Join the FPCA at the Northland Community Council’s Annual Cookout on Aug. 8

Join the Forest Park Civic Association at the Dogwood Area of Blendon Woods Metro Park on August 8 for the Northland Community Council’s Annual Cookout. Enjoy a cookout, outdoor games and the park’s walking trails.

There will be no August monthly meeting of the Forest Park Civic Association to allow officers, volunteers and members to attend this NCC cookout. There will be no Block Watch nor Code Meetings, either.

Dinner is at 6:30pm – NCC will provide free burgers, brats, hot dogs, soda, and water. Please bring a side dish to share.

The family-friendly picnic is open to everyone in Northland, including everyone in Forest Park.

The FPCA is a member of the Northland Community Council and several FPCA officers serve as board members.

The Northland Community Council (NCC) is a coalition of civic associations, home-owners associations and other community groups in the Northland area of Columbus, Ohio.

The NCC represents over 130,000 area residents (25-square miles of the City of Columbus) and works with Columbus City Council, the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, and a wide array of other city, county, state and non-profit organizations to continuously enhance the prosperity and quality of life enjoyed throughout the Northland community.

NCC logo

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: July 11, 2023

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 11 July 2023

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @ 7:03 PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call.


President Ed Vanasdale

  1. Discussed the parade and the great time that was had. The Bikes-n-Trikes event was very successful. Thank you to all those that helped or participated. Thanked Catharine Gilbert for helping to organize all the cheerleading groups!
  2. Block Watch and Code Issues meetings are now at new times. Please be aware.
  3. Thanks to Andrea for the great job organizing the Dirty Frank’s Hotdog food truck on Monday.
  4. There will be no August FPCA meetings (Block Watch, Code, and Civic Assoc.). In August, we will attend the NCC Picnic. (See the NCC report below)

Guest Speaker: none

Vice President Trevor Secord

  1. National Night Out event at the North YMCA on Tues., August 1st for the Forest Park Civic Association. The event will be from 5-8pm. There will be food, inflatables and games.
  2. See 11 July NCC meeting report in the Forester. 

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, LB, CL, DVM, SL, SB, AP, RW 
  • At the NCC Meeting: TS, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: MS, MB, AR, ER, KVM
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13
  • Area Reps Absent: 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14 (Area 14 remains vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 23
  1. Reviewed minutes from June, there were a few email errors and typos. They were all corrected on the online version and official record of the minutes.
  2. Attendance Sheet thru July:

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. 109 new household memberships – thank you! Of the 21 coming through PayPal, 17 elected to also pay the fee – thank you!
  2. Additional sums were donated to our functional areas of security, beautification and the Forester – thank you as well!
  3. Advertising revenue for the month was $645.00 – covering approximately 65% of the cost of printing.
  4. Major expenses include US Protection for our security patrols, our annual membership in NCC, the garage sale ad, and the maintenance of the islands. We also paid to print the Forester and Rita ordered bags.
  5. The other major item is the bank assessed a fee of $45.50. It was found out that 5th/3rd is now charging a fee on all checks processed. We are looking for a new bank with lower or no fees.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –  Absent  – no report

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

  1. Next Thursday, July 20, is the deadline for the August Forester, the first week in August will be the delivery date.
  2. Blue Ash still needs to be covered. Lou Bernard and Laura Hayes are now covering routes on the Forester delivery squad. 
  3. Lowell Lutman has been doing a great job getting ads for the Forester.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –, Katie Van Mercetta –  Absent, Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

Don’t forget about the Block Watch meeting at 6:00-6:30 pm before the Civic Association meetings except in Aug. See the complete report in the Forester.

Business Representative Marty Biggs –  Absent Sheridan Landon –  Alan Ray –  Absent

  1. Reached out to Hadler Companies once again and spoke with Mindy. She said she would forward emailed information to the president and expressed interest in a business card size ad, as well. We will follow up again via email next week.
  2. Does anyone know any local business owners that might be interested in a business membership? Or are YOU a local business owner who would like a reasonable place to advertise? Contact Marty Biggs at the above email address.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – Absent

Report by Lou Bernard

  1. We are in the process of bringing back the Welcome Folders for new homeowners. I have been running around this week gathering materials and finding them online to put into the folders. The plan will be that when everything is gathered and ready to go, that we will do a folder stuffing. We will stuff approximately 200+ folders (enough) for the whole year. The committee chair only needs to find the names and addresses of the new homeowners and bring the folders to the meeting or get them to the area reps for delivery. We are hoping to get these back by September at the latest. We feel some of the lack of membership has been because of lag in getting new homeowners to join right away.
  2. We will need 2 things: 1) about 4 or 5 volunteers to help stuff the folders and 2) approximately $300-500 to cover the cost of the printing of the folders and any copies that will go into the folder. There was a discussion about the need for folders. Some members were worried about the cost, then Area 13 Rep, Mark Bell, stepped up and made an offer to match dollar for dollar the amount raised to cover the cost of the supplies and the printing. We collected $165 at the meeting! Thank you to Mark and all those who have donated!!! If you are interested in donating, contact Lou Bernard, Secretary, or Cheryl Lutman, Treasurer. Their emails are in the minutes.

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

  1. Thanks to everyone who was in attendance at the meeting and those who marched in the parade, helped with the parade, and judged the Bikes-n-Trikes.
  2. We received 5 new memberships from members at the Dirty Franks event. We are looking for people to volunteer to sit at the Forest Park Membership table at the Buckeye Shaved Ice event at the YMCA this Friday, July 14.
  3. Prince Pizza is taking over the old Dairy Queen Spot in Tamarack Circle.

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen

  1. Thanked everyone for their support at the Dirty Frank’s event. We need to continue to have a table at all upcoming events. Dirty Frank’s was a success. 60+ people attended. Lou B. & Scott B. had a FP table collecting memberships. Thanks to all who came out!
  2. Upcoming Events:
    • THIS Friday, July 14, 4-6pm Buckeye Shaved Ice at the YMCA
    • Aug 11th (Friday) 8pm: Karaoke at Sequoia Bowl
    • Aug. 21st (Monday) 5-8 pm: Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck at the YMCA 
    • Aug. 26th (Saturday) 7-8:30 pm: Concert on the Driveway at the Dove Household (5785 Lindenwood Rd). For more info, see “The Forest Park Gardener’s” article in this month’s Forester.
    • Aug. 28th (Monday) 8-10 am: Bushel and Bean Coffee Truck at the YMCA
  3. Check Facebook and Forester for upcoming events.

NCC Representatives Ken Gilbert – Trevor Secord –

  1. Catherine Gilbert attended the Stakeholder Open House for the 161 Roundabout Project. She passed out packets from the meeting to those in attendance at the civic association meeting.
  2. NCC Picnic Info: From the Northland Community Council:  Instead of our usual meeting in August, we will be hosting our annual NCC Picnic on August 8th at Blendon Woods Park, Dogwood Area. We have the pavilion for the entire day so feel free to come out early and enjoy all that the park has to offer. Dinner will be served at 6:30. NCC will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and brats, please bring a dish to share. At 7pm we will have a very brief meeting and please be sure that your community is represented as it does count towards attendance. We encourage you to invite your communities to join us for a day of fun and camaraderie. I have attached a flyer for the picnic for your convenience.

See 11 July NCC meeting report in the Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

  1. The old “Olive Garden” or “Buckeye Crazy” has been razed by the owner to sell as land only.
  2. 4 cases were heard, only 1 case pertains to our area: Application to use variance to permit four 40′ x 8′ permanent storage containers to be installed and maintained on the site (it was tabled March 2023). The NCC Committee recommended disapproval.
  3. The old China Dynasty (next to the Chipotle on Rt. 161) is being renovated into a Mexican restaurant. 
  4. Don’t forget about the Development/311 Meeting at 6:30-7:00 pm before the Civic Association meetings. No meetings in August–the next meetings will be held on Tuesday, September 12th. 

Website Administrators Scott Biggs – Dave Paul –  

Our website and Facebook pages are always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check them out!!



Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting Minutes: June 13, 2023

Forest Park Civic Association Meeting

Date: 13 June 2023

Location: Epworth United Methodist Church

Meeting called to order @7:01PM by Ed Vanasdale 

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Attendance was taken via role call.


President Ed Vanasdale

There is a new format for the FPCA meetings see article in this month’s Forester.

  • 6:00-6:30 Block Watch Meeting/Supplemental Security Report (CPD Liaison Officer Dan Yandrich and our Sup. Sec. chairpersons will be in attendance to answer your questions). Police issues will NOT be discussed at the regular FPCA  meeting.
  • 6:30-7:00 Code Enforcement Issues Discussion/NCC Development Report – If you have any questions regarding code issues, i.e. semi-trucks or cars parked on street, neighbor’s grass is uncut, etc., this will be the time to come and talk with the FPCA President and officers concerning those issues. Code issues will NOT be discussed at the regular FPCA meeting.
  • 7:00-8:00 FPCA Meeting The monthly meeting will take place as usual, but the above two items will not be discussed, leaving time for guest speakers and other committee reports, AND ending the meeting at 8:00 pm.

Guest Speaker: Nicole Sochacki

  1. Nicole (Youth Services manager). Keith (head manager) has moved to Canal Winchester branch. He was here for about 10 years.
  2. Summer Reading Challenge has begun. Read and get rewarded. Sign up in person or online. Rewards for adults and for kids.
  3. Music, arts, science, and lots of animals to visit over the summer for the kids.
  4. The New Culture Pass Program. Come and visit the library and get tickets for lots of museums and attractions in the area like the Zoo, Veterans Museum, and Art Museum.
  5. 150th Year Anniversary: Come to the library and get a passport of activities to do – complete the activities for lots of prizes.
  6. There are lots of classes being offered at the library:
  7. If you are interested in mentoring and volunteering, please come and stop by the branch. There are lots of opportunities to volunteer helping people of all ages from kindergarten on up!!

Vice President Trevor Secord

National Night out will be at the North YMCA on August 1st (the first Tues.), more information will be presented at the July meeting and through social media sources.

Secretary Lou Bernard –

  1. Attendance:
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Present: EV, TS, LB, CL, MS, DVM, MB, SL, SB, AP, KG, DP
  • Officers/Committee Chairs Absent: RW, AR, ER, KVM 
  • Area Reps in Attendance: 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 12
  • Area Reps Absent: 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 (Area 14 remain vacant )
  • Total meeting attendance: 28
  1. Reviewed minutes from May, no changes or corrections needed, minutes have been approved and were entered into the official records.
  2. Attendance Sheet thru June:

Treasurer Cheryl Lutman –

  1. We have received 54 household memberships through PayPal with about 3/4 of those paying that way also covering their fees – thank you!! The biggest chunk has been in the mail. We’ve received 160 through the post office, and have a stack of about 25 to process, with more coming in, though they have definitely slowed down.
  2. The biggest expense was the purchase of the mulch ($3700, we had a profit of $1200), followed by the funds on our bulk mail permit.
  3. Advertising revenue this month almost completely covered the cost to print the Forester, so thank you to our advertisers – and to Lowell and Rita for making all the changes to the ads as they’ve happened!
  4. Total income last month:$13,020.17; expenses last month: $6863.98; Net gain: $6156.19
  5. See the financial breakdown spreadsheet in the Forester.

Public Relations Mary Sguerra –

  1. Nice turnout for bowling. Another bowling event will be on: Sept.17th, Sunday
  2. The next community garage sale will be: Sept. 16th, Saturday
  3. We are looking for someone to take over the 4th of July float for the FPCA. She will help, but needs someone to take the lead. Please contact Mary.
  4. The last Thursday of each month, come meet us “Gather at Gabby’s” on Tamarack Circle; 6:30-8:30 pm.

Forester Editor Rita Woeste –

Needs articles by Friday, June 16th.

Supplemental Security Daryl Van Mercetta –

Katie Van Mercetta – kvanmercetta@gmail.comAbsent

Dan Yandrich (CPD Liaison Officer) – 614.645.1418

See report in the Forester.

Business Representative Marty Biggs –  Sheridan Landon –  Alan Ray –  – Absent

Business members have been updated in the Forester. If you see any mistakes, please contact Marty.


Welcome Committee Chair Ellin Ray – eclaire1226@gmail.comAbsent

This committee has been temporarily put on hold in order to study the best way to fulfill this need.

Volunteer Coordinator Scott Biggs –

  1. Welcomed new neighbors and members from Sharon Woods Civic Association to our meeting.
  2. Scott will make sure to get the word out about our new meeting format on social media and the website.
  3. Scott purchased “Slow Down” yard signs for your yard. If you are interested, contact him directly.
  4. Still looking for a volunteer to head up the Bikes-n-Trikes.
  5. People from outside FP wanting to join. There is an Associate Membership level: 
  • In the Constitution: Article III: Section B: Associate Member. Subsequent to full payment of dues in accordance with Article VI, any resident of Forest Park or, at the discretion of the Board, any resident of the Community may become an Associate Member of the FPCA upon agreeing to be bound by its Constitution and Bylaws. Associate Members shall be entitled to all rights of membership in the FPCA, except the right to vote or to become elected or appointed to the Board. 
  • At this time, Associate Members do not get the Forester delivered to them.

Social Activities Andrea Philipsen

  1. July 10th (Monday): 5-8pm: Dirty Franks Hotdog Food Truck – coming to the North YMCA parking lot. Please come hang out and meet your neighbors.
  2. July 14th (Friday) 4-6pm: Shaved Ice Food Truck at the YMCA
  3. Aug 11th (Friday) 8pm: Karaoke at Sequoia Bowl
  4. Aug. 21st (Monday) 5-8 pm: Tortilla Mexican Street Food Truck at the YMCA 
  5. Aug. 26th (Saturday) 7-8:30 pm: Concert on the Driveway at the Dove Household (5785 Lindenwood Rd). For more info, see “The Forest Park Gardener’s” article in this month’s Forester.
  6. Aug. 28th (Monday) 8-10 am: Bushel and Bean Coffee Truck at the YMCA

NCC Representative Ken Gilbert – Trevor Secord –

See column in this month’s Forester.

NCC Development Representative Ed Vanasdale –

Presented by Dave Paul. The city is now having open house discussions about the rest of the Route 161 Roundabout program: they are planning more roundabouts around the 161 access roads. The Open House date is June 29th (Thursday) Karl Library 11-1 and 4:30-6:30. The city website says the completion date for the Maple Canyon portion to be Fall ‘23.

Link to the official letter (online link):

Link to the Comment Form (online link):

Website Administrator Scott Biggs – Dave Paul –  

Our website is always – always being updated with new and upcoming info! Please check it out!!




Lots of questions about speeding/speed bumps and street lights. Those neighbors were invited to come and discuss the issue, but none showed up. If it is important to you, you need to come an make your voice/opinion known.

Meeting adjourned at 8:13 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Lou Bernard, Secretary, FPCA

Project Area

Open House set for second phase of State Rte. 161 roundabout construction projects

Open House for State Route 161 Corridor Improvements – Phase 2 (Ambleside Dr. to Maple Canyon)

The City of Columbus and the Ohio Dept. of Transportation are hosting an Open House to discuss the second phase of proposed improvements to St. Rt. 161 (Dublin-Granville Rd.). This work is planned for the 2026 and 2027 construction seasons.

Phase 2 will include significant road construction, utility relocations, and detours.

Open House for Residents:

Thursday, June 29, 2023
11 am to 1 pm and 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Karl Rd. Library Branch, Meeting Rooms 1 & 2
5590 Karl Rd.

Residents unable to attend can find more information and submit comments at the link below.

The first phase of this project includes current roundabout-related construction work on Karl Rd. and Maple Canyon.

Improvements include:

  • Replace traffic signals at intersections of 161 and Tamarack/Sharon Woods and Beechcroft Rd.
  • Shared use path on the north and south sides of 161 between Ambleside and Maple canyon
  • Improve side streets along Tamarack/Sharon Woods and Beechcroft Rd. (install urban roundabouts, widen and repave streets, replace/install sidewalks, raised median between the roundabouts)
  • Curbs, curb ramps, street lighting, storm sewer improvements.

Project Goals and Needs

The project intends to improve safety and traffic operations while meeting identified needs including:

  • Improving access management
  • Accommodating future developments consistent with the City of Columbus access management standards and guidelines
  • Improving safety at the service road intersections
  • Improve Improving traffic flow

More information is available here:


Block Watch and Code Enforcement meetings will now precede FPCA meetings

We have made changes to our monthly meeting to become more efficient. Block Watch/Security and Code Enforcement/Development now have their own meetings preceding the FPCA meetings every month. Location is Epworth United Church at 5100 Karl Rd. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend all meetings.

Tuesday, June 13 – 6 to 6:30 pm
Block Watch/Security Meeting
Our Columbus Police Liaison officer Dan Yandrich and FPCA Supplemental Security Chair Daryl Van Mercetta will provide updates and take questions prior to the FPCA monthly meeting. Security issues will NOT be discussed at the regular FPCA meeting. If you have any concerns about crime and enforcement issues, THIS is where you get answers and make a difference.

Tuesday, June 13 – 6:30 to 7 pm
Code Enforcement/NCC Development Report
If you have any questions regarding any code issues (semi-trucks, cars parked on street, neighbor’s grass is uncut, etc.), this is the time to come and talk with the FPCA President and NCC Development Commission officers concerning those issues. You also get updates on what is being built around the neighborhood, roundabouts, street lights, speed bumps, traffic changes, etc. Code issues will NOT be discussed at the regular FPCA meeting.

Tuesday, June 13 – FPCA Monthly Meeting – All welcome!
7 to 8 pm – Epworth United Church, 5100 Karl Rd.
Get updates on community events, issues and news. Sit in and watch or get involved. Note the change in security and development reports above.

2022 Parade Float

Join us in the Northland Community Fourth of July Parade

The 59th annual parade, sponsored by the Northland Community Council, has set a 2023 theme of “Stronger Together”.

The parade is the only one in Central Ohio that occurs on the actual Independence Day holiday: Tuesday, July 4th.

The parade begins at 11 a.m. on July 4 in the Home Buys parking lot at Karl Rd. and Morse Rd. and travels north on Karl Road from Morse Road to Dublin-Granville Road (1.7 miles). It includes all of our favorite parade entries, including floats, cars, fire and police vehicles, veterans groups, bands, and others.

Forest Park Civic Associaton Fourth of July Parade 2022

Kids can be in the parade on their bikes, trikes and scooters

Kids can decorate their bikes, tricycles, and scooters and meet us at the parking area in front of the Woodward Park Middle School at 10:30 a.m. on July 4. The Bikes and Trikes will enter the parade when the Forest Park entry reaches the school and will proceed to Dublin-Granville Rd. Kids can exit the parade at Sandalwood Blvd. if they do not want to make the full trip.

The FPCA will present awards based on two themes: “Stronger Together” and “Patriotism”.

Parents or guardians must register participants and sign a waiver on site. Children five years of age and under must be accompanied by a parent or older child during the parade. All children will need to wear a helmet if riding a bicycle.

Help us organize and judge Bikes & Trikes

We need some volunteers to help us. It is a simple and fun job: just show up Woodward Park Middle School at 10:30 a.m. on July 4. If you would like to judge the Bikes & Trikes, email

Help build the FPCA float

We are seeking people to help plan and build our FPCA float and march with our parade entry. Our past entries have collected top awards from the parade organizers and promote our wonderful Forest Park neighborhood. Our 2022 float – designed and built by Mary Sguerra and Randy Via – won the “Best In Theme” award. Email now to help.

Your organization, team or business can be in the parade

The registration fee for Commercial businesses is $85 on or before June 19 and $120 after that date. The registration fee for each politician is $135 on or before June 19 and $170 after that date. There is no registration fee for all other registrants, but the NCC asks you to consider supporting the parade by making a donation to help cover the parade’s expenses. You can also register to be a sponsor of the parade and receive additional recognition.

Find more information and register your entry at

Learn more about the parade at

Photos by Dave Paul.