Category Archives: Press Releases

Press Releases from Forest Park Civic Association

City Council Asks for Community Input on Reimagining Safety in Columbus

As your FPCA Representatives, we encourage thoughtful contributions to this process.

December 30, 2020

City Council Asks for Community Input on Reimagining Safety in Columbus
Survey to Help Inform Path Forward

[COLUMBUS, OH] Columbus City Council invites residents to participate in a community survey designed to gain further insight on how to establish alternative crisis response models, invest in accountability and a better Division of Police, and invest in violence prevention.

The survey opened on December 21, 2021, and is available online at

“Over the summer, Council announced its intention to push forward how we reimagine safety together. This survey asks how the community wants to invest in violence prevention, accountability and begin to stand-up a more comprehensive crisis response system,” said Council President Shannon G. Hardin. “This is one more step in our community’s process to build a safer, stronger City.”

The survey is another step in Council’s commitment to reimagining public safety driven by the people. In partnership with the Saunders PR Group, residents will participate in virtual town halls, focus group discussions and hearings. The information will be quantified to inform a comprehensive safety strategy that reinvests in neighborhoods, realigns safety protocols to specific community needs while creating a more equitable Columbus.

“Any plan to tackle the violence in our city must have residents’ voices at the center,” said President Pro Tem Elizabeth Brown. “The 2021 operating budget process is our opportunity to invest in better public safety while also addressing the underlying economic insecurity among residents that is linked to it.”

The 16-question survey asks users for their insights into safety in Columbus and how they want to see Council advance a budget that keeps all neighborhoods safe.

“We must listen to our community if we are to improve safety and successfully invest in our neighborhoods,” said Councilmember Mitchell J. Brown, chair of the Public Safety committee. “We want to hear from as many voices as possible. I encourage you to participate in this survey.”

For more information about the Columbus City Council Reimagining Safety Initiative, visit