Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: June 11, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 11 June 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:01 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –    No Report

Guest Speaker: None this month. 

Vice President Trevor Secord –

We did not get a grant for the National Night Out from the expected funding source, but he is working on a local sponsor for the event to offset any cost Andrea and the YMCA will have.

Secretary Lou Bernard –


  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, MS, DVM, SL, CA, LH, EM, AP, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, RW, KVM, MS, SB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 24
  1. The guest speaker last month reported [and it was published in the minutes] that “the library is no longer providing lunch for kids this summer.” This information was incorrect; we issued an apology on May 31st on Facebook with reference to a news article with correct info. 
  2. Minutes were approved and entered into the official records.
  3. Attendance Sheet thru June.

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. We had 151 memberships in May! That brings us to 380. We need at least another 100 to make our goal. Mailed-in memberships are all recorded and they are falling off. Please continue to put the word out!
  2. We had an additional $2,750 in mulch sales and deposited the final $478 on June 1st. This brings our total income to $6,328. Expenses were $4,621.68, so we made $1,706.32. Well done and kudos to Scott “Mr. Mulch” Biggs and his team!
  3. We are in the process of getting our banking relationship transferred. We will pay bank fees this year again, but by switching banks we can eliminate them.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

  1. The FP garage sale happened. We had a nice turnout. We are scheduling a Sept. garage sale.
  2. FP Night at Gabby’s was Saturday. 
  3. People are parking the wrong way on Satinwood. And lots of speeders. Officer Yandrich was notified and suggested calling 311.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

All articles, ads, and notices to Rita by Saturday, June 14th. We want to get the Forester out before the 4th of July. Thank you Glenda W. for helping distribute the Foresters to the deliverers this month.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

  1. See full report in the Forester
  2. We had a report of someone following/stalking one of our FP residents. Please be aware of your surroundings, and get to know your neighbors so that you may go to them for support or help when you need it.
  3. Don’t forget about vacation house checks while you are away (You MUST be a paid member of the FPCA).

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire –

  1. Sheridan has been out canvassing the area businesses. 
  2. They need the list of previous business members to ask them to renew for this year. Lou B. will get them the list.


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

Laura is looking for a list of new homeowners so she can get new Welcome Folders to them. Mary Sguerra will get her the new list.

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

  1. 2 potential grants were found: 
    1. The first is The New American Civic Seed Funding grant. It is up to 10K. The purpose is to boost integration and civic participation.
    2. The second grant is the 614 Beautiful grant. This is up to 15K. Erin is looking for suggestions (e.g. the area on Sandalwood at Yellowwood. Possible ideas are a pergola, bench, trash cans, flowers, etc …)
  2. Permission to proceed was approved.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –

  1. Membership Drawings: Reminded Andrea and Cheryl about the tri-weekly drawing.
  2. Membership Publicity: For the July Forester, Look for an article giving some statistical breakdown of where we stand.  Plans to blast membership info on our social media. 
  3. Forester Newspaper for the September edition: In the September edition, look for a “Thank you” page for those residents who joined and gave us permission to publish their names.  

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –

  1. Congrats to April Membership award winner Maureen Lawhorn! Please enjoy these events and more! To volunteer and get involved: Andrea @614.264.3846
  2. June 11th – Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck, @ North YMCA lot, 5-8pm
  3. June 26th – Travelin Tom’s Coffee Truck @North YMCA, 8-10am
  4. July 4th – 60th Annual Northland Community Fourth of July Parade, 10am. Featuring Forest Park children on their “Bikes and Trikes!”It’s not too late to sign up! (Andrea @614.264.3846)
  5. July 11th – If You Cheese Food Truck @ North YMCA lot, 5-8pm
  6. July 14th – Columbus Symphony @ Woodward Park Community Center, 7pm (outdoors, with free ice cream prior to concert!)
  7. July 27th – International Festival @ North YMCA (indoors), 2-5pm. There is a fee.
  8. August 6th – National Night Out, Featuring Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck and Kona Ice, @ North YMCA lot, 5-9pm
  9. August 16th – Carr’s Motown Coney Island Food Truck, @ North YMCA lot, 4-8pm

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

  1. Police – There have been a number of separate shooting incidents in Northland along with break-ins of cars at hotels looking for guns. 
  2. City Attorney – New name for her office, now the “Property Action Team”. A number of hotels have current court orders on them, but overall hotels are in compliance with issues they have been addressed with. Newsstand is under a court order. A car drove through the shopping center. City building dept. has been there to inspect temporary supports. 
  3. Library – Summer reading challenge has started and many programs for summer reading with kids are available at the Karl Rd. branch. Free breakfast and lunch is available as well for anyone in our community. They are also offering free notary services at the Karl Rd. location.
  4. City Community Liaison – 614 beautiful grants are available. The Bike Plus Plan map is out and they are looking for feedback from the community. Look for the continued Rise Up Columbus events      happening throughout the summer. 
  5. City Engagement – City council implemented ordinance for Kindergarten readiness program, assistance for seniors looking for alternatives to assisted living, and loan housing loan forgiveness. Go to the city website for more information. 
  6. Guest Speaker was IMPREM Community Resource Center – same presentation as we got at our last meeting.
  7. All meeting minutes, financials and notes online. All were approved for acceptance. 
  8. Annual cookout is at Blendon Woods Metro Park – Dogwood Area pavilion August 13th. Dinner at 6:30 and meeting to follow at 7pm. Brats and dogs provided. Bring a dish to share. All members of FPCA are invited.
  9. Last 4th of July Parade meeting is June 18th at Casa Mezcal if anyone is interested in helping with final details from 7-8 pm.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

2 cases were heard:

  1. Application to allow used automotive sales and related parking on all areas of the existing lot, including those areas currently zoned C-5; applicant requests reconsideration after April 2024 recommendation of disapproval. Jack Reynolds/Smith and Hale representing, Queen 1 Auto Sale Inc., 1429 Schrock Rd, 43229 • The Committee approved (16-3) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL WITH ONE (1) CONDITION.
  2. Application (Graphics plan for new retail center) Dave Perry/Plank Law Firm representing GZD Investments 4, LLC, 5900 Old Hamilton Rd, 43054 • The Committee approved (19-0) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application.

Website Administrators Scott Biggs –  Dave Paul –  

Our website/Facebook/Instagram page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.



When Ken G. was delivering Foresters, he noticed many people had packages from places like Amazon waiting on their front porch. Please be wary, and maybe find a neighbor you can trust to collect your things while you are out.

Meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: May 14, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 14 May 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:05 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

  1. Cheryl Lutman was thanked (by S.Biggs) for the outstanding work she has done thru the April/May time period–Tax season, mulch sale, and membership–Whew!! Thank you, Cheryl. 
  2. Andrea and Laura were again applauded as FPCA Volunteer of the Year! They were honored at the NCC banquet last month.

Guest Speaker:  Alex Abrokway-Clottey (CEO), INPREM Holistic Community Resource Center (5757 Karl Rd./Hempwood Dr. is the cross street)

This is Alex’s 2nd time at the FPCA meeting. The purpose is to bring services and access to the basic needs of immigrants, refugees, and people of FP. They are open 7 days a week. They have served 321 zip codes since their inception in 2013. They served 65,000 families in 2023. Northland has been identified as a food desert. There are no major grocery stores on the 161 corridor. The cost of living, and cost of groceries is going up in the Northland area. The library is no longer providing lunch for kids this summer. There is a large need for families this summer. They are looking to improve and increase their services that they provide: health care, day care, after-school care, computer lab, etc. They are looking for a place to house their future services. To contact Alex for volunteer opportunities check out their website

Vice President Trevor Secord –

No Report/See NCC Report

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL,RW, DVM, KVM, SL, CA, EM, AP, KG, SB
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: MS, LH, DP
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14 (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 31
  1. Reviewed minutes from April, a change was made to make sure the name of Schoedinger states the correct name of Advantage Funeral & Cremation Services by Schoedinger-North; minutes were approved and entered into the official records.
  2. Attendance Sheet thru May are available here.

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. April was a busy month! Still busily processing incoming memberships, but here’s where we are at the end of April: 167 household memberships, 1 business membership – Yellow Umbrella – Thanks, Andrea!
  2. The mulch sale raised $5,950.  Expenses were the mulch purchase of $4,126.20 and printing the order forms was another $320. Profit to date is $1,503.80. (plus $478 was delivered at the meeting from S. Biggs.)
  3. The annual mailing and permit fees were $2,195, and pizza for the stuffing party was $98.25. Mike Stone is owed an additional $200 due to a bank error.
  4. Rita bought bags for $870.75 and Ed purchased NCC banquet tickets for $159.40.
  5. Memberships keep rolling in, though at a slower pace. If your check hasn’t cleared your bank yet, please bear with us! Cheryl probably has another 70-80 to work through.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

  1. Saturday, May 18th is the Forest Park Community Garage Sale. If you want to participate please have your entry form turned in by Wednesday, May 15th. We are looking for 2 volunteers to hand out the Garage Sale List at the Forest Park East and Forest Park West islands at Karl Rd & Sandalwood from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. If you can help out please contact Mary Sguerra at  614-506-7540. An ad was paid for and placed in the Columbus Dispatch for the Garage Sale and it will run Thursday, Friday & Saturday. The charge was $51.96 and the invoice was emailed to Cheryl Lutman, Treasurer.
  2. Mary rec’d a phone call from a very concerned resident on Satinwood regarding the constant speeders on that street. He wanted to know what we could do about it and could we get speed bumps. (Erin will contact Patrick to see where he is with the speed bump committee.)
  3. Daniel Purdy (who helped with mulch delivery) will maintain the grass and mulch spreading on the Forest Park east and west islands. We may need some additional mulch.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. Articles and pictures for June Forester need to be to Rita by May 17th, for delivery around May 26th or 27th. 
  2. Articles and pictures for July Forester need to be to Rita by June 14th, for delivery around June 23rd or 24th.
  3. Looking for more volunteers to help with Forester – please contact Rita at the above email address.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

See report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire –

No Report


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

  1. 3 houses sold in April, in area 2 and area 11. 2 homes were purchased by a company and may be rentals, and not sure if someone will be living in them yet. 
  2. Thank you to the FPCA board for allocating funds to the welcome committee! We have approximately 150 folders still, and don’t think we’ll need to order more this year. The funds will go towards adding additional materials to the folder and looking into hosting an event for new neighbors.

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

Thank you to all who volunteered at the Mulch Sale. Scott did an amazing job and it was a huge success!  I am getting guest speakers lined up for our meetings. If you have any suggestions or requests please let me know. I also have 2 thank you cards for us to sign for 2 of our long time volunteer members.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –

Please remind your neighbors about becoming members. We need to blast the membership on social media! Mike will start to tally area rankings and advertise that on social media and in the Forester. Let’s staff those food truck events to get more members. We will continue to raise membership awareness in the future months.

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –

  1. Thank you to all who attended the first social event of the year on 5/1 at North YMCA featuring The Peach Cobbler Factory. Next events on May 16th and June 11th! A tent with tables and chairs to be set up at each event so you can enjoy in the shade!
  2. Financial Literacy course on May 29th,10am at North YMCA with State Bank!
  3. Get ready for International Fest July 27th, 2-5p – mark your calendars now – live entertainment (two dance troupes!) and foods to be sampled from across the world! @ North YMCA
  4. Accepting candy donations for 4th of July parade and Trunk or Treat. All donations to Andrea Philipsen, please.
  5. FPCA t-shirts were designed and ordered for all FPCA officers, committee chairs, area reps, and Forester delivery people. We will have extras available for purchase as local FPCA events this summer.

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

  1. NCC is looking for volunteers for the 4th of July parade. Look for info in this Forester or show up at Casa Mezcal on the 3rd Tues. of each month from 7-8 pm.
  2. Columbus Police – we had a small rise in gun shootings and car jacking in the area
  3. Nat’l Night Out – Aug. 6th. We are registered with the YMCA to host. Trevor is applying for grant money for us.
  4. May is National Bike Month – get out and ride.
  5. The CEO from the Columbus Library system is retiring after 30 years. They are doing a national search to replace him.
  6. Northland HS completed a STEM competition in Atlanta, and represented the area and the school system extremely well. Congratulations Vikings! 

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

April 24, 2024 meeting. 2 cases were heard, but neither were in the immediate FP area.

Website Administrators Scott Biggs –  Dave Paul –  

The website continues to be updated with monthly events. Typically, these are also shared on our official FPCA Facebook page and then shared on the Forest Park Neighborhood page. Andrea Philipsen continues to promote FPCA events on Facebook. Ashley Howard has volunteered to help us with social media, including our Instagram account which is not currently updated.


  • Scott Biggs (Area 5 Rep, Mulchmaster) FPCA Mulch Sale Report – May 2024
      1. The 2024 Mulch Sale was a success. We sold 1,140 bags of black mulch and 240 bags of brown mulch. This includes 100 extra bags of black and 50 extra bags of brown that were ordered on delivery day in addition to the online and mailed pre-orders.
      2. Bags were purchased from Ohio Mulch for $2.99 and sold for $5 a bag, which included delivery to Forest Park homes on May 4, 2024.
      3. A lot of people paid the extra PayPal fees online, and some people gave tips or additional contributions.
      4. We ordered 50 extra brown bags and had 30 left over. After a week of slow sales, the last 21 brown bags were sold at a discount to clear the inventory.
      5. In 2025, we will order more extra black bags and fewer extra brown bags.
      6. Special thanks to the people who delivered the mulch and those who used their vehicles to do so. We would like to see more people involved next year.
      7. Thank you to Sequoia Pro Bowl for allowing us to use its parking lot for mulch storage and delivery headquarters.
      8. Thank you to Mary Sguerra who bought 130 bags of mulch and donated them to the FPCA to mulch the landscaped Welcome Islands at Karl Rd. and Sandalwood Blvd.
      9. Thank you to Forest Park east residents Homer and Sandra Santos of Martin’s Dumpster Hauling Services for again donating their time, muscle and large trailer.
      10. Thank you to Forest Park West resident Justin Moegling and his assistant Mike of Moegling Home Remodeling. His large trailer was in use at a job site so he rented a trailer from U-Haul with his own money and they worked all day delivering. He declined reimbursement and said was happy to help.
  • Laura Hayes – Grant Research Committee 
    1. During the budget meeting our president Ed asked if anyone was willing to research grants.
    2. I have found a few people interested in looking into grants we may be eligible for. If anyone else is interested in being involved please text/email me (614-736-8812). We will find a day in June to get together for a few hours to discuss grants. Thanks.
    3. Forest Park Night sponsored by Gabby’s – June 8th, Saturday, 6:00 pm -??, bring a dish to share with people.


  1. Ashley Howard (Satinwood) Helping out with social media. Looking to expand our SM presence (esp. Instagram)
  2. Bob Hinebaugh is so excited and proud to see the young people stepping into all of the FPCA positions, and Bob says, “They are SAVING Forest Park!”

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

2024 Budget Meeting Minutes

2024 FPCA Budget Meeting

17 April 2024

Epworth United Methodist Church

Attendance: Ed Vanasdale (President), Trevor Secord (Vice President), Lou Bernard (Secretary), Cheryl Lutman (Treasurer), Daryl Van Mercetta (Supplemental Security), Mary Sguerra (Public Relations), Rita Woeste (Forester Editor), Andrea Philipsen (Social Committee), Laura Hayes (Welcome Committee), Scott Biggs (Website Administrator)

Meeting called to order at 7:04 PM

  1. Cheryl did a quick review of the budget and asked for questions or suggestions. 
  2. Laura needs money for printing for Welcome Committee
    1. There was $500 raised in 2023 for the Welcome Committee. That money was allocated to the WC for 2024.
    2. Thank you Mark Bell!
  3. Andrea has $500 to spend. If more money is needed, it could be allocated.
    1. National Night Out falls under the Social Committee and is not a separate line item in the budget. 
    2. Trevor will try to secure grant money to increase the FP involvement in NNO.
  4. Mary will be looking into finding someone to cut and maintain the grass at the 2 main island entrances off of Karl Rd. She will look into possible grants to help with the upkeep.
  5. Rita needs $100 for printing supplies for the Forester delivery. It was voted on and passed.
  6. By reallocating some funds, we are left with $641 in the black.
  7. Discussed giving possible discounts for year long ads taken out in the Forester. The Board decided the advertising price is reasonable enough (compared to other places where one could advertise) that discounts do not need to be given.
  8. A discussion was held about trying to find someone to write grants for the FPCA.
  9. The new budget was voted on and approved to be put forth before the members at the next meeting for a vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:32 PM

To see new and revised 2024 budget CLICK HERE.

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: April 9, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 9 April 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:02 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

  1. Thanked everyone for the great turn out and great job at the annual membership stuffing over the weekend.
  2. FPCA Volunteers of the Year: Laura Hayes and Andrea Philipsen for all of the work that they have done over the last year. They will be honored at the NCC Banquet on Tues., April 16th at Villa Milano.

Guest Speaker:

Jamie and Larry Middaugh from “The Peach Cobbler Factory” off of 4691 Morse Rd, Gahanna, OH 43230, Stoneridge Plaza. They are going to be the kickoff food truck of the 2024 Social Activities season on May 1st – 6-8pm at the North YMCA. Come and get your “cobbler flights”. They have cobblers, churros, brownies, etc. We are very excited to have them kick off our summer of fun! We had lots of free samples at the meeting. Yum!!!

Vice President Trevor Secord –  Absent  No Report

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, MS, RW, DVM, KVM, SL, LH, EM, AP, KG
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: TS, CA, DP, SB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 
  • Area Reps Absent: 5, 6, 8, 10, 14 (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 25
  1. Reviewed minutes from March, no changes or corrections were needed, minutes have been approved and were entered into the official records.
  2. Attendance Sheet thru April will be available on the online version of the minutes on the website. Attendance thru April

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1.  A copy of March’s Treasurer’s Report and draft budget are available in the online minutes of the website.
  2. Mulch sales are already starting to roll in, and more are coming. We also received 5 new household memberships. The bulk of our annual mailing printing has been paid, but the last sheets for the mulch sale will be in 2024, and booked as an expense against the sale.
  3. The biggest item of note – we finished the year in the black! We had total income of $31,911.98, and total outflow of $29,151.28, resulting in a balance carry forward of $2,760.70.
  4. Notes for the 2024 – 2025 budget: we need at least 480 household memberships and at least 10 business memberships. If folks have items they want included, now is almost past time to speak up.
  5. A quick shoutout to Mike Stone who figured out how to navigate the new USPS system for our annual mailing. We have some work to do with the post office to get everything the way it should be, but he is definitely the hero of our mailing this year!

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

Forest Park Spring Garage Sale: May 18th. $5.00 to get your ad in the Forester

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. Rita needs to buy bags to stuff the Forester in, money was approved from the budget.
  2. Made a motion to put a 1 month ad in the Forester for Advantage Funeral & Cremation Services by Schoedinger-North as a gift for their services in letting us use their facility for the membership stuffing. The motion was voted on and passed.
  3. May Forester articles are due April 19th. June articles are due May 17th.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

Crime in the greater FP area is down 23% for the first quarter.

See full report in the Forester.

Business Representative 

Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire – Absent

Nothing new. Getting ready to start heading to businesses.


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

  1. Two homes were sold in Forest Park in the month of March, in Area 8 and Area 2. Laura contacted all the area reps to ask if the Welcome Packets that were passed out at the past few meetings were getting distributed.
  2. Laura contributed an article to the annual mailing edition of the Forester (April) about the welcome folder and to encourage neighbors to connect with new residents of the neighborhood.

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

Membership drive envelope stuffing was a success, we had 29 people attend. Thank you all for participating. Extra thanks to Penny and the Advantage Funeral & Cremation Services by Schoedinger-North, for all of their help.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –

  1. Thanked all those involved in the stuffing, especially Katie, Dave, Rita, Lou, Mary, Erin, and Cheryl for all of the behind the scenes prep work. We had 29 volunteers in attendance. It took 2 hours to complete–that’s a record folks! Thanked Andy Hunt for the use of his truck to take all 2800+ membership envelopes to the USPS. 
  2. We will be having drawings throughout the spring for all those who have sent in their membership application (gift cards as prizes.)
  3. People who have sent in their membership will be recognized in the Forester.

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –

  1. Andrea hope you all enjoyed “March Madness” on Facebook – 14 days of Forest Park social event announcements! Please take note of the upcoming events column featured in all upcoming issues and check our neighborhood page on Facebook for all the latest.
  2. Now accepting candy donations for the July 4th parade. Please bring candy donations to the June meeting. Call 614.264.3846, Andrea – for more info or drop off.

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

See NCC report in separate article in the month’s Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

The committee met on March 27th and heard 5 cases. None of the cases pertained to the FP area.

Website Administrators 

Scott Biggs –  Absent       Dave Paul –  Absent

Our website/Facebook page is always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.


Updates on the 2nd Annual Mulch Sale:

Mulch Sale:

  • We have received several online orders and expect many more when the flyer hits mailboxes with the membership mailing. We will need volunteers on Saturday, May 4, from 9 am to about Noon or 1 pm for delivery. 
  • Delivery Central is Sequoia Pro Bowl parking lot at Sandalwood and Yellowwood Dr.
  • We will need: trucks and trailers, physically fit adults and teens, drivers, navigators, lifters, and a few on-site managers to keep everyone coordinated. We will again provide route maps and a list of addresses for delivery crews.
  • If we do not get enough big trailers volunteered, we will rent a Uhaul trailer(s). 
  • Our highest need is physically fit people to load and unload mulch for a few hours.
  • The deadline for orders is Friday, April 19th. The final order is due to Ohio Mulch on April 22nd. 
  • Orders and delivery is limited to Forest Park.


Secretary, Lou Bernard, asked for suggestions for possible guest speakers in the future. He received a list of great ideas, and will coordinate with Erin (Volunteer Coordinator) to begin making contacts.

Meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: March 12, 2024

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 12 March 2024

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:01 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via roll call.


President Ed Vanasdale –

Guest Speaker: Zach Williams, Community Development Officer from State Bank. He spoke on the state affordable housing in central Ohio–affordable housing in the area is a real problem. Interest rates are coming down slowly, mid to high 5’s by the year’s end. There are many programs out there to help first time homebuyers, including many grants. Contact him at 614.336.7779

Social Activities Coordinator, Andrea, discussed financial education events that she and Zach have planned for the upcoming year:

  • Tues., Apr. 23rd, 6:00-6:30 pm, Home Buyers Seminar – Open to the public (free) at the North YMCA
  • Wed., May 29th 10 am, General Financial Literacy – Open to the public (free) at the North YMCA – for adults, teens, all are welcome – discussing types of accounts, credit scores, etc.
  • Tues., June 4th, 6:30 pm, Buyers and Sellers Seminar – Open to the public (free) at the North YMCA

Vice President Trevor Secord –

Trevor had the names for the NCC Volunteers of the Year. Delivered names to the President of FP, nominees will be voted on by the executive board.

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MS, DVM, KVM, LH, EM, MS, AP, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: RW, SL, CA, SB
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 5, 6, 8,10, 13, 14  (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 25
  1. Attendance Sheet thru March available here.
  2. Reviewed minutes from February, two corrections were made: 1) Andrea Philipsen’s name was spelled wrong, and 2) the starting time was written as 8:01 instead of 7:01. Changes were approved, minutes were voted on, approved, and were entered into the official records.

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. One new household membership. 
  2. Expenses were security, Forester printing and bags.
  3. We are trying to figure out how to do bulk mail through the post office’s online account. There does not appear to be a clear way to do it. We cannot limit the mailing to just households in our neighborhood, as the postal routes extend all the way to Cleveland and down to Morse in FP East. In FP West, they cross into Woodward Park, and so the USPS wants to charge for too many pieces. We may need to continue to take the mailing to Citygate, just as we have done.
  4. If any committee chairs have items that they will need money for, please submit requests to Cheryl to make sure they get allocated in the budget.
  5. The February monthly report was voted on and approved.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

  1. FPCA’s “Gather at Gabby’s” is back on! The last Thursday of every month, beginning in March from 6:30-8:00 pm. Join officers, volunteers, and other Forest Park residents for an informal night of socializing at Gabby’s Neighborhood Tavern in Tamarack Circle. Meet neighbors and FPCA representatives, talk about any neighborhood issues or just enjoy a night out. Every last Thursday of each month.
  2. June 8th: Potluck at Gabby’s for FPCA residents. More info to come.
  3. Also, Gabby’s has a grill going every Thursday during the summer at dinner time. Great deals (inexpensive) for a cookout dinner.
  4. FPCA Spring Garage Sale will be May 18th. Look for more info in the Forester.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –  Absent

  1. Deadline for articles is Friday, March 22nd.
  2. A great article for the front page for the April /Membership Issue is needed. Ed said he would write the letter/article.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta –

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

  1. There is a new branch manager for the security company and we will be meeting with him the week of March 18th.
  2. See Block Watch report in the Forester.

Business Representative Sheridan Landon –  Cynthia Alkire –             Both Absent – No Report


Welcome Committee Chair Laura Hayes –

One house sold in Feb. in Area 12. Welcome folder will be put out for the Area Rep. Thanks to all Reps (especially Jane Dean) for helping out, last month there were 10 folders. Area 5 Rep, Scott Biggs, sent word to Laura that he had very positive responses from new homeowners who received the folders he delivered.

Volunteer Coordinator Erin Materu –

  1. Membership Stuffing Day: Happy to report that we have made contact with several people who have agreed to volunteer on Saturday, April 6th at 1:30 pm at Advantage Funeral & Cremation Services by Schoedinger-North at 5554 Karl Rd.
  2. Erin reported that she was granted access to the volunteer email account.

Membership Coordinator  Mike Stone –

  1. Membership Stuffing Day: Saturday, April 6th at 1:30 pm at Advantage Funeral & Cremation Services by Schoedinger-North at 5554 Karl Rd. If you are interested in helping out and spending time with some fun neighbors, please contact Erin or Mike.
  2. Mike thanked many people who were there for streamlining the process even before he took over. 
  3. Dave Paul and others are coordinating an effort to get all of the pieces for the stuffing day printed and gathered up.
  4. Committee Chairs should write an article about what your committee does for this month’s Forester. It is a great time to call for volunteers.
  5. Discussed the issues revolving around the USPS and bulk mailing that he and Cheryl (Treasurer) are trying to work out.
  6. Thanked Andy Hunt for volunteering his truck to drive all the membership envelopes to the USPS. 
  7. The committee will continue to meet in order to come up with new ideas for increasing memberships over the summer.

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen –

  1. Bikes/Trikes volunteers have been organized for the 4th of July Parade.
  2. Andrea has planned 14 events from now until Halloween. Look for a list coming soon. She is always looking for volunteers to help out and give support where/when needed.

Here are a few of the events from FPCA at the North YMCA :

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert –, Trevor Secord –

See NCC column in the Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

3 cases were heard this month (only 2 relative to FP):

  1. Case #1 Application to permit use of existing structure for a shared living facility – Tabled December 2023. 2433 Teakwood Dr., 43229 • The Committee approved (14-2 w/ 1 abstention) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application.
  2. Case #3 Application for a special permit to allow the location of a mobile pop-up store in a parking lot. DHL Express is moving from Columbus Square parking lot to 2400 Corporate Exchange Dr., 43231 • The Committee approved (17-0) a motion to RECOMMEND APPROVAL of the application. (FPCA secretary’s note: This will be across the street from Home Depot/McDonald’s on Cleveland Ave. near I-270).

Website Administrators Scott Biggs –  Dave Paul –

Our website/Facebook page is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!! Please subscribe/follow us.



Cheryl Lutman (Treasurer): Any thoughts on doing a mulch sale in 2024? It was a big hit (but it was a lot of work). The monies we made were a big help to our budget last year. As she works on the budget for 2024-2025, she noted that we could use another home run like that! Lou Bernard said he will contact Scott Biggs and see if he is willing to organize the sale this year. Lou will contact the Board members and Committee Chairs with Scott’s response and see what is needed to move forward. Note: 3-17-2024, Scott Biggs has agreed to head up the mulch sale again. He will be looking for lots of volunteers to help.

Meeting adjourned at 8:01PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA