Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: March 12, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 12 March 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:01 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

Guest Speaker: Zach Williams, Community Development Officer from State Bank. He spoke on the state affordable housing in central Ohio–affordable housing in the area is a real problem. Interest rates are coming down slowly, mid to high 5’s by the year’s end. There are many programs out there to help first time homebuyers, including many grants. Contact him at 614.336.7779

Social Activities Coordinator, Andrea, discussed financial education events that she and Zach have planned for the upcoming year:

  • Tues., Apr. 23rd, 6:00-6:30 pm, Home Buyers Seminar – Open to the public (free) at the North YMCA
  • Wed., May 29th 10 am, General Financial Literacy – Open to the public (free) at the North YMCA – for adults, teens, all are welcome – discussing types of accounts, credit scores, etc.
  • Tues., June 4th, 6:30 pm, Buyers and Sellers Seminar – Open to the public (free) at the North YMCA

Vice President Trevor Secord –

Trevor had the names for the NCC Volunteers of the Year. Delivered names to the President of FP, nominees will be voted on by the executive board.

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MS, DVM, KVM, LH, EM, MS, AP, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: RW, SL, CA, SB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 5, 6, 8,10, 13, 14  (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 25
  1. Attendance Sheet thru March available here.
  2. Reviewed minutes from February, two corrections were made: 1) Andrea Philipsen’s name was spelled wrong, and 2) the starting time was written as 8:01 instead of 7:01. Changes were approved, minutes were voted on, approved, and were entered into the official records.

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. One new household membership. 
  2. Expenses were security, Forester printing and bags.
  3. We are trying to figure out how to do bulk mail through the post office’s online account. There does not appear to be a clear way to do it. We cannot limit the mailing to just households in our neighborhood, as the postal routes extend all the way to Cleveland and down to Morse in FP East. In FP West, they cross into Woodward Park, and so the USPS wants to charge for too many pieces. We may need to continue to take the mailing to Citygate, just as we have done.
  4. If any committee chairs have items that they will need money for, please submit requests to Cheryl to make sure they get allocated in the budget.
  5. The February monthly report was voted on and approved.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

  1. FPCA’s “Gather at Gabby’s” is back on! The last Thursday of every month, beginning in March from 6:30-8:00 pm. Join officers, volunteers, and other Forest Park residents for an informal night of socializing at Gabby’s Neighborhood Tavern in Tamarack Circle. Meet neighbors and FPCA representatives, talk about any neighborhood issues or just enjoy a night out. Every last Thursday of each month.
  2. June 8th: Potluck at Gabby’s for FPCA residents. More info to come.
  3. Also, Gabby’s has a grill going every Thursday during the summer at dinner time. Great deals (inexpensive) for a cookout dinner.
  4. FPCA Spring Garage Sale will be May 18th. Look for more info in the Forester.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –  Absent

  1. Deadline for articles is Friday, March 22nd.
  2. A great article for the front page for the April /Membership Issue is needed. Ed said he would write the letter/article.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

  1. There is a new branch manager for the security company and we will be meeting with him the week of March 18th.
  2. See Block Watch report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire –             Both Absent – No Report


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

One house sold in Feb. in Area 12. Welcome folder will be put out for the Area Rep. Thanks to all Reps (especially Jane Dean) for helping out, last month there were 10 folders. Area 5 Rep, Scott Biggs, sent word to Laura that he had very positive responses from new homeowners who received the folders he delivered.

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

  1. Membership Stuffing Day: Happy to report that we have made contact with several people who have agreed to volunteer on Saturday, April 6th at 1:30 pm at Advantage Funeral & Cremation Services by Schoedinger-North at 5554 Karl Rd.
  2. Erin reported that she was granted access to the volunteer email account.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –

  1. Membership Stuffing Day: Saturday, April 6th at 1:30 pm at Advantage Funeral & Cremation Services by Schoedinger-North at 5554 Karl Rd. If you are interested in helping out and spending time with some fun neighbors, please contact Erin or Mike.
  2. Mike thanked many people who were there for streamlining the process even before he took over. 
  3. Dave Paul and others are coordinating an effort to get all of the pieces for the stuffing day printed and gathered up.
  4. Committee Chairs should write an article about what your committee does for this month’s Forester. It is a great time to call for volunteers.
  5. Discussed the issues revolving around the USPS and bulk mailing that he and Cheryl (Treasurer) are trying to work out.
  6. Thanked Andy Hunt for volunteering his truck to drive all the membership envelopes to the USPS. 
  7. The committee will continue to meet in order to come up with new ideas for increasing memberships over the summer.

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –

  1. Bikes/Trikes volunteers have been organized for the 4th of July Parade.
  2. Andrea has planned 14 events from now until Halloween. Look for a list coming soon. She is always looking for volunteers to help out and give support where/when needed.

Here are a few of the events from FPCA at the North YMCA :

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

See NCC column in the Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

3 cases were heard this month (only 2 relative to FP):

  1. Case #1 Application to permit use of existing structure for a shared living facility – Tabled December 2023. 2433 Teakwood Dr., 43229 • The Committee approved (14-2 w/ 1 abstention) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application.
  2. Case #3 Application for a special permit to allow the location of a mobile pop-up store in a parking lot. DHL Express is moving from Columbus Square parking lot to 2400 Corporate Exchange Dr., 43231 • The Committee approved (17-0) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application. (FPCA secretary’s note: This will be across the street from Home Depot/McDonald’s on Cleveland Ave. near I-270).

Website Administrators Scott Biggs –  Dave Paul –

Our website/Facebook page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.



Cheryl Lutman (Treasurer): Any thoughts on doing a mulch sale in 2024? It was a big hit (but it was a lot of work). The monies we made were a big help to our budget last year. As she works on the budget for 2024-2025, she noted that we could use another home run like that! Lou Bernard said he will contact Scott Biggs and see if he is willing to organize the sale this year. Lou will contact the Board members and Committee Chairs with Scott’s response and see what is needed to move forward. Note: 3-17-2024, Scott Biggs has agreed to head up the mulch sale again. He will be looking for lots of volunteers to help.

Meeting adjourned at 8:01PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA