Category Archives: Meeting Minutes and Reports

Meeting Minutes from FPCA meetings
Reports such as Treasuer Reports

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: September 14, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

14 September 2021 – Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:05 PM by Ryan Finke


President’s Report   Scott Prigan  (Absent)

  1. Welcome to Elizabeth Kengeter-Bash, our new Social Activities chair. As she is an Art educator, we are excited to have a creative person assume this role at this challenging time.
  2. We still need a successor to (not replacement for) Mike Stone as Volunteer Coordinator. If you are interested, Mike can help you launch. Scott and Ryan can provide support.

Vice President’s Report Ryan Finke

  1. Working on creating some promotional pieces that further explain the value of the civic association.
  2. The Forest Park Neighborhood Facebook Page and Nextdoor website are great places to connect with your neighbors. Please consider joining and continuing to interact with your neighbors there. There are some great conversations happening there. We will try to share some important information from social media in the printed Foresters to get it in front of more eyes, especially those not online.
  3. Looking for anyone who wants to be more a part of their community, who has an idea they want to see come to life, who sees a problem that needs fixed, please let me know! I’d love to meet you and see how I can help you succeed and make a difference.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance was taken from those in attendance and those on Facebook Live.

Officers Present: LB, RF, CL, RW, AR, ER, EV

Area Reps in Attendance: 3, 7, 9, 11

Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14

  1. Minutes from last month were reviewed and accepted. They are posted on the website as well as in the Forester.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

  1. We have a few checks that were written in August but did not clear until September. I have moved those expenses to September.
  2. I changed how people can pay through PayPal, and folks who are paying that way are adding the PayPal fees to their membership. This means we do not pay the transaction fee. It’s a small savings, but a savings nonetheless. We are also getting people adding funds for the other items – Security, Forester, Beautification, so that’s great!
  3. We are currently ahead on an annual basis on many of our expenses, however some of that may be due to checks that have not yet cleared. I’m working with the bank to get checks that are requested in a particular month sent out. There’s currently an odd delay in the timing which concerns me and I’ve been talking with the bank about it. More to come.
  4. Given that we are coming up on 6 months of this fiscal year budget, I am gaining clarity on how things will shape up for the rest of the year, which is helpful as I continue to wrap my head around how all this works. Membership mailings are definitely slowing down (June = 308/August = 34), so I intend to spend time reviewing the budget and making sure we are on track for the rest of the year.
  5. Treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra  (Absent)

  1. The FPCA Community Garage Sale will be held this weekend. We do have volunteers to pass out the flyers at the entrances of FP.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. Discussed the timeline for this month’s Forester. October articles due Sept. 17th. November articles due October 21st.
  2. There are 7 volunteers who stuff the 3000+ Foresters! Thank you.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta (Absent) Officer Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) 614.645.1418

Officer Yandrich’s Report:

  1. Officer Yandrich introduced himself. This was his first FPCA meeting.
  2. The new chief is allowing facial hair (goatee and beards are now allowed). Tattoos will now be permitted below the sleeve. There will also be a change to the uniform. Dark shirts will replace the white shirts. Hats are now optional, and a ball cap will soon be made available. 
  3. The Speedway at Maple Canyon & 161 is being slammed with car thefts. Keep your valuables locked up. DON’T leave your car running.
  4. Catalytic converter theft is still high. Mostly from cars on the street. Park in your driveway if you can.
  5. There is a person (male, black, 50 yrs. old) walking around FPWest asking for money to help out his family. He has stolen a person’s wallet when they have offered to help. 
  6. Homeless problem was discussed at length. Look for an article in this month’s Forester.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin – (Absent)   Alan Ray –

  1. Stewart has been canvassing the area around Rose’s store on Karl. He has gained 3 new business memberships.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray –

  1. Ellin has Welcome Folders for each area ready to be picked up! Area Reps need to attend the monthly meeting to pick up the folders for delivery.

Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone

  1. New Social Activities Coordinator. The Social Activities Chair has been filled by Elizabeth Kengeter-Bash. Liz is an Art instructor by trade and is likely to bring a tremendous dose of passion to FPCA.
  2. Membership as of 9/06. We have 361 paper memberships IN HAND, which means the memberships from PayPal are not included. We need to consolidate this in the short future.  It is amazing how many people have donated numbers in the 50’s and hundreds. We had one person donate $1,000. Let’s all get the word out and make one final push. 
  3. New Volunteers. There has been a list created and distributed among the officers and committee chairs of those who listed that they want to volunteer on their returned Data Sheets. It does not include many who are actively volunteering.
  4. Mike’s expectation is to roll off from the FPCA in this formal role at the end of October. If there are people interested in filling this role, please let him know so that he can get you up to speed.   

Social Activities Report Elizabeth Kengeter-Bash  No Report.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert (Absent)

  1. Attended the September 7th meeting of the Northland Community Council. 
  2. It was noted that the old Rodeway Inn near the Continent has reopened. It did pass its license inspection for a partial re-opening (a number of units are under renovation). The city is keeping an eye on it.
  3. The new Karl Road Library branch opened on September 9th. 
  4. The NABA golf outing is September 23. 
  5. City council is back to open, in person meetings as of September 
  6. A roundtable discussion was had featuring Merideth Metcalf of National Church Residences about their Senior Select Program. 
  7. The NCC is looking for a new Secretary (immediately) and a new Treasurer (for 2022). 
  8. The Fourth of July parade is back, and we have co-chairs for the event. 
  9. The Northand Unity Festival will be this weekend (September 18) at the YMCA off Karl Road from 2-6 pm. Sponsored by Elevate Northland.
  10. There was a discussion of the development issues along Ulry Rd, and the NCC repeated their statement of a couple of years ago regarding high density development in that corridor and the plan already agreed to by the city.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul (Absent)

3 cases were heard: 

1) A car wash on Morse Rd. (in the old Miller Ale House) is refusing to put in a sidewalk from Morse Rd. to their property. NCC said – No.     

2) Old Beechcroft Pool was sold again. Will be more apartments. NCC said-yes. 

3) 6050 Cleveland Ave and Bella Vista Ave- corner lots apts. Looking for a set back right-away.- NCC said -yes. 

Website Administrator Scott Prigan (Absent)

  1. FPCIVIC.ORG is our website. Make sure to sign up for updates.

Old Business 

  1. Sign Committee update. Signs have been purchased and paid for. The committee hopes to get the signs up around the entrances of Forest Park before the next meeting.

New Business/Announcements/Ideas

  1. Lisa Dove (The Forest Park Gardener) thanked all who were involved in the nominations and selections of the Beautification Awards. It was an amazing experience, and she is looking to expand and improve upon it in the future.
  2. 9 volt batteries were passed out at the end of the meeting. They were left over from a fire department program to put batteries in smoke detectors.
  3. If you are a FP committee chair or officer who has receipts for reimbursement, bring them to the next meeting and Cheryl can reimburse you.
  4. Future FPCA meetings will be held in person at the Epworth United Methodist Church as long as they remain open. Masks and social distancing are required. Stay safe everyone. See you next month.

Meeting adjourned at 7:42 P

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: August 10, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting/Northland Community Council Picnic

10 August 2021 – Northland Swim Club

Our August meeting is always cancelled in lieu of the Northland Community Council’s Summer Meeting/Picnic at the Northland Swim Club. Some of the minutes provided by the NCC are reprinted here. ~Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting

Columbus Police Department

Officer Larry Geis, Officer Dan Yandrich

  • Officer Yandrich has taken over liaison for 18th precinct, talked about email regarding Morse Road robberies

City Attorney’s Office

Sarah Pomeroy, 614-645-8619,

  • Brought information handouts
  • Project Taillight, free tail light repair by  students

Northland Area Business Association

Dave Cooper

  • The next to last 161 Task Force Cleanup will be this Saturday, August 14th at 9 AM, meet behind Jiffy Lube
  • The Ink Well has moved to the Ashland University building, 1900 E Dublin Granville Rd, Suite 115

Roundtable Discussion

Special guests, City Council member Emmanuel Remy and House District 25 Representative Dontavius Jarrells, introduced themselves to the group, and encouraged us to seek their help when needed.


Alicia Ward

  • Elevate Northland is having a Unity Festival on Sept 18th 4 to 6 PM outside of the Karl Road YMCA. Still looking for vendors who can sign up online at

Development Committee

Dave Paul, Chair

  • Upcoming meeting on August 25th will be in person, will go back to meeting at Franklin County Job and Family Services

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: July 13, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

13 July 2021

President’s Report  Scott Prigan

7:03 Meeting called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

  1. Our meeting this month was LIVE and in person at the Epworth United Methodist Church on Karl Rd.! with live streaming on the Facebook Group! Welcome back to everyone-our first in person meeting since March 2020! We will be following COVID protocol. All speakers will come forward to give report so they will be on camera for the folks at home.
  2. Attendance was taken by roll call by the secretary. 
  3. We are still waiting for confirmation on our 501c3 status.
Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

  1. We are now live streaming our monthly meetings on FPCA Facebook page. If you attend online, you are welcome to participate by leaving comments or using Facebook Messenger to send us a note. I will voice all written notes during the meeting. 
  2. I’m working on a few projects: communications ideas to help get new neighbors connected with the FPCA, small design updates to the Forester newsletter, adding relevant Forest Park social media conversations to the Forester content, and helping communicate the value of the FPCA to neighbors.
  3. I am looking to make a difference, so if anyone has a project idea, please let me know. I’m happy to help.
Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard

  1. Spelling correction to last month’s minutes in the Forester: our liaison officer’s name is Dan Yandrich.
  2. Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, DVM, KVM, SL, MS, EV, KG 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: RW, AR, ER, DP, FQ (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11
  • Area Reps Absent: 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )
  1. Minutes from June’s meeting were voted on and accepted into the record.
Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

(See the budget spreadsheet in this month’s Forester)

  1. Here are the financials for June.  The large expenses include:
  • $528.63 towards the new signage for the neighborhood.  This is a non-budget item, but we will pay from our cash reserves.
  • $1,570 for our bulk mail permit and to put money in our account for the membership mailing
  • $497.51 for new folders for the Welcome Committee
  1. We are still down on memberships from last year, but hopefully as we continue to do outreach, more people will join.  PayPal memberships continue to come in as well as ones in the mail – just not as many as early June.
Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra

  1. It is relatively quiet. Not many people are reporting disturbances.
  2. Sept. 18 is the date for the Fall Community Garage Sale. Start gathering your stuff now.
  3. New signs were put up on the islands about the 4th of July and tonight’s meeting.
Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste Absent

  1. Rita was out of town and didn’t make tonight’s meeting.  Articles for the August issue of the Forester due  by this coming FRIDAY,  July 16th.  Foresters will be stuffed the following Friday, July 23rd and out to delivery folks to do the following week.
  2. Will include in August Forester:  Garage Sale on 9/18.  If anyone has any info about Night Out activities, send it to me for the August issue.
  3. Someone take pics of the first IN PERSON meeting in a long time and will put those pictures in the Forester. 
Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. There were lots of calls about the amount of fireworks through the months of June and July.
  2. We are getting many residence/vacation checks.
  3. Will be reaching out to Officer Yandrich this month. He sent out an email on July 6th about June Homicide States. That was forwarded to all members by Secretary Lou B.
  4. A question was asked about the confidentiality of the vacation checks by the supplemental security company. The FPCA receives the notification for the request and forwards it to the Supplemental Security Coordinator, who then forwards it to the security company. Those are the only people who know if you are leaving of vacation.
Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray – Absent

  1. If you are a business owner (or know a business owner) in the FP or Northland area contact Sheridan or Alan to become a business member.
  2. Not much news to report.
Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray –  Absent

New folders from VistaPrint have been ordered, and they should arrive any day now.  They have a QR code on the front that links to the Forest Park Civic Association website.  As soon as they get here, she will be able to start assembling folders for our new neighbors (from the beginning of the year) and will bring them to next month’s meeting.

Volunteer Coordinator  Mike Stone  Absent 

  1. We are still looking for help with deliveries.
  2. We are also looking for a person to take over the Social Activities Coordinator – you do have a budget!!
  3. We have 310+ memberships so far, and many people are donating more than the $25 because they know how valuable the FPCA is to the neighborhood.
  4. A constant comment that Mike gets is “What is in it for me?”
    • Vacation checks by supplemental security
    • The Forester newsletter
    • NCC contribution
    • Neighborhood patrolling by supplemental security
    • Island beautification
    • Community events: garage sale, picnics, etc.
  5. Mike is leaving his position as Volunteer Coordinator by the end of Aug. or beginning of Sept. He  is looking for someone to take his place and is very willing to work with you to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible.
  6. A SUPER big THANK YOU to all those who volunteered to make the membership drive a success! 
Social Activities Coordinator  Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone or Scott Prigan.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. Ken thanked Scott for honoring him with this new position. He represents all of us at the Northland Community Council. If you have any concerns, please contact him.
  2. Safe Streets Program by the CPD: “The Safe Streets program coordinated a collaborative program working with other City departments, including Code Enforcement, the Solid Waste Inspector, the City Attorney’s office, members of the Environmental Court, and community leaders to address quality of life issues at a street level for residents of the Linden, Hilltop and South Side communities.”  North Side Safe Streets 614.645.3660
  3. Our new CPD liaison officer is Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer)
  4. The Karl Rd. Library is slated to open the week of Sept. 1st
  5. NABA Golf Outing will be Sept 15th. If you want to play or sponsor us, Trevor Secord (tsecord@​ is the chair. 
  6. Many bicycle and pedestrian accidents in the Northland area. Please everyone be careful.
  7. National Night Out is the 1st Tues. in Aug.
  8. The NCC Picnic will replace our FPCA August 10th meeting. @ Northland Swim Club 6pm, bring a side dish or dessert to share. Meat and buns will be provided.
  9. The Bhutanese Community of Central Ohio was voted in to become the newest member of the NCC.
  10. Last week was the successful 161 Clean-up day. Thanks to all who participated.
NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

2 Cases were heard: 1) the Moo Moo Car Wash planned to open on N. Hamilton Rd. had issues with parking. It was resolved. 2) The new Sheetz is slated to open by the end of 2021. It will be located at 975 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. They wanted a variance for a larger temporary sign for their grand opening, and to allow it to be displayed for a longer period of time. Both cases were approved.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan

Please check it out! Lots of good info. Calendar feed, etc.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Sign Committee Update: the proposal was voted on and the money was approved at last month’s meeting. The sign company will be notified to start production.
  2. Some neighborly requests to look into incorporating into FPCA. Discussion followed. There are ways for individuals to become associate members. The executive board will discuss/explore this. The issue is pretty complex and they will report back throughout the coming months.
New Business  Scott Prigan

No FPCA meeting in August → NCC Picnic will replace the August 10th meeting. It will be held at the Northland Swim Club (5006 Almont Dr, Columbus, OH 43229) – 6pm, bring a side dish or dessert to share. Meat and buns will be provided.

Meeting adjourned: 7:50


Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: June 8, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

08 June 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

President’s Report  Scott Prigan

7:03 Called to Order. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Thanks to all who helped put together Membership mailing. (esp. M. Stone!) The returns are starting to pour in!

Thanks to Scott Clinger for many years of service as CPD liaison. Scott is retiring after many years of service to the CPD and the FPCA. Officer Clinger reviewed many of the accomplishments of collaborative work with the FPCA. Officer Dan Yandrich is Officer Clinger’s replacement.

Thanks to Area Reps for hanging tight through COVID. With vaccinations, etc. we may soon be going “live.” We will be looking to go live in July. Stay tuned to the website and Facebook page for updates and information!

Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

No report

Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard

Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.

  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, SL, AR, ER, DP, EV, KG 
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: MS (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )

Minutes from May’s meeting were voted on and accepted into the record.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

(See the budget spreadsheet in this month’s Forester)

  1. The biggest variances are due primarily to the mailing not going out until the end of the month, and so memberships are just now rolling in – a lot of them!  In years past, the mailing has gone out earlier, so memberships were received earlier.  On Saturday, she collected close to 100 envelopes, and has lots of PayPal notifications.  She’ll be working through these quickly!
  2. Otherwise, things seem to be in line.
Public Relations Report  Mary Sguerra

We had a great garage this spring. It was the largest neighborhood garage sale on record. Conversation is beginning to plan the fall 2021 Garage Sale: Sept. 18th. This is the same date as the Elevate Northland’s Unity Festival at the YMCA. This may help bring in more people to the garage sale.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. June 17th is the deadline for July Forester articles. 
  2. Northland HS and DeSales HS are not participating in delivery of the Forester. We are still looking for volunteers to deliver. If you are looking to volunteer somewhere in the organization, this is a great opportunity to “get your feet wet.” 

David Laughlin ( ) is in charge of organizing the delivery schedule. Look for a post on the Nextdoor App and/or Facebook page for volunteer opportunities..

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta Scott Clinger (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. Lengthy security check for a neighbor in a rehab facility. Security will continue to keep an eye on things, for the resident.
  2. They are reporting that things seem to be quiet, for the most part.
Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. Sheridan has been hitting the pavement looking for new business members. If you are a business owner in the FP area, contact Sheridan or Alan to get information on becoming a business member–some advertising is included!
  2. Forest Park received a $250.00 check from The Nyce Company for the general fund. Thank you!
Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray –

Contacted area reps that did not pick up folders. Folders for areas 1, 2, 6, 8, and 13 still need to be picked up.

Volunteer Coordinator  Mike Stone  Absent 

  1. We Did It!! Got the mailing off successfully.  Thank you to the many wonderful people that made that possible.  Mike is very excited to hear that we have over 100 returns in 4 days!!
  2. Mike announced that he is going to have to step down from his duties as Volunteer/ Membership Coordinator.  He would like to make a full transition of this by the end of August.  If anyone on the board would be interested in filling this role, please let either him or Scott know and they can talk further with you.
Social Activities Report  Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone or Scott Prigan.

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. A very interesting and heated NCC meeting dealing with the homeless/hotel situation in the area. Members of the NCC pointed out to the reps from the homeless organizations (YMCA and Community Shelter Board) present that we are willing to help, but do not want to bear all the responsibility . They said 2 of the 3 repurposed facilities/hotels will be closing within the next 8-12 months.
  2. Lots of us have been having an issue with Rumpke recycling, check out the 311 website to register complaints.
NCC Development Representative  Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

2 cases involving our area: 1) The conversion of a commercially zoned house near Bella Villa. The applicant wants to build a 10 unit apartment. They changed design to address the concerns that NCC had with previous design. NCC was supportive of the proposal. 2) Magnuson Grand Hotel is being proposed to be turned into a low-income apartment complex. NCC was supportive of the proposal.

Website Administrator  Scott Prigan

Please check it out! Lots of good info.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Sign Committee Update: Bids were accepted. Moore Signs from Westerville was chosen to create the new signs. The committee asked for $1057.26 for the signs. There is money in the savings account to cover this. The money was approved by the members present. The committee will continue on with the process and update the FPCA in the future.
  2. Area Representatives who have been absent from the meetings have been individually contacted to find out where they have been. Those who have not responded are being called this week.
New Business  Scott Prigan

Some neighborly requests to look into incorporating into FPCA. Discussion followed. There are ways for individuals to become associate members. The executive board will discuss/explore this. The issue is pretty complex and they will report back throughout the coming months.

Meeting adjourned: 8:35

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: May 11, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

11 May 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:08 PM by Scott Prigan


President’s Report   Scott Prigan

  1. Still awaiting 501c3 from our overloaded workers at the IRS
  2. Looking forward to Summer. Remember to keep safe. Hybrid meeting in June?
  3. Focus on Membership Outreach (formerly Outreach Day). Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help with the Outreach project.

Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

  1. Slowly but surely coming up to speed with the new position.
  2. Considering ideas of automated ways to notify Area Reps of their new neighbors to aid with welcoming them.
  3. Hoping to help with updating Forester design. Ryan and Rita are having a conversation about this.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, SL, MS, DP, EV, KG
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: AR, ER (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 4
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 13 and 14 remain vacant )

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

  1. Budget is out for May. We are showing a small surplus. Currently analyzing the budget to find trends. The budget is in the month’s Forester. Some money was moved within the budget/account for social events this summer.
  2. Asked committee chairs for a breakdown of money they will need in the future. Did not receive any requests, so committees received a similar amount as they did in the past.
  3. Using online bill pay with 5th/3rd will save money on postage.
  4. Will be working with Rita about changes to budget due to Forester delivery.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra

  1. Garage Sale: We are in the middle of getting things ready for the FP Garage Sale this weekend. We have 32 members signed up to participate. Rita and Mary will be at the islands to FP entrance passing out flyers with addresses on them at 9:00-10:30 AM this Saturday. Mary will get money collected from garage sale advertising to the Treasurer when all comes in.
  2. Island Signs: There was a request last year to get maintenance done on the island signs, contact has been made to get them fixed.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. Everything is needed for Forester printing by Thursday, May 13th. Delivery system needs to be worked out. David is supposed to be in charge. Does anyone know what is going on? High School students are no longer delivering for FPCA. M. Stone will check with DeSales staff. L. Bernard will contact Northland staff.
  2. Ryan F. checked on Facebook and noticed there are volunteers willing to help. Rita will check with David.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta, Scott Clinger (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. House checks continue. But for the most part, things are pretty quiet.
  2. An assault rifle was found in a person’s front yard in FP. When this happens, the best thing to do is to call the police and they will secure the weapon.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. A list of business members was found, and will be delivered to the Treasurer and/or Forester editor.
  2. Sheridan is trying to drum up business memberships by broadcasting on the “Nextdoor” app.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray – eclaire1226@gmail.comStill has

  1. Nothing new to report.  The same welcome folders from Areas 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12 and 13 still have not been picked up.  Still waiting for new folders to assemble more welcome packets. 
  2. Cheryl (Treasurer) has not heard back from anyone concerning the advertising in the Welcome Folder. Joel is incharge of advertising. Rita will contact him.

Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone

  1. We need to contact Area Reps. in order to get the Welcome Folders picked up.
  2. We will have people reach out to our Area Reps. to find out where they have been. Mike Stone, Lou Bernard, and Scott Prigan will start making phone calls.
  3. Membership Drive: All volunteer slots have been filled. We need each Committee Chair to write an article to explain what you do, especially in this Forester coming up.
  4. Mary Lutz is chairing the 161 Task Force. She is coordinating the 161 Clean-Up and planter boxes at the entrance to Forest Park. Lisa Dove used to share the box with Bob Hinebaugh, but water is an issue. There is no access to getting water now that Carfagna’s is leaving.

Social Activities Report Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. Dave Leland (Rep.) was at the meeting. Is working on HB99 (School personnel carrying firearms)–making sure there is adequate training. Also working on other bills: a criminal justice bill forgiving student loans for working in the public sector and bail reform.
  2. 3 hotels have been taken over by the Shelter Board. NCC wants to help, but we are getting overwhelmed by panhandlers. The next meeting the Shelter Board will be attending to explain their position/process. If you have concerns, please email Ken or attend the next meeting. Check their website for details:
  3. The Library move is coming up.
  4. The Fourth of July Parade is cancelled.
  5. If you are having issues with Rumpke picking up your yard waste, please file a 311 report.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

3 Cases on agenda. 1) A graphics case on N. Hamilton Rd. 2) An apartment unit wants to add 72 units on Cherrybottom Rd. 3) On Cleveland Ave., there is a house that is planned to be leveled and an apartment complex to be built. NCC did not support this for many reasons.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan is the site. Check it out for updates.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Sign Committee: We are getting the final estimate. We should have a complete plan by next month.
  2. We still need someone to start up the Block Watch again. Ed Vansdale will be willing to help you start up.
  3. Lou Bernard will contact Rick Bennett about getting information about name badges/tags.

New Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Devonshire Neighborhood is having a Food Truck Friday in the area. Check the Nextdoor App or the schedule in this Forester. If you are interested in trying this in Forest Park, please contact Scott for details.

8:53 adjourned

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: April 13, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

13 April 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:02 PM by Scott Prigan


President’s Report   Scott Prigan

Cheryl, our Treasurer, received notification of EIN from IRS. We have subsequently submitted the Form 1023 Application for 501c3 status. Now it’s just a matter of waiting. This opens the door for many grants for people in FP who are doing good work in the community.

Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

Absent – at hospital with his wife who is delivering twin girls.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance will be taken on Zoom.
  • Officers Present: SP, LB, CL, RW, DVM, SL, AR, ER, MS, EV, KG (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Officers Absent: RF, MS
  • Area Reps in Attendance:, 9, 11, and 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 (Areas 13, and 14 remain vacant )
  1. There is a correction to last month’s minutes. It was reported that the Forester Editor needed $70/mo. to upgrade the Microsoft license. That was corrected to $70/yr.


Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

Note that this month we had a couple of large expenses. The first, for $275, was the fee charged by the IRS with our application for 501(c)(3) status. The second, for $204, was the renewal of our post office box.

A couple of items:

  1. Has been tasked with going through our records to determine who our paid up business members are. Sadly, after exhaustive research in both the paper and the online records, that information is not noted prior to January, 2021. Treasurer found receipt of memberships, but the name was not noted in the Treasurer’s log. When CL took over, she accepted two business memberships – Dennis Gullick with New York Life and New Horizons School. She will continue to note business members in my records so we have that information going forward. She also forwarded information on to both Sheldon and Alan.
  2. Welcome Folders:  Treas. Is looking into where we purchased them, and for how much. Also looking into the advertising in the folders.
  3. The budget is about done. Because she only has three months under her belt right now, and because 2020 was such an odd year for expenses, she is going back a couple of years to determine exactly what our budget should be. If any of the chairs for the various departments have any input, she would be happy to listen!

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra

ABSENT-No Report

May 12th deadline to get info to Mary if you are interested in having your name in the garage sale advertising flyer.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. Rita needs everything by Thursday.
  2. till looking for bios from Area Reps.
  3. Deadline for June Forester (membership mailing) will be May 14th.
  4. Rita will work to get copies of Forester to Business Reps.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta, Scott Clinger (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. There have been numerous people requesting vacation house checks. Please use this, it is a service we provide to FPCA members.
  2. Scott Clinger: A neighbor on Cherrywood Ct. called Channel4 and blew the story wide open. It coincided with his arrest. He is in custody. See this link for the story:
  3. Norwood Suites is under a court order for being out of code. Officer Clinger went to check info to see if they were following the court order. They are deficient. The city attorney is working on this. The suspect in the murder was apprehended. The panhandler issue seems to be worsening. A tarp was set up at the exit, Officer Clinger will contact ODOT about this. Bike patrols are starting up again. Wave hi as they go by. July 1st is the deadline to get your driver’s license and expired dags under the COVID rules.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. 2 new business members.
  2. Working with Joel Kin on advertising for the business members.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray – eclaire1226@gmail.comStill has Welcome Folders for these areas 1, 2, 5, 6, 8,11,12, and 13. We are looking for the area Reps to contact Ellin to pick up the Folders to distribute them.

Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone

  1. Welcome to Glenda Wylder (New Area 3 Rep)
  2. Discussed the Membership Drive: dates, volunteer sign ups, etc. If you are interested in helping, contact Mike Stone.

Social Activities Report Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. Ken Gilbert has been appointed as the new representative to the Northland Community Council.
  2. The Karl Rd. Library is open, and also has many online resources.Graffiti on the Morse Rd. has been directed to the police. If you see graffiti, please report it (614) 645-4545.The city attorney is keeping an eye on the local hotels in the area to make sure they are adhering to code.
  3. 25 volunteers helped out with the 161 Clean up. Future dates are on the FPCA website calendar.
  4. Councilman Remy discussed the plans to divide the council up into districts.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

  1. 2 cases: A FP neighbor wanted to increase her numbers in her home-based day care. Variance was denied due to issues of the site ; New shopping area on Hamilton Rd.-it was a graphics case.
  2. The old library will close in mid-May to move books over. The old library will be demolished in June. The new library will open in September.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan is the site. Check it out for updates.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

Ken Gilbert has taken over the role of NCC Rep. NCC was notified of the change.

New Business  Scott Prigan


8:45 adjourned

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: March 9, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

9 March 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:01 PM by Scott Prigan


President’s Report   Scott Prigan

  1. Scott welcomed all to the meeting.
  2. Block Watch needs a new leader. Ken Gilbert and Ed Vanasdale are willing to help out. Contact Ed @ if you are interested.
  3. Ryan Finke is requesting to be nominated as Vice President. Mike Stone gave the nomination speech. Ryan introduced himself. Ryan was unanimously voted into office.

Vice President’s Report  Ryan Finke

We would like to welcome Ryan to his new position. Congratulations!

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List.
  • Officers Present: SP, RF, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, SL, AR, ER, MS, EV, KG (100% attendance) (Social Activities Chair remains vacant)
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9
  • Area Reps Absent: 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (Areas 3, 13, and 14 remain vacant )

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

  1. Emailed Feb. financials to all. Check the budget in this month’s Forester.
  2. Working on gathering the list of business memberships by going back through the past year’s records, this should be done by next week.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra

We are going to be having the Annual FPCA Garage Sale on May 15th. The form will be in the April and May Forester, if you would like to advertise.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. Articles are due March 18th. Rita would like bios of area reps. and board members.
  2. Articles for the April issue are due on April 14th, due to tax day, the printer needs them a little earlier.
  3. Rita needs to have an upgrade for the MS Office program she is using — $70/year – this will be paid from the Forester budget.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta, Scott Clinger (CPD Liaison Officer)

  1. Cherrywood Court–We are starting to get video and pics of the culprit. Police are making patrols to check things out.
  2. Call 911 for shots being fired.
  3. Panhandlers are around. Drive carefully around them. Remember they continue to be in the area because they are making money. Officer Clinger believes if people stopped giving them money, they would leave.
  4. Unemployment fraud scams are on the rise, contact the Attorney General, and check with your credit companies.
  5. People have been stealing catalytic converters in the area. Just be aware.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. They have not been out to check on businesses. Hoping the nice weather will allow them to get out and talk to the area businesses.
  2. If there are any businesses who would like to join please contact Sheridan.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray –

  1. Still have bags of Welcome Folders for 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13
  2. Ellin needs more folders. Treas. is looking into finding where the last ones were purchased so she can order more.

Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone

  1. VP role has now been filled.
  2. We have secured a few more people for Forester delivery. Thank you.
  3. We need an Area 3, 12, and 13 Reps. We also need a Social Activity Rep.
  4. We are still looking to make connections into the Nepali/Butanese community. Ryan Finke may have a contact.
  5. 2021 Membership Drive Discussion. The membership drive is coming up. Last year everything was put together in the houses of members, and then distributed. What is the vision for this May-June? Door-to-door? There was an in-depth discussion, it was decided to be scheduled to go out in June 2021, and distributed.

Social Activities Report Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone

NCC Representative  Ken Gilbert

  1. Ken Gilbert has been appointed as the new representative to the Northland Community Council.
  2. The Karl Rd. Library is open, and also has many online resources.
  3. Graffiti on the Morse Rd. has been directed to police. If you see graffiti, please report it (614) 645-4545.
  4. The city attorney is keeping an eye on the local hotels in the area to make sure they are adhering to code.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

6 cases were heard, but nothing really affecting FP at this time.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan is the site. Check it out for updates.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

Sign Committee: 3 businesses are being contacted for bids about the sign. The 5 signs that are still standing will be replaced first. Phase II will involve possible replacing the other 5 where the posts and signs have been removed. All is contingent upon the replacement costs.

New Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Bonnie Freeman: Block Watch – needs to get re-established and maybe needs their own Zoom account. Discussion took place. If we can get someone to take over the Block Watch, we will work with them to get a Zoom account if they need one. Any volunteers to head up the Block Watch?
  2. Katirna Kerns in a new Area 1 Rep.
  3. Thoughts of having an outdoor meeting? Discussion was had. Look for an announcement as the weather continues to get better.
  4. In the pool area in FP West-construction is going on!!! Yay!!
  5. Mr. Frankenfield had the idea that area reps and board members need ID badges especially when going door-to-door. The executive board will look into purchasing laminated badges for everyone. Thanks for the great idea!!

8:26 adjourned

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: February 9, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

9 February 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:02 PM by Scott Prigan

7:02 PM Meeting called to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Guest Speaker: Scott Clinger (FPCA Liaison Officer)

  1. There was an Amber Alert that had a positive ending today.
  2. Cherrywood Court Issue (Someone is regularly dumping nails and other debris at the entrance of the court). Officer Clinger believes this is targeting someone in the court. There is very little evidence. We need the neighbors in that area to work together to gather evidence/pictures. He is letting people in the precinct office know what is going on. They will do frequent checks and go by to patrol the area.
  3. Concerns were brought up about the shooting on Hazelwood. The police have issued a warrant for the suspects arrest. The CPD doesn’t want to release any more information due to a potential court case.
  4. There have been a rash of stolen cars and purses out of cars at gas stations, WHILE PEOPLE ARE PUMPING THEIR GAS. Take the keys out of your ignition and if you are alone in the car, lock the doors or secure valuables. The criminals are using this time that we are distracted to their advantage.
  5. Contact information: Scott: 614-645-1418,


President’s Report   Scott Prigan

  1. Very important that we reboot The Block Watch Meetings. We are looking for a volunteer to lead the meeting.
  2. Still looking for a VP. Please we need a volunteer. As a VP, you are also the primary delegate to the NCC.

Vice President’s Report  Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance will be taken via Zoom Participation List (28 people attending).

Officers Present: SP, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, AR, ER, MS, EV, DP (100% attendance)

Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12

Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 6, 8, 13, 14

  1. Review new guidelines for meetings-shortened reporting time.
  2. Minutes from last month were reviewed and accepted. They are posted on the website as well as in the Forester.

Treasurer’s Report  Cheryl Lutman

  1. Expenses are below budget and that seems primarily related to COVID, much due to the difficulty to do events and activities at this time.
  2. She is pleased to see our income and memberships still coming in, despite all the COVID uncertainty.  She may need to make slight adjustments to the income numbers as she had a couple of questions on items.  They won’t affect the amounts – just where they belong on the report.
  3. She will prepare a 2021 – 2022 budget and circulate prior to the March meeting.  If anyone has any input on their specific line item(s), please let Cheryl know. (See the budget in the Forester.)
  4. Treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra

  1. Discussions on the options for the possible Spring Community Garage Sale – (May 15th). It was put to a vote —  It will be held this year!
  2. Zoom links to the meetings are sent out through the email list we have collected when people become members. If you need a link, get in touch with Mary or Lou Bernard (Secretary).

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. Some of the Feb. Foresters will be a little late in getting to you. With all of the ice and snow it is making it dangerous to deliver. One of our delivery people fell on the ice. Please be careful. Get better fast, George!
  2. Articles due Thursday, February 18th — PLEASE.
  3. Thanks to Dennis and Stewart for their “Area Rep” bios. We need lots of new articles! Area reps. send your bios to Rita for upcoming “Meet Your Rep” articles.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta

  1. Daryl has been getting lots of people calling him and asking him to “step-in” to confront neighbors about their poor behavior or code violations. Remember, this is NOT Daryl’s job. He is the liaison between the supplemental security company and the FPCA. He does not drive the security car or work for the company. He does not get involved in disputes in the neighborhood. You can call him to arrange for the security company to do a check on your property if you are on vacation. If you see something that does not look right, you need to call the Columbus Police Department.
  2. Officer Clinger gave the information that Daryl had in his report.
  3. He will continue to work with the residents of Cherrywood Ct. and Officer Clinger.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. Horizon School has renewed its business membership.
  2. C. Lutman will be going back through records to find business records for memberships for the past year. A. Ray will be working to create that list, but it has not been created yet.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray –

  1. Ellin has Welcome Folders for each area ready to pick up.  Please send her a text message to 614-506-3386 to arrange a time to get them.  Thanks!

Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone

  1. We are still looking for a vice president and social committee chairperson.
  2. Information about a Block Watch Coordinator will be created by Mike’s committee and given out.
  3. We are also looking for a back up coordinator for the Forester delivery. They would help with coordinating the delivery each month. This is not the head coordinator, just a back-up.
  4. Mike apologized to anyone who tried to get on his Membership Zoom meeting. He had the wrong time, new Zoom meeting and time – Feb. 24th @ 7pm. Email will be sent out. Topics: media support, social media support, and brainstorm for summer membership drive.

Social Activities Report Position is Vacant

If you are interested please contact Mike Stone.

NCC Representative  Scott Prigan  Ken Gilbert gave a report.

  1. Discussed new policy at CPD as to how they will be handling non-violent crimes.
  2. Library is moving along–moving in at the end of May. Going to be opening in the Fall.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

  1. Two graphics/sign applications and 2 rezoning applications:
  • The Space Shop, old Giant Eagle, sign needs a new permit to use the sign. It was approved.
  • The former Huntington Center @ Morse Rd & Cleveland Ave. is being purchased by Toyota for dealership.
  • 5555 Sinclair Rd. – old Al Rosa Villa. Redeveloped as affordable multi family housing. Now looking to rezone it. It was supported.
  • National Church Residence looking to develop corner of Cleveland Ave. and Bretton Woods Dr. Redeveloped into 62 units multifamily affordable housing.
  1. Former Sequoia Pool on Cherrywood. Still owned by the United Muslim Society. They are approved to operate at a   church. It appears they are currently adding to the facility for a prayer area.
  2. If you have any questions feel free to contact Dave.

Website Administrator Scott Prigan

  1. FPCIVIC.ORG is our website. Make sure to sign up for updates.
  2. When you become a member, your email address is added to the Listserv – it is this list that gets emailed out the Zoom links.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Dave Paul to share what he learned about the old swimming pool site behind the Sequoia Bowling Alley. (See above report)
  2. No movement on signage issue.
    1. 5 signs still left: Teakwood at Aqua / Maple Canyon at Sumac  /  Northtown at Kilbourne  /  Minerva Park Pl.  / Satinwood and Pegwood – 5 missing signs and/or posts.
    2. The sign committee will have a meeting after the FPCA meeting tonight.
  3. No movement on 501(c)(3) issue. The IRS is moving very slow due to the shut down.

New Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Graffiti on Morse Rd. Railroad Bridge by Sinclair Rd.- it has been reported to the city.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: January 12, 2021

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

12 Jan 2021 – Online Zoom Meeting

Meeting called to order and Pledge of Allegiance opened the meeting @ 7:03 PM by Felix Quachey


President’s Report  Felix Quachey  Scott Prigan

  1. The slate for the new board officers, committee chairs, and area reps was reviewed, voted on and passed. We are still looking for a few positions: 1) Vice President, 2) Social Committee Chair, and Area Reps for Areas 13 and 14. If you are interested please contact Mike Stone @
  2. All members of the Board were sworn in by Sarah Pomeroy, Columbus City Attorney.
  3. Scott Prigan took over as FPCA President. Thank you Felix for all of your years of service to FPCA!!
  4. FPCA membership has gone up from last year. We need to still continue to work together through this pandemic.

Vice President’s Report  Position is Vacant  If you are interested please contact Mike Stone.

Secretary’s Report Lou Bernard

  1. Attendance will be taken via Zoom. (26 people in attendance)

Officers Present: FQ, SP, LB, DH, MS, RW, DVM, SL, AR, ER, MS, EV, DP (100% attendance)

Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11

Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 6, 8, 12, 13

  1. The FPCA received a letter and donation from Mr. James Cherryholmes. His mother and father used to live on Satinwood Dr. They were long time members of the FPCA. His mother had recently passed and the house was sold. See the letter in the Forester.

Treasurer’s Report  Dan Hartzell  Cheryl Lutman

  1. Dan’s last meeting as acting Treasurer. Thank you Dan for your 11+ years of service to the FPCA. We welcome Cheryl to her new position!
  2. Dan went through line items on the budget. We are still ahead of the budget, year-to-date. You can find the Treasurer’s Report and budget in this month’s Forester. Budget was voted on and passed.

Public Relations Report Mary Sguerra

  1. New signs were added at the entrance of Forest Park off Karl Rd.
  2. Received a few phone calls about trucks illegally parking on the street. Remember to call (614) 645-3111 if you have any issues in your neighborhood.

Forester Editor’s Report  Rita Woeste

  1. Working on a list of Forester due dates for the 2021 year, usually the 15th-17th of each month.
  2. We need articles for the Forester. Come on all you budding journalists & authors, we need you! Articles for Feb. are due Jan.21st.
  3. Would like photos of all Area Reps, so that people in FP can get to know their Reps.
  4. Foresters are still being stuffed in the homes of volunteers, and then distributed to the “Deliverers”. Thank you to all those who help out.

Supplemental Security Report  Daryl Van Mercetta, Katie Van Mercetta

  1. Many vacation house check requests coming in.
  2. Reports of gunfire. A woman at Kroger had her purse stolen. Stay vigilant and look out for your neighbors. Keep your eyes open and report when needed.
  3. Keep your doors on your car and house locked. People are out looking in vehicles.
  4. Bonnie Freeman is sending Columbus Police pictures from the local Ring doorbells of people approaching houses and cars at night.
  5. Scott (President) would like to see the Block Watch get their meetings going again. He would like to get then going with a Zoom call just like the FPCA meetings are doing.

Business Representative  Sheridan Landin –  Alan Ray –

  1. The business reps took December off from visiting local businesses. They plan to pick up the pace in January.
  2. They will be working with the Forester editor to get the business members listed in the publication.
  3. If there are local business people that you are in contact with, please have a conversation about joining, and let Sheridan know.


Welcome Committee Chair  Ellin Ray –

  1. Ellin has lots of Welcome Folders for Area Reps; please contact Ellin to arrange a pick up time.
  2. There was a discussion about new items that need to go into the new Welcome Folders.
  3. New folders need to be picked up and distributed. Area Reps please contact Ellin to arrange a time to get your bag of Welcome Folders for your area.

Volunteer Coordinator Mike Stone

  1. Welcome to all the new board members, committee chairs, and reps.
  2. The mask delivery program has gone well, continuing to work on the Senior Services Support Committee.
  3. One objective for the committee this year is to get more involvement from the Nepali, Butanese, and Latino committee.
  4. Weds., Jan. 27th Membership Committee meeting. Zoom link through the FP listserv.
  5. Will get job descriptions of Area Reps and vacant positions to Rita for publication in the Forester.

Social Activities Report Position is Vacant   If you are interested please contact Mike Stone.

NCC Representative  Scott Prigan

  1. A presentation from Aunt Bertha Social Services Referral Network. They operate, a website that is a clearinghouse for information for people who need many different kinds of assistance. The website is very well laid out and very user friendly. The presenter pointed out that “food” is the most searched for item on the site. We have a lot of neighbors in need.
  2. NCC held yearly elections. They are looking for a new secretary.
  3. FPCA has attended almost every meeting over the past years. We were a founding member of the NCC in 1963! Congrats to our Reps for almost perfect attendance! 😉

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale Dave Paul

  1. The caseload was huge. National Church Residence project off Cleveland Ave. changed their project to include more units (affordable senior housing). NCC was not very happy about this. Scioto Materials Plant off Rt. 3. The asphalt company is now taking in scrap asphalt. NCC is opposing the variance due to health and noise concerns of the new process.
  2. The plan for the new Sheetz gas station & rerouting Roche Dr. is moving ahead (@ old Walgreens near I-71)

Website Administrator Scott Prigan

  1. Please check out the website and SUBSCRIBE. You can subscribe/unsubscribe at the same link: . Lots of good info and places to contribute.
  2. When you fill in your name on the membership form, it gets added to the LISTSERV (email list). Dave Paul administers this list.
  3. THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT LISTS: you want to be on BOTH.
  4. Also, if you are looking for a good volunteer opportunity, and are interested in tech, email Scott and he will hook you up.

Old Business  Scott Prigan

  1. We are still waiting to hear back from the IRS to approve the EIN necessary before we can apply for 501(c)(3). We are hoping to gain this status for the FPCA for the many positive things it will bring to the Association.
  2. “Welcome to Forest Park” signs in disrepair. Lou B. will contact Felix and get all of the info he has. Ed V. will pull all of his info and begin to work up an estimate and proposal to present to the Board at the next meeting.

New Business  Scott Prigan

  1. Dave Paul will look into getting some info about what is going on at the old Sequoia Pool for the next meeting.
  2. Feb. 9th next meeting via Zoom.

Meeting adjourned: 8:51 pm

Submitted by Lou Bernard, FPCA Secretary

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: November 11, 2020

FPCA Meeting 11-10-2020 (via ZOOM)

President’s Report   Felix Quachey –

  1. 7:01 meeting called to order. Pledge of Allegiance was said.
  2. The Hazelwood property is boarded up. The court case is currently in progress. The court date has not been set yet. For now the house is vacant. 
  3. Felix Q. will not be seeking another term as President of FPCA. We are looking for volunteers to run for his position.
  4. Dan H. is stepping down from being treasurer of FPCA after many years. We are looking for a volunteer to step up, and Dan will be helping you to walk you through the process! Thank you so much Dan!!
Vice President’s Report  Scott Prigan –

  1. 501(c)(3) status update: We have not rec’d any info from the feds. IRS is a bit slow! When we receive any info, we will pass it along to you.
Secretary’s Report  Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance will be taken via Participant’s List.
    1. Officers and Committee Chairs in Attendance: FQ, SP, DH, LB, RW, MS, DVM, MS, and SL. 
    2. Officers and Committee Chairs Absent: EV, AR, PW, and ER
    3. Area Representatives in attendance: 11, 12
    4. Area Representatives Absent: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,13, 14
  2. Minutes from last month have been approved. If there are any corrections to the minutes, please submit any corrections to Lou.
  3. 18 people showed up for this month’s Zoom meeting.
Treasurer’s Report  Dan Hartzell –

  1. $275 in membership dues! We are +3 memberships from this time last year!
  2. We are ahead of budget this year, due to not publishing The Forester for 3 months. 
  3. The budget was accepted and passed. See budget in this month’s Forester. 
Public Relations Officer’s Report  Mary Sguerra –

  1. Not a whole lot going on. There have been a few complaints. Nothing too significant, though.
  2. It was suggested that since there is a Forest Park “Buy and Sell” page on Facebook,maybe use this as a resource to advertise for future Yard Sales. Mary will look into it.
Forester Editor’s Report   Rita Woeste –

  1. All articles are due this Friday for the Dec. Forester
  2. We have 1 new business ad coming, and a possible other one on the way.
  3. The January issue is always published online. Articles for January The Forester need to be sent to Rita by the end of November.
  4. Mike Stone will be putting in a list of officers into The Forester and write an article about looking for the open positions.
  5. Thanks to all people who are writing articles.
Supplemental Security Officer’s Report  Daryl Van Mercetta – , Katie Van Mercetta – 

  1. Not many of anything to report. They have been making patrols, a few vacation requests.
  2. Please don’t burn your leaves. There have been numerous reports about people in FP that are burning their leaves. This is against city code!
Business Representative’s Report  Sheridan Landin – , Alan Ray – Absent

  1. Sheridan went around to about 6 more businesses, and continues to return to other businesses with whom he has already made contact. He is making good contacts with the local business owners. Hoping the business memberships pick up. If you have a local business and would like to advertise in The Forester, please contact Sheridan or Alan.
  2. He is concerned that the new business members are not listed in the Forester. We need to have an updated list from the Treasurer to The Forester Editor to get their names in the edition. 
Welcome Committee Chair’s Report  Ellin Ray – Absent

  1. We will be putting Welcome Folders together for all new homeowners since the Covid-19 shutdown began in March. We will be asking for volunteers to deliver the folders. There will be no face to face contact, the plan is to drop them off inside the front door. Look for the Welcome folders in December, it will take a little time to get them all ready.
Volunteer Coordinator’s Report  Mike Stone –

  1. Mike is looking for info about a contact in the Nepali/Bhutanese community. Dave Paul shared info from NCC.
  2. Welcome to Ryan Finke, the new Area 3 representative! Thanks for stepping up!
  3. Have not rec’d any request for the senior mask and flashlight distribution program. Mike has rec’d requests for more masks from seniors in the area.
  4. In Dec., Mike will be holding a meeting looking for people to fill the new vacancy of President and Treasurer (Dan has been in the position for 11 years!)
  5. We are looking to find people who can be the contact person to neighbors who speak other languages. If you are willing to be a contact/write/translate articles, please contact Mike.
Social Activities Chair’s Report  Pam Weaver –  Absent

  1. No report. 
NCC Representative’s Report  Scott Prigan –

  1. There is no Dec. NCC meeting.
  2. There has been an increase in business start ups in the Northland area.
  3. There will be a social worker attending police runs that need a mental health expert. See an article at:
  4. Elevate Northland is close to finding a place to establish an office in the area.
NCC Development Representative’s Report  Ed Vanasdale – Absent, Presented by Dave Paul

  1. 2 cases at the committee, but neither are in the immediate area.
  2. 8 cases on Dec. agenda. 3 important to the FP area. 1) The Sheetz plan for the old Walgreens facility on 161 is moving ahead as planned; 2) Nat’l Church Residence is creating a new place on Cleveland Ave.; 3) the self-storage place that replaced the old Giant Eagle is applying to get a new sign to replace the very tall GE sign.
  3. The guy who is occupying the old car wash in Tamarack Cr. is still doing business. He has not rec’d proper zoning. There is a code enforcement complaint out. Dave will push for action on this.
Website Administrator’ Report  Scott Prigan –

  1. New pics in the gallery, please go to the site and check them out!
Old Business  Felix Quachey –

  1. Forest Park Signs: is there a report for cost estimate? We have started work on looking into getting them redone. We have started getting estimates for the signs. We have had a local person in the neighborhood who is in the sign business made contact with the team. We will continue to keep you informed.
New Business  Felix Quachey –

  1. Dec. meeting is usually a get together in the Pres. home. This is not going to happen. Therefore, we will have a Dec. meeting.
  2. 8:27 meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Lou Bernard, FPCA Secretary