Forest Park Civic Association Meeting
Date: 11 June 2024
Location: Epworth United Methodist Church
Meeting called to order @ 7:01 PM by Ed Vanasdale
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Attendance was taken via roll call.
President Ed Vanasdale – No Report
Guest Speaker: None this month.
Vice President Trevor Secord –
We did not get a grant for the National Night Out from the expected funding source, but he is working on a local sponsor for the event to offset any cost Andrea and the YMCA will have.
Secretary Lou Bernard –
- Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, MS, DVM, SL, CA, LH, EM, AP, KG, DP
- Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, RW, KVM, MS, SB
- Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 11, 12
- Area Reps Absent: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 (Area 14 remains vacant )
- Total meeting attendance: 24
- The guest speaker last month reported [and it was published in the minutes] that “the library is no longer providing lunch for kids this summer.” This information was incorrect; we issued an apology on May 31st on Facebook with reference to a news article with correct info.
- Minutes were approved and entered into the official records.
- Attendance Sheet thru June.
Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –
- We had 151 memberships in May! That brings us to 380. We need at least another 100 to make our goal. Mailed-in memberships are all recorded and they are falling off. Please continue to put the word out!
- We had an additional $2,750 in mulch sales and deposited the final $478 on June 1st. This brings our total income to $6,328. Expenses were $4,621.68, so we made $1,706.32. Well done and kudos to Scott “Mr. Mulch” Biggs and his team!
- We are in the process of getting our banking relationship transferred. We will pay bank fees this year again, but by switching banks we can eliminate them.
Public Relations Mary Sguerra –
- The FP garage sale happened. We had a nice turnout. We are scheduling a Sept. garage sale.
- FP Night at Gabby’s was Saturday.
- People are parking the wrong way on Satinwood. And lots of speeders. Officer Yandrich was notified and suggested calling 311.
Forester Editor Rita Woeste –
All articles, ads, and notices to Rita by Saturday, June 14th. We want to get the Forester out before the 4th of July. Thank you Glenda W. for helping distribute the Foresters to the deliverers this month.
Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –,
Katie Van Mercetta –,
Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418
- See full report in the Forester.
- We had a report of someone following/stalking one of our FP residents. Please be aware of your surroundings, and get to know your neighbors so that you may go to them for support or help when you need it.
- Don’t forget about vacation house checks while you are away (You MUST be a paid member of the FPCA).
Business Representative Sheridan Landon – Cynthia Alkire –
- Sheridan has been out canvassing the area businesses.
- They need the list of previous business members to ask them to renew for this year. Lou B. will get them the list.
Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –
Laura is looking for a list of new homeowners so she can get new Welcome Folders to them. Mary Sguerra will get her the new list.
Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –
- 2 potential grants were found:
- The first is The New American Civic Seed Funding grant. It is up to 10K. The purpose is to boost integration and civic participation.
- The second grant is the 614 Beautiful grant. This is up to 15K. Erin is looking for suggestions (e.g. the area on Sandalwood at Yellowwood. Possible ideas are a pergola, bench, trash cans, flowers, etc …)
- Permission to proceed was approved.
Membership Coordinator Mike Stone –
- Membership Drawings: Reminded Andrea and Cheryl about the tri-weekly drawing.
- Membership Publicity: For the July Forester, Look for an article giving some statistical breakdown of where we stand. Plans to blast membership info on our social media.
- Forester Newspaper for the September edition: In the September edition, look for a “Thank you” page for those residents who joined and gave us permission to publish their names.
Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –
- Congrats to April Membership award winner Maureen Lawhorn! Please enjoy these events and more! To volunteer and get involved: Andrea @614.264.3846
- June 11th – Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck, @ North YMCA lot, 5-8pm
- June 26th – Travelin Tom’s Coffee Truck @North YMCA, 8-10am
- July 4th – 60th Annual Northland Community Fourth of July Parade, 10am. Featuring Forest Park children on their “Bikes and Trikes!”It’s not too late to sign up! (Andrea @614.264.3846)
- July 11th – If You Cheese Food Truck @ North YMCA lot, 5-8pm
- July 14th – Columbus Symphony @ Woodward Park Community Center, 7pm (outdoors, with free ice cream prior to concert!)
- July 27th – International Festival @ North YMCA (indoors), 2-5pm. There is a fee.
- August 6th – National Night Out, Featuring Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck and Kona Ice, @ North YMCA lot, 5-9pm
- August 16th – Carr’s Motown Coney Island Food Truck, @ North YMCA lot, 4-8pm
NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –
- Police – There have been a number of separate shooting incidents in Northland along with break-ins of cars at hotels looking for guns.
- City Attorney – New name for her office, now the “Property Action Team”. A number of hotels have current court orders on them, but overall hotels are in compliance with issues they have been addressed with. Newsstand is under a court order. A car drove through the shopping center. City building dept. has been there to inspect temporary supports.
- Library – Summer reading challenge has started and many programs for summer reading with kids are available at the Karl Rd. branch. Free breakfast and lunch is available as well for anyone in our community. They are also offering free notary services at the Karl Rd. location.
- City Community Liaison – 614 beautiful grants are available. The Bike Plus Plan map is out and they are looking for feedback from the community. Look for the continued Rise Up Columbus events happening throughout the summer.
- City Engagement – City council implemented ordinance for Kindergarten readiness program, assistance for seniors looking for alternatives to assisted living, and loan housing loan forgiveness. Go to the city website for more information.
- Guest Speaker was IMPREM Community Resource Center – same presentation as we got at our last meeting.
- All meeting minutes, financials and notes online. All were approved for acceptance.
- Annual cookout is at Blendon Woods Metro Park – Dogwood Area pavilion August 13th. Dinner at 6:30 and meeting to follow at 7pm. Brats and dogs provided. Bring a dish to share. All members of FPCA are invited.
- Last 4th of July Parade meeting is June 18th at Casa Mezcal if anyone is interested in helping with final details from 7-8 pm.
NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –
2 cases were heard:
- Application to allow used automotive sales and related parking on all areas of the existing lot, including those areas currently zoned C-5; applicant requests reconsideration after April 2024 recommendation of disapproval. Jack Reynolds/Smith and Hale representing, Queen 1 Auto Sale Inc., 1429 Schrock Rd, 43229 • The Committee approved (16-3) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH ONE (1) CONDITION.
- Application (Graphics plan for new retail center) Dave Perry/Plank Law Firm representing GZD Investments 4, LLC, 5900 Old Hamilton Rd, 43054 • The Committee approved (19-0) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application.
Website Administrators Scott Biggs – Dave Paul –
Our website/Facebook/Instagram page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.
When Ken G. was delivering Foresters, he noticed many people had packages from places like Amazon waiting on their front porch. Please be wary, and maybe find a neighbor you can trust to collect your things while you are out.
Meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM
Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA