has two hearings this month
  4. NABA had their “161 Clean-up” on July 9th, and are asking for more volunteers to keep 161 clean. Only 2 volunteers showed up this month
  5. City of Columbus 311 event will be at the library to go over the new system-look for info in the news or the website.
  6. Special guest Emmanuel Remy was there to answer questions about city safety – he reaffirmed that the city changes to the police department were only codifying “best practices” they already had or were putting into place. No change to their funding. Youth Organization grants through the city will be available $500 each. 
  7. The Northland Parade was a success, but costs will go up in the next few years due to insurance. 
  8. Speaker was Dayna McCrary from the department of development discussing their program, the Columbus Financial Empowerment Center. Effort to help those who want to take charge of their life and their finances. Not just for those in financial need but anyone looking for financial literacy or guidance in their lives. FREE Program 
  9. NCC picnic is August 9th at Blendon Woods Park Dogwood Pavilion. This will replace the regularly scheduled August FPCA meeting.
  10. FPCA National Night Out is on Tuesday, August 2nd being hosted at the YMCA on Karl Rd. Food trucks, live music, and bounce houses are expected. More info to come!!

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, DVM, KVM, SL, AR, ER, SB, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: FQ, MS, RW 
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 3, 4, 7, 8,10, 13, 14 (Areas 4, 13 and 14 remain vacant )
  • 1 person on Zoom/ 25 present
  • Officer Dan Yandrich – not present
  1. Official documents on the website updated to include a new copy of the complete constitution and bylaws. All fonts and spacing have been made consistent, and now include the new amendments passed in January.
  2. Minutes from the May meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

  1. 41 household memberships received through PayPal. Of those, 25 households included the PayPal fee in their total membership. 80 household memberships mailed in.
  2. While we have received an additional 125 memberships in the mail, those weren’t processed until early-mid July. This does not include memberships received through PayPal. All will be updated in the July report.
  3. Advertising funds received were $920. The additional donations towards Supplemental Security were $855, Beautification $305 and the Forester $255. In addition, Garage Sale revenue was $135. Expenses for the Garage Sale advertising were $52.42.
  4. Expenses included funds on our bulk mail permit, more folders for the Welcome Committee, paying our security patrols and Forester Printing.
  5. We need about 560 households to join the FPCA to meet our basic budget dollars, so please continue to reach out to your neighbors to join.
  6. Treasurer’s Reports were voted on and approved.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra –   Absent – No Report

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste –  Absent

  1. Deadline for Ads, articles, and photos is Thursday July 21st
  2. We are still looking for a delivery coordinator to help with the monthly Forester. If you know someone let me know…. Please. 

       This person would need to:

  • maintain records of delivery people
  • send a monthly reminder to delivery people that Foresters are coming to deliver
  • help count out some sets & deliver them to delivery people, half of it is done for you already and everything is stuffed into bags when you count.
  • check volunteer list to fill in gaps of streets not covered 
  • you only have to do this 10 months of the year. The January issue is online and May or June issue is mailed

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta –

  Katie Van Mercetta –  Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. There were more vacation checks in June and July so far.
  2. In May, a woman reported that she lives near Northland High School and when she got out of her car, a youth jumped in and tried to steal it. Luckily she had her keys with her. Stay aware of your surroundings.
  3. Continuing to talk with security company about upgrading services. If this is going to happen, we need more neighbors to join the FPCA.
  4. Remember to keep your lights on at night. Don’t let your vehicles run without you in them. Stay vigilant. Look out for your neighbors!

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – 

    Alan Ray – 

  1. Sheridan is continuing to canvas the area businesses trying to get more of them to join. He spoke with the owners of the Toro Meat Market on 161. We will be having them as guest speakers soon.
  2. Thank you to all those people who helped to get the business members listed in the Forester.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – ABSENT-No Report

Passed out many Welcome Folders to Area Reps to deliver to the new neighbors. She is continuing to make more regularly.

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

  1. Thank you to everyone who is volunteering and helping with the civic association.
  2. Thanks to all for the great Membership stuffing event, 28 volunteers. Thanks to Mike Stone, Dave Paul, Andy Hunt, Mary Sguerra, Rita Woeste for all of the prep work and delivering the massive amounts of envelopes to the post office. 
  3. Thanks to all who participated in the parade on the 4th!
  4. Will be processing a lot of volunteer applications soon. Look for a call from Scott!
  5. July’’s Volunteer of the Month is Ed Vanasdale, our president. Thank you for your countless hours and stepping up to fill in the role of president in an emergency.

Social Activities Report Position Vacant  ABSENT-No Report

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –

  1. Beware-catalytic converters are being stolen in large amounts.
  2. Dave Leland, our state representative, will not be running in the fall. He will be running for a judge position.
  3. NCC picnic is August 9th at Blendon Woods Park Dogwood Pavilion. This will replace the regularly scheduled August FPCA meeting. There will be NO August FPCA meeting.
  4. 161 Clean-up dates: Aug.13th, Sept.10th, Oct. 8th, Nov. 12th

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale – 

       Dave Paul – 

5 Cases were heard, only 1 relevant to FP area:

Case #3 A woman was applying for a variance to permit the operation of a Type A family child care facility in the Devonshire area. It was approved.

Website Administrator Dave Paul –  Scott Biggs –


  1. No movement on the FP Block Watch. Still looking for a captain.


  1. Northland Unity Festival: LOCATION-North YMCA,1640 Sandalwood Pl, Columbus, OH 43229. The event will take place from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.on September 18th. Zaki Grill and Tibetan Momo will be on-site serving food, support our vendors! The first 100 people to visit our sponsor’s table, The Economic & Community Development Institute (ECDI), will get a $10 voucher for the food trucks! More than 3 dozen vendors, including local makers and services. Entertainment, including a Nepali dance troupe, Zumba, theater groups and more! 
  2. Beware of scammers using false email addresses from civic association’s officers. We will never ask you to buy gift cards for us.
  3. We received an email from one of our past presidents expressing the nice job that everyone is doing. Thank you George Schmidt for your kind words! We appreciate it. We wish you luck recovering from your foot surgery!
  4. We are looking to get someone from the Toro Meat Market to come in as a guest speaker in September and Columbus 311 to come in as a guest speaker in October. 
  5. Construction on the roundabouts on Maple Canyon will begin sometime this summer.
  6. The next FPCA meeting will be September 13th at Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom at 7 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:17 PM

Minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: May 11, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 11 May 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:07 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call/Zoom Participant List.


President’s Report   Ed Vanasdale –

  1. We attended the NCC Awards Banquet last month where Secretary, Lou Bernard, and Supplemental Security Liaison, Daryl Van Mercetta, were honored as FPCA Volunteers of the Year. The Forester was named as the Northland Area’s best newsletter for 2021. Congratulations and thank you to Rita Woeste, Daryl, and Lou for all of their hard work.
  2. Ken Gilbert (acting VP) stepped down and Trevor Secord volunteered for the position of FP Vice President. Welcome and thank you, Trevor.

Vice President’s Report  Trevor Secord –

Trevor will be working with the Karl Rd. YMCA to create a program for this year’s National Night Out. If you are interested in helping, contact Trevor.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, SB, MS, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: FQ, AR, ER, LK-B, 
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11 (Area 7 has been filled by David Laughlin. Thanks David!)
  • Area Reps Absent: 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )
  • 5 people on Zoom/ 25 people present
  • Officer Dan Yandrich – present

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

  1. Most of this past month’s expenses came from the printing and future mailing of the membership packets that will be sent out near the end of the month.
  2. We had 5 new household memberships this month.
  3. You will notice that the Treasurer’s spreadsheet in this month’s Forester is in a slightly different format. If you have any questions for changes that need to be made, feel free to contact Cheryl.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra –  

  1. May 14th is the 161 Clean-up. Meet behind the Jiffy Lube at 9 am on Saturday.
  2. May 21st is the Community Garage Sale. If you are interested in participating and having your name in the flier that will be passed out at the entrances of FP, send $5 to Mary. There is a form in the Forester and on the website.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste –

  1. Articles due by this Friday, May 13th.  We moved the date up a week since we will be stuffing the Forester with the membership forms next Saturday, May 21 at Schoedinger.  This June Forester will be mailed. Hope folks can make it to help us out on the 21st @ 1:30 pm.
  2. Articles due for June Forester –  May 13th; Articles due for July Forester – June 16th
  3. We have a potential person to take over as the Delivery Coordinator. We still need delivery people, if you are interested in a quick way to volunteer and give back to the community, please contact Scott Biggs, Volunteer Coordinator.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta –

  Katie Van Mercetta –  Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. Officer Yandrich spoke. A reminder, we are in Zone 1/Precinct 4. As of May 22nd we should see more bike patrols in the area. Most of the crime in the FP area is happening in and around the apartment complexes. The homicide rate appears to be slowing down.
  2. Daryl is in constant contact with the supplemental security company. They are reporting many 311 calls on abandoned vehicles. There were very few vacation checks in April.
  3. Remember to keep your lights on at night. Don’t let your vehicles run without you in them. Stay vigilant. Look out for your neighbors!

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – 

    Alan Ray – 

  1. Sheridan is continuing to canvas the area businesses trying to get more of them to join.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – ABSENT-No Report

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

  1. Thank you to everyone who is volunteering and helping with the civic association.
  2. Resident Rick Bennett has scheduled a game night in the Karl Road Library for Tuesday May 26th at 6 p.m. The first one was a lot of fun. 
  3. Scott would like a group of volunteers to work together on the 4th of July Parade. If you’re interested in a fun project and are creative, we are looking for people to help. We are also looking for someone to head up the Bikes-n-Trikes competition.
  4. May’s Volunteer of the Month is Cheryl Lutman, our treasurer. Thank you for your countless hours and your awesome financial reporting.

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash –  ABSENT-No Report

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –                      Dave Paul – 

  1. 3 Cases were heard:

Case #1 Application to repurpose a hotel property as a 116-unit multi-family apartment project

with reduced development standards; (Travelodge) 1100 Mediterranean Ave, 43229. At the request of the applicant, the committee tabled the application until a future meeting. The Committee most likely would have voted against it.

Case #2 Application for repurposing of a former self-service car wash facility as an automotive rental facility.

Chris Jolley/Darin Ranker Architects representing Enterprise Holdings LLC, 6841 Schrock Hill Court, 43229. The Committee approved with recommendations.

Case #3 Application concerning the proposed operation of a Medical Marijuana Control Program Retail Dispensary as required at the former Groll’s Furniture Gallery, 4066 Morse Rd, 43230. The Committee had no vote on this, it is only required by law to be presented to the Committee.

Website Administrator Dave Paul –  Scott Biggs – No Report


  1. Block Watch restart seems to be getting legs. We have a lead on a potential Block Watch Captain.


  1. There was a discussion to write thank you notes to new joining members. The members at the meeting said they would prefer to see them listed in the Forester like they used to be.
  2. Next meeting will be 7:00 pm, June 16th – @ the church and on Zoom.

Meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM

Minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: April 12, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 12 April 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:03 PM by Lou Bernard, Secretary

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call/Zoom Participant List.

Due to the sudden passing of our friend and  president, Scott Prigan, a moment of silence was held in his honor. Lou explained that a meeting was held on March 25th by members of the executive board and some past presidents to decide on how to move forward. Ed Vanasdale was chosen to temporarily head the FPCA as president, and Ken Gilbert as vice president until the election cycle at the end of 2022. At this meeting, a vote was taken by those present and on Zoom, and both were installed into their new positions.

Bob Hinebaugh expressed his sadness of the tragedy of Scott’s passing, and thanked Ed and Ken for stepping up to fulfill the positions.


President’s Report  Ed Vanasdale – – No Report

Vice President’s Report  Ken Gilbert –  – Absent – No Report

Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard –

1) Attendance:

  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present:  EV, LB, CL, RW, MS, DVM, AR, ER, SB, DP 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: FQ, SL, KG, LK-B
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 7, 13, and 14 remain vacant )
  • 30 people in attendance (25 in person, 5 on Zoom)

2) March’s minutes were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

1) 6 new household memberships

2) Expenses: Renewal of our post office box for another year, Flowers for Scott Prigan’s service, Multiple checks for security clearing at the beginning and end of the month, and 2 months of Forester printing

3) We ended this fiscal year at a deficit of $2,881.47. Household memberships were down almost $1,950 from budget, which was based on prior years, and business memberships were down $225. Along with that, Forester revenue (both voluntary contributions and advertising revenue) were down $412. Security donations were up (yea!) by $226. We did receive additional unspecified donations of $719, which helped cover some of these items.

4) Membership expenses were way down. A big part of that was giving people the option to cover the PayPal fees and a big “thank you”! to those who did. Several of the other items are due to events not happening (Outreach Day, Social Activities, parade). With COVID restrictions easing, and people looking for events, Cheryls foresees those going back up. In that case, our 2022 – 2023 budget will be a deficit budget without an increase in memberships and other revenue. Cheryl will have a final budget out by the end of the week for comment.

Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra –

Saturday, May 21st for the Garage Sale this spring. There will be flyers at the entrance. If you would like to be listed in the flier, and support the FPCA, you can fill out the Garage Sale form in this Forester and enclose $5.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste –

1) The deadline for the May issue is April 14th. The deadline for the June issue is May 13th. It will be mailed on May 21st, and include the membership drive information.

2) We are still looking for articles all of the time. If you have a specialty or interest, start a monthly column!

3) We still have a core group of 7 volunteers who stuff the newsletter bags each month. 

4) We are currently looking for a delivery coordinator. Your main responsibility would include (but not be limited to) keeping a list of all delivery volunteers and their contact info. PLEASE contact Rita if you are interested.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta –, 

    Katie Van Mercetta – – Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer)

1) A few calls about cars being illegally parked. Remember to call 311 or the police non-emergency number. A few house checks have been called in and made by the supplemental security company.

2) Officer Dan Yandrich (FPCA liaison officer) : a) the CPD will be getting new uniforms, b) there is a high numbers of car thefts in the area (Kias are being targeted), c) the car theft rate at Easton in very high, d) the impound lot is full, so even if the police write tickets for abandoned vehicles, they will not be towed. Still report them.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – – Absent

    Alan Ray –

1) Sheridan and Alan have created a list of past and present business members and are working to call members who have dropped their memberships and get them signed up again.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – 

Ellin has Welcome folders. Area reps please contact Ellin to get your folders and deliver them to our new neighbors.

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

1) Thanks to all the volunteers who are helping us right now. We are getting new volunteers and that is awesome.

2) Thanks to Reyne and Dan Kaiser for landscaping around the wall near Sandalwood and Yellowood.The owners of the property bought the materials, and Reyne and Dan brought the muscle. It looks wonderful. Thank you from all of us.

3) Members around the old pool are looking to work together to clean up the mess of a parking lot.

4) Rick Bennett and Cara Greenburg hosted a Game Night at the Karl Rd. Library. It was a huge success. Look for future nights-posted on Facebook.

5) Sat., May 21st is an Envelope Stuffing Event for the membership drive. It will take place at Schoedinger’s at 1:30 PM. Contact Scott if interested in helping.

6) 1st Tuesday in August-the FPCA and the YMCA will team up to host a National Night Out Party. Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities and info in the newsletters and on Facebook.

7) There seems to be a new energy in the FP area and people are ready to work together to get things done. Contact Scott if you are feeling this too!

8) New Volunteer of the Month Program. This month went to Lou Bernard, FPCA Secretary. Through the tragic loss of Scott Prigan, Lou gathered the board and past presidents together to figure out a way to keep the FPCA moving forward, and he worked through Covid to figure out how to broadcast the meetings, he and Scott were instrumental in the FPCA receiving their 501(c)(3) status and continues to work on other projects and provide the monthly minutes for the FPCA. 

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash – – Absent – No Report

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert – – Absent

1) Napoleon Bell works with the Sheriff’s office in the Department of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion spoke about what the office is doing to stay current. Discussed what CrimeStoppers are doing to stop the illegal dumping in Columbus.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale – 

       Dave Paul – 

6 Cases, but only 4 in/near the Forest Park area

1) Apartment Residential to rezone to permit the construction of a 3-story multifamily residential building containing 46 apartment units and 1st level common areas. Former Beechcroft pool site-6000 Beechcroft Rd, 43229. Approved with conditions.

2) Rezone to provide additional indoor warehousing, storage and parking uses for the adjacent retail building on a separate parcel. 2590 Morse Rd, 43229 (Surplus World) Approved on condition to add a bike rack on property.

3) Council variance to permit the operation of a state-licensed Type A daycare facility in a residential district. Esther M. Jefferson, 2199 Lilacwood Ave, 43229. Approved.

4) Variance to accommodate the planned construction by the City of Columbus of a roundabout on Maple Canyon Ave. and concomitant loss of pre-construction frontage providing a portion of the current setback: 5679 Maple Canyon Ave, 43229. Approved.  (These notes have been adapted from the NCC Dvpt. Committee minutes.)

Website Administrator Dave Paul – – Scott Biggs – is the site. If you have any suggestions to make the website better, please contact us.

Don’t forget there is a Forest Park Neighborhood Facebook Group where you can get lots of good info.

Old Business


New Business/Announcements/Ideas

1) Ideas for guest speakers: City council reps, Sarah Pomerory-city attorney, someone from the 311 call center, the new director of Recs & Parks. If you have any ideas, please call us or come to the next meeting.

2) We need to get the Block Watch up and running. It has been on hiatus since Covid. The CA is not the appropriate place to discuss all the crime issues. We need a volunteer to head this up – Ed and Ken will be willing to mentor you in the process.

3) We need volunteers for the 4th of July Parade and the Bikes and Trikes competition. Please contact Scott Biggs for more info.

4) The next meeting will be live at the church and on Zoom: May 9, 2022 @ 7:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM

Minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: March 8, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 8 March 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:00 PM by Scott Prigan

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call/Zoom Participant List.


President’s Report   Scott Prigan –

1) We would surely welcome a great VP! Ken Gilbert volunteered to assume the position until the end of the year.

2) COVID improvements: we will primarily in-person by April or May (but will still Zoom or stream meetings).

3) Outreach Day / Membership drive is coming up. More on that later S. Biggs.

4) Northland Community Council Volunteer Awards Banquet on Thursday, April 28 2022 at 06:30 PM – our  honorees: Lou Bernard and Daryl Van Mercetta. The Forester is up for a publication award, thanks to editor Rita Woeste and all the contributors and distributors

Vice President’s Report  No Report – Ken Gilbert is volunteering to take on the position until we get a replacement.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, LB, CL,, DVM, KVM, SL, AR, ER, SB, MS, LK-B,KG, EV, DP 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: FQ, MS, RW
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 3, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 3, 13, and 14 remain vacant )
  • 32 people in attendance (17 in person, 15 on Zoom)

2) February minutes were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

1) 4 household memberships and 1new business membership

2) We had budgeted for a total of $26,414 in income through February, 2022. Our actual income for that time period is $24,847.32. Memberships are lagging by about $2,000 (or about  80 households ($2,000/$25 = 80). Expenses year to date are $24,471.71. We had budgeted for $25,053.33, so we are holding expenses down. If we continue to keep our expenses in check, we should finish the year without having to dip into our reserves.

3) In looking to 2022-23, I am planning a budget that looks very similar to last year’s. I budgeted $795 for social activities and $200 for the parade, based on data I found in prior year files. If anyone else wants to have input on the budget, now is the time to speak up! Specifically: 1) Beautification – $275 was budgeted last year, $150 was spent, 2) Welcome Committee – $300 was budgeted, $497.51 was spent (majority was new folders) and 3) Forrester – Printing is $985/month.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra –  – Absent

Saturday, May 21st for the Garage Sale this spring.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste – – Absent

Forester deadline for April issue is: March 17th. The deadline for the May issue is April 14th. We are still looking for articles all of the time. If you have a specialty or interest, start a monthly column!

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta –

  Katie Van Mercetta – 

1) Residents have emailed Daryl thanking the FPCA for the security checks on their property when they have been away.

2) A few calls about cars being illegally parked. Remember to call 311 or the police non-emergency number.

3) Hoping to get confirmation from Columbus Police Liaison Officer that the after hours club at the old Elks Club near the Sandalwood Market is permanently closed.

4) It was mentioned by a person present that they are noticing the supplemental security officers driving around in the neighborhood.

5) The shooting at Rooster’s was a targeted shooting. The police have a suspect.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – 

    Alan Ray – – No Report


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – 

Continuing to put Welcome folders together. Next month she will have the folders for the Reps to passed out. She will also be ordering more folders.

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

1) Thanks to all the volunteers who are helping us right now. 

2) Scott is constantly recruiting volunteers. He may be contacting you soon! Lol  We are looking for a Forester Delivery Coordinator. We are always looking for people to write articles for the newsletter.

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash – – No Report

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –

1) Mail theft is on the rise. Please don’t put mail in outside mailboxes–take your mail into the post office. You might want to sign up for Informed Delivery by USPS. Digitally preview your mail and manage your packages scheduled to arrive soon! 

2) Sarah Pomeroy is continuing to work on the hotel problems in our area.

3) Columbus Libraries have reopened on Sundays to pre-pandemic hours.

4) There is a new 311 system coming to Columbus.

5) City Council will be in the northland area for their July meeting.

6) The auditor’s office came to the meeting and suggested that people go online to their website and check out their property records just to make sure everything is correct. Some illegal transfers have been attempted recently.

7) The 4th of July Parade is happening this year –, as well as the NCC Awards Banquet in April.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale – 

       Dave Paul – 

1) There were 7 cases, a few were pertinent to the FPCA area: 1) Sinclair Rd:an apartment community wants to build 94 units on 3 parcels of property. It was rejected. 2) There were a few signage cases coming up. Most were approved with little problems. 

2) National Church Residence has purchased the old Capri Lanes with plans to build a senior housing center. 3) The old Carfagna’s was purchased by La Michoacana Super Market and will become The Toro Meat Market.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan – is the site. Check it out for updates.

Old Business


New Business/Announcements/Ideas

1) We are always open to receiving new ideas to make Forest Park a better place. Please email or call us with your ideas and comments. Or better yet, attend our April meeting–it will be in person.

2) The roundabouts planned for Maple Canyon are planned to be installed in 2023.

Meeting adjourned at 8:23 PM

Minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: February 8, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting minutes

Date: Feb 8, 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:04 PM by Scott Prigan

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call/Zoom Participant List.


President’s Report  Scott Prigan –

1) The slate of officers, committee chairs and area reps  was approved in Jan. Installation of Board members present was performed by Sarah C. Pomeroy, Assistant City Attorney, Zone Initiative, Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein’s Office.

2) Guest Speaker: Sarah Pomeroy – a brief update on the 161 hotel situation and any other matters possibly of interest to FPCA. The city has not approved 4 hotel licenses in the North end this year without significant clean-up in code violations: The Super 8, The Columbus Grand, The Norwood, and Am. Best Value Inn. Legal action looks to be pending to get them to follow the code. She will look into the after hours club that has taken over the space of the old Elks Club by the Sequoia Bowling Lanes. (NOTE: 4 days later there was a shooting resulting in a homicide in this very same area.) 

3) Sidewalks: Please shovel your sidewalks. Many of our neighbors use the sidewalks to get to and from work. Please be respectful of them and shovel your walks in front of your house or business.

4) The membership drive will be coming up before too long.

Vice President’s Report  No Report – The position is now vacant. 

Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard –

1) Attendance:

  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, LB, CL, RW, MS, DVM, SL, AR, ER, SB, KG, EV
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: LK-B, DP, FQ
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 13, and 14 remain vacant )

2) January minutes were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

The budget process starts in February. If any officers, committee chairs or reps have input or potential items for the budget, please contact Cheryl ASAP!

Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra –

No Report (But the signs at the entrance of FP look great Mary! Thank you!

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste –

1) Articles are due to Rita by Feb. 17 for the Mar. Forester. A few upcoming Forester article deadlines: Mar. 17 for the April issue, and Apr. 14 for the May issue.

2) Rita is still concerned about the number of homes that are not receiving their Forester each month. She will attempt to get hold of David Laughlin for exact streets. We are looking for volunteers to deliver. High school students can help deliver the Forester and get community service hours for doing so.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta – Katie Van Mercetta – 

1) There are very few requests for house checks.

2) The police department is starting Operation Broken Windows to remove abandoned cars from the street. See the story here:

3) Please do not leave your car unattended when you warm it up in the morning. 

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – sheridanlandon@yahoo.comAlan Ray – 

Sheridan thanked those who helped get the business member names to him. This is very helpful when he meets with other business owners, especially since we now have a link to them on our website. He has been doing some canvassing with local area businesses.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray – 

Ellin is still creating more folders. When she get a significant amount she will let area reps know to come and pick them up.

Volunteer Coordinator  Scott Biggs –

1) Thanked all volunteers to all FP volunteers for keeping this a great place to live.

2) He has received many comments about neighbors helping neighbors with snow and ice removal.

3) The goal is to get 50 new volunteers by end of March, spread the word and make FPCA accessible to all.

4) Scott’s new email:

5) Working on a FP Community Craft Fair and the Mulch Sale in the Spring. Look for details to come.

Social Activities Report  Liz Kengeter-Bash – – Absent        No Report

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –

1) Police liaison wants to remind everyone–DO NOT let your car warm up unattended. Car thefts are still on the rise. 

2) ID Theft still continues to be a problem. Be aware of fraudulent banks. Contact Ken for more info on this.

3) Little Turtle residents lost a few trees in an easement area when contractors cut them down. Due to residents’ quick action, the process was stopped and many trees were saved.

4) Karl Rd. Library has social services stationed there: HEAP – help with heating and utilities, and City of Columbus Social Works

5) NCC is holding the annual volunteer appreciation banquet. The cost is $35. Pres Scott Prigan, will be nominating 2 volunteers to attend.

6) The 4th of July Parade is on. To volunteer: Additional Information: website –

NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale – evanasdale@insight.rr.comDave Paul – Absent

3 cases were heard: 1) 4048 Morse Rd. Dermatology group needed more parking. Approved by NCC, 2) Kemba Financial wants to add more parking on N. Hamilton site. Approved by NCC, 3) 4960 E. Dublin-Granville Rd., they are building a multistory building. They would like to add more signage to the building. Approved with some conditions.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan –

1) You can subscribe to get email updates when new things are published on the site. Check it out, there is lots of good info on the site.

2) Trash/Recycling days are always posted.

3) Communication:

Old Business

1) Rita will let the USPS know that Treasurer, Cherly Lutman, is the contact person. 

2) All paperwork has been turned in concerning the application for the 501(c)(3). We are waiting for info from the IRS.

New Business/Announcements/Ideas

1) FP Sign Committee received a thank you note from the Sherwin family on Sumac Loop N thanking them for the great job on the Maple Canyon sign.

2) Rita always has extra Foresters. If you are an area business or heading out to one, you can request some to drop off from Rita and she will get them to you.

Meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: January 11, 2022

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 11 January 2022

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church and Zoom

Meeting called to order @ 7:05 PM by Scott Prigan

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call/Zoom Participant List.


President’s Report  Scott Prigan –

1) The meeting got off to a rocky start as we were trying to work out the hybrid meeting technology issues (in-person and Zoom at the same time) – sorry about that to all who were in attendance.

2) The slate of candidates for the positions of officers, chairs, and reps was approved. We would like all people who are holding a position in the FPCA to attend next month’s meeting in person or via Zoom in order to be sworn into office.

Vice President’s Report  No Report – The position is now vacant. 

Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard –

1) Attendance:

  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, LB, CL, MS, DVM, AR, ER, SB, LK-B, KG, EV, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: RW, FQ, SL
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 3, 5, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 13, and 14 remain vacant )

2) November and December minutes were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman –

1) Business membership received from Karl Road Christian Church

2) Income was pretty much $0. We had just a few new/renewing members in November and December.

3) Expenses were light as well, though several checks in December didn’t clear until January.

4) In November, our liability insurance was accidentally booked for renewal as a Forester expense, but was corrected in December.

5) The budget process starts in February. If any officers, committee chairs or reps have input or potential items for the budget, please contact Cheryl ASAP!

Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra –

1) Things are relatively quiet. Mary has received very few comments or complaints.

2) Please remember when you park your cars, don’t block the sidewalk or park in the grass – both are against the City of Columbus Code. You can report such issues on 311 / / Columbus app. 

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste – – Absent

1) Articles are due to Rita by Jan. 20th for the Feb. Forester. A few upcoming Forester article deadlines: Feb. 17 for the March issue, Mar. 17 for the April issue, and Apr. 14 for the May issue.

2) Rita is still concerned about the 100+ homes that are not receiving their Forester each month. She will attempt to get hold of David Laughlin for exact streets.

3) PLEASE be aware that if there is inclement weather at the beginning of February, we will leave it up to the discretion of each delivery person when they will deliver, we don’t want any accidents. 

4) Rita has ordered a 6 month supply of bags from the Central Ohio Bag & Burlap Co., they should be in after January 18th, so plenty of time for the February deliveries. The charge will go directly onto the FPCA credit card to be paid by the Treasurer. 

5) Paul Insley (Insley Printing, Inc.) has asked if we will continue with monthly printing. Rita told him yes, at least until our Budget meeting, that would be the time if anything changes. He needed to know in order to get paper supplies here in time, shortages or delivery delays with paper just like everything else.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta – Katie Van Mercetta – 

1) Please do not leave your car unattended when you warm it up in the morning. Technically, it is illegal, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY there have been multiple stolen cars this month because of this.

2) There has been some violence/robberies to businesses between Karl Rd. and Cleveland Ave., but very little home violence.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – AbsentAlan Ray – 

Sheridan has been doing some canvassing with local area businesses. He has had some positive responses/conversations and is directing business owners to become members by going through the process on our website.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray – 

Ellin has Welcome Folders for new homeowners. She will be contacting area reps to come and pick them up. There are approximately 5-10 houses being sold in FP a week!!

Volunteer Coordinator  Scott Biggs –

1) Scott is spending some time getting introduced to his new position. He requested a job description about each committee. He is creating a list of priority needs and wants.

2) There is lots of interest in reinstating the Block Watch. Scott P., Ed V., and Ken G. will work with him to get the info to the interested parties.

3) He has been talking with other civic associations in the area about fundraising for the FPCA. There is a possibility of a mulch sale with Ohio Mulch. More info to come in Feb.

Social Activities Report  Liz Kengeter-Bash – 

1) With COVID still around, there are not many social activities being planned.

2) She is in contact with the Columbus Crew about getting FPCA tickets. It was suggested to her to contact the Columbus Clippers.

3) After last year’s success of a front yard concert held by the Dove’s of FP West, she is looking to expand upon this idea.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert –

1) Earl Miller, long time FP resident and civic association volunteer, passed away on Dec. 15, 2021. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family.

2) Sheetz on Rt. 161 will be opening on Feb. 8th

3) The 4th of July Parade is being held this year. They are looking for volunteers to help.

3) NCC will hold its annual banquet this year as well.

4) City Attorney, Sarah Pomeroy, is still working on the problem hotels in the area. We are starting to see movement in cleaning up this issue.

NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale – evanasdale@insight.rr.comDave Paul – 

6 cases were heard (these notes were adapted from the NCC website):

1) National Church Residences – 4836 Cleveland Ave. Proposing a multi-family senior living facility. They received a council variance to get funding from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency. NCC is generally supportive of the project, but were very concerned because of the density doubling from what was proposed last year when they supported the variance. The vote was to not support the application. 2) Menerey – sign for an apartment on an Aldi sign. NCC recommended against allowing an off-premises sign. 3) Sheetz graphic variance. Recommended approval. 4) Request to install a sign at the Busch Corporate Center to ID the current corporate tenant. NCC supported the application. 5) Request to add all signs to the new OhioHealth facility at Hamilton to be named for the Hondros family and the building identity. NCC supported this application. 6) 5438 N Hamilton Rd. NCC tabled this signage request for Bank of America.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan –

1) You can subscribe to get email updates when new things are published on the site. Check it out, there is lots of good info on the site.

2) Trash/Recycling days are always posted.

3) Communication:

  • For the web site, you can add/remove (or both to change) your email address as desired.
  • For the LIST (from … contact Dave Paul. Please NEVER unsubscribe to an item relayed from the city, etc., lest you unsubscribe us all!

Old Business

1) New FPCA Constitutional Amendments: Scott P. and Lou B. outlined the reason for adding new amendments to the FPCA Constitution. In short, new language was needed to apply for federal 501(c)(3) status. Amendments were first viewed at the December meeting with the members of the board (Officers, Committee Chairs, and Reps) who were present. The new amendments to the constitution were read. The amendments were discussed and voted on. They passed unanimously with 1 abstention. The Amendments will become effective 60 days after the passage date of 11 Jan 2022 (that will be 12 Mar 2022).

Amendments to Forest Park Civic Association Constitution

(Items C and D added to Article II – Name and Purpose)

Article II – Name and Purpose

C. Activities of FPCA:

  1. The Forest Park Civic Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
  2. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)(3).
  3. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

D. Dissolution Provisions:

Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

New Business/Announcements/Ideas


Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: December 14, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

14 December 2021 – Fiesta Jalisco – Officers and Board Meeting

Meeting called to order @ 6:40 PM by Scott Prigan

Attendance was taken via role call.


President’s Report   Scott Prigan

  1. Scott welcomed all to the meeting.
  2. It was explained that in order to qualify for 501(c)(3) the IRS wanted us to add language to  our Constitution in two areas: 1) the Activities of the FPCA, and 2) Provisions for Dissolution (see Below). The Amendments to the Constitution were read out loud to those present. A very thorough discussion was held concerning each of the two areas. The officers and board unanimously voted to approve the amendments. The amendments will now be brought to the full FPCA at the January meeting for review, discussion, and a vote to add them to the existing FPCA constitution.
  3. The official meeting was adjourned at the conclusion of the voting. No other reports were given.

Vice President’s Report  No Report – The position is now vacant. 

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, LB, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, SB, MS, KG, EV
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: CL. FQ, AR, ER, LK-B, DP
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 5, 9
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 3, 13, and 14 remain vacant )

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman Absent

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta,  Katie Van Mercetta

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –,  Alan Ray – Absent


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – Absent

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs/Mike Stone

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash Absent

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale,  Dave Paul Absent

Website Administrator Scott Prigan

Old Business

New Business/Announcements/Ideas

The next meeting will be held on January 22, 2022. Happy holidays to you all -Wishing you Peace in the new year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM



Proposed Amendments to Forest Park Civic Association Constitution

Changes needed to clarify non-profit status per I.R.S. guidance for Federal 501(c)(3) recognition, to be voted on at the January 2022 general meeting.

We propose to add items C and D to Article II – Name and Purpose:

Article II – Name and Purpose

C. Activities of FPCA:

  1. The Forest Park Civic Association is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
  2. No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)(3).
  3. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

D. Dissolution Provisions:

Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: November 9, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

9 November 2021 – Epworth United Methodist Church/Zoom

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:03 PM by Scott Prigan


President’s Report   Scott Prigan  

  1. Ryan Finke unfortunately had to step out of our Vice President position. He says that since his family size doubled from two to four children with twins born in April, he’s realizing the need to be more present in his home. He thanks the civic association for accepting him to serve alongside you all since March and hopes he can serve again sometime in the future. 
  2. New Volunteer Coordinator: Scott Biggs, taking over from Mike Stone
  3. RE Supplemental Security–Things We Need to Remember
    1. House Checks! Our contract with the security company will allow them to do house/property checks if you need them to do so, especially if you are on vacation.
    2. They are a security Patrol, they are NOT the police. If you have police issues, DO NOT call the security company or Daryl Van Marcetta and expect them to arrest people or do police actions. That is not their job.
    3. Our coordinator does not personally do checks, patrol, etc. He is not the police, he will not be coming to your house to solve disputes with your neighbor. He does coordinate checks and patrolling with the security agency. He also keeps an ear open to know about community safety, and communicate with our liaison officer.

Vice President’s Report The position is now vacant. 

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers Present: SP, LB, CL, RW, MS, SL, AR, ER, KG, EV, DVM
  • Officers Absent: SB, LKB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 9, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14 (Areas 13 & 14 are vacant)
  • 18 people present, 1 on Zoom
  1. Minutes from last month were reviewed and accepted. They are posted on the website as well as in the Forester.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

  1. Report delayed due to technical issues. See the budget in this month’s Forester.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra  

  1. There is no report

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. December articles due Nov. 11, January articles are due Dec. 28.
  2. January Forester is an online issue–no delivering necessary.
  3. About 300 Foresters did not get delivered last month because we did not have enough volunteers to deliver. PLEASE, WE NEED MORE HELP/VOLUNTEERS.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta (Absent) Officer Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) 614.645.1418

  1. Officer Yandrich 
    1. Parking Issues: we are getting lots of complaints. Feel free to email the address and description of the vehicle. Flat tires, broken windows, and abandoned vehicles can be reported. Please note, the police impound lot is completely full; very little towing is happening in the city. Tractor trailers can only park for 1 hour. Longer than that, it is a violation and should be reported. Last Tuesday when it became very cold, 4 cars were stolen in the Northland area because their owners left them running/warming up in their driveway or street.
    2. Shooting on Karl Rd.: this was a problem with a person who lives on Karl Rd. There is a suspect.
    3. There is no suspect in the Doll House shooting.
    4. If you have speeders in your neighborhood, please call 311.
    5. If cars are parked over the sidewalk, this is a police issue–call 614.645.4545
    6. Be wary of the rise of burglaries around the holiday time.
    7. Gave free gun locks away to anyone who wanted one.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – Alan Ray –

Neither of the business reps have been out canvassing the area. We have no new business memberships.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray –

Ellin has all Welcome Folders for each area ready to be picked up! She has finally caught up! Area Reps need to attend the monthly meeting to pick up the folders for delivery.


Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone   Absent 

  1. First, welcome Scott Biggs as our new Membership/ Volunteer coordinator.  I will be working with him  as I plan to stay active in FPCA where I can (but I won’t be able to come up for air until about late March).
  2. In other notes… we need a Vice President.      Seriously though, thank you Ryan for filling the role in 2021.  Recruiting new people is a great thing for area rep. positions but the VP role needs to be filled by a current board member.  
  3. If there are any additional area representatives who are looking to step down from their post, please let us know as we can use the time to fill it in the upcoming months.  

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash Absent – No Report.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert (Absent)

  1. The July 4th Parade is on!! Planning has been taking place. They take place Karl Rd. Library on the 3rd Sat. of each month. Look on the NCC website for more info.
  2. Hotel Issues. The hotel on Mediterranean Ave. has ceased being a Covid homeless overflow site.. The hotel next to Popeyes, is a hotel set up for Covid positive homeless people. If you see people standing outside or in cleaning gear, that is appropriate. They deep clean the rooms when a client leaves.
  3. The City Atty, Sarah Pomeroy is working hard on the hotel issue, and is currently planning on filing formal complaints against some of them in the area.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul 

  1. Ohio Health on 5150 E. Dublin-Granville applied for a graphics plan to images on the bldg. The plan was not accurate, therefore it was not approved.
  2. 4048 Morse Rd. – The dermatology practice was approved for a variance to move closer to the road. The city then said that they would lose some of their parking. They came up with a plan with their neighbors to share space. The plan was approved.
  3. Surplus World on Morse Rd. wanted to put in a warehouse in the back of their property that would replace all or most of their parking. They had no plans to accommodate the parking. They tabled their idea.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan (Absent)

FPCIVIC.ORG is our website. Make sure to sign up for updates.

Old Business

  1. Sign Committee update: Members of the Sign Committee (Ed, Daryl, and Lou) put up the 5 signs in the FP area on Sat., Nov. 6. See the article in this month’s Forester.
  2. We recently received a letter from the IRS after almost a year concerning the 501c3. They need more paperwork!!! Agggh, this is so frustrating.

New Business/Announcements/Ideas

Ed has been calling 311 on the trash that accumulates near the exit ramps at 161/I-71. So if you see city workers out there collecting it, you can thank Ed Vanasdale when you see him!! Thank you, Ed!

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: October 12, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

12 October 2021 – Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:02 PM by Scott Prigan


President’s Report   Scott Prigan  

  1. Spam phishing is still occurring: see Email and TEXT spam schemes
  2. Homeless update: see Ryan’s report
  3. Homeless /Panhandlers: 
    1. Compassion is advised
    2. donate to organization first
    3. not all panhandlers are homeless …
  4. Budget cycle pattern (see Cheryl’s comments)
  5. 501c3 …We have no info. Scott is ready to begin making phone calls to legislators to help us out.
  6. Outreach to new neighbors – all ambassadors, and I’d love to hear connections

Vice President’s Report Ryan Finke  Absent

  1. A concerned resident called a couple of weeks ago asking what was happening at the Americas Best Value Inn Columbus located at 1289 E Dublin Granville Rd, Columbus, OH 43229. The resident shared that they saw security personnel wearing face masks, many COVID-19 testing boxes on the ground, and many sickly looking people behind the inn.

After contacting our area’s City Liaison, Alfred Akainyah, Ryan was connected with Steve Skovensky, Director of Programs & Planning at Community Shelter Board. 

Steve gave Ryan a phone call and told him that this motel has been used during the pandemic by the Community Shelter Board with help from the YMCA and Lower Lights Christian Health Center to house people experiencing homelessness and quarantining due to COVID. He reassured him that the operations are very strict there. Guests are not allowed to leave their rooms except to go on the balcony at alternating times to other guests.

The Community Shelter Board has also shared and answered questions at the June 2021 Northland Community Council meeting. He welcomes any further questions or concerns. His contact information is: and (773) 597-5224.

  1. Ryan is continuing to work on creating promotional materials to help explain the value of the Forest Park Civic Association. If you would like to weigh in, please contact him.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers Present: SP, LB, CL, RW, MS, SL, AR, ER, KG, EV, DP
  • Officers Absent: RF, DVM, KVM, MS, LKB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 5, 7, 11
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 13 & 14 are vacant)
  1. Minutes from last month were reviewed and accepted. They are posted on the website as well as in the Forester.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

  1. Our budget is based on us having $14,125 in membership income (that’s just the $25 membership).  As you all know, we get the bulk of that in May/June/July.  With memberships slowing down, you will see that we should be at $13,650, and we are at $11,405.  We realize we still have about 6 months to go, so hopefully we catch up.
  2. Supplemental security is budgeted to be $6,500 for the year.  Again, with membership income slowing down, contributions to the security fund slow down.  We’ve received $1,750 in direct contributions to that fund – the remainder comes from the general membership dollars.
  3. The Forester has two income streams – one is the advertising revenue, and the other is people who donate to that fund.  We had budgeted $9,000 from those two income streams, with the expenses (printing, bags, etc.) to be $14,000.  Right now, we’re a bit ahead of our income target, but again, the remainder of the cost of the Forester comes from the membership dollars.
  4. A note to Lisa Dove (and Liz Kengeter-Bash, we had budgeted $750 for social activities.  We have not used any of that yet.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra  (Absent)

  1. There have not been a lot of phone calls about negative activity going on.
  2. The garage sale was a success. We had good weather and we had a great time.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. November articles due October 21st, December articles are due Nov. 11.
  2. We don’t know what streets are not getting served. This info needs to be documented.
  3. We also need people to help with deliveries. Please contact Rita if you are willing to help.
  4. The business reps are passing out Forester copies to have out in their establishments.
  5. We are down on advertising revenue.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta (Absent) Officer Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) 614.645.1418   No report-all were absent.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – Alan Ray –

  1. Stewart has been canvassing the area. He has visited about 30 businesses in the last few years. We have no new memberships this month.
  2. If you know any local business owners or are one yourself, contact Stewart or Alan to learn how FPCA can work with you.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray –

  1. Ellin has Welcome Folders for each area ready to be picked up! Area Reps need to attend the monthly meeting to pick up the folders for delivery.

Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone  Absent – No report 

Social Activities Report Liz Kengeter-Bash Absent – No Report.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert (Absent)

  1. Zach Klein spoke on police interactions with civilians; what they can do and not do. He said that people with previous records are not being released without jail time. This was debated and is still up for debate.
  2. The July 4th Parade is on!!
  3. The Karl Rd. library is open. If you haven’t been in to see it, we urge you to, it is awesome. There will soon be a Columbus Dispatch mobile office opening behind the library.
  4. Sarah Pomeroy, the Columbus city attorney, is working hard on the hotel/homeless issue.
  5. Discussed the 2018 Charter Amendment to the city constitution about the election of city council members and the “districting” of the city.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul 

  1. 5801 Karl Rd (old Long John Silver) was looking for a variance to have advertising on 3 sides of their building. They will take down the pole sign as a compromise. The variance was granted.
  2. 4848 Morse Rd. by Sam’s Club, Easton-looking for a variance to put up a sign for their dermatology office. Variance granted. They were also granted a variance from the setback allowance.
  3. The dog boarding site in front of Minerva Park, is under new owners and wanted a variance to keep the business open until all past paperwork is completed. Variance granted.
  4. IF you have any questions contact the NCC or any of the above people.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan (Absent)

  1. FPCIVIC.ORG is our website. Make sure to sign up for updates.

Old Business

  1. Sign Committee update: Signs have been purchased and paid for, but have not yet been put up.

New Business/Announcements/Ideas

  1. Herb Crites, long time member of the FCPA, recently passed away.
  2. The new Carfagna’s is open. We are sad to see them leave, but the new store is nice. Resident Bob Hinebaugh has provided them with old time pictures of Italy that they are using in their restaurant.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM